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OT but... jesscp January 28 2015, 17:56:56 UTC
So a travel deal came through today and it's offering really cheap return flights to a few places, one of those being Dortmund!!

So anyway, how difficult is it to get tickets to see a match? Do you have to attempt to buy them far in advance? I have no idea how it works abroad! If anyone can help I would be eternally grateful, searching on google didn't really help me/answer the question properly!


RE: OT but... jazzypom January 28 2015, 18:07:51 UTC
Have you been to the reddit borussia dortmund

Have you looked online for tickets? They'll sell them on their dedicated website. Nice that you're going to dortmund! Lucky!


RE: OT but... jesscp January 28 2015, 18:14:13 UTC
Thanks for the link! I never go on reddit, I'll take a look tonight!

I remember seeing something on Twitter about the ticketing service for the UK fans would be up and running this month?! I don't know if I dreamt that but it's worth a look.

I really don't know if I'll be going yet sis, I would be going on my own so it would need to be planned to the very last detail as I suffer such bad anxiety when plans aren't 100% - spontaneity is not a word in my dictionary ;) but idk. I feel like I've not done much in my life, not much that I've genuinely enjoyed for myself and I've always wanted to go to a match... So I think I just need to give myself a push!


Re: RE: OT but... jazzypom January 28 2015, 19:07:36 UTC
Try and email or call Dortmund football club directly. I know for football clubs over here (because I'm registered to Spurs) is that you do have to register first, it's good for card details and to have stuff on hand, etc. Then once you register, you can start buying tickets, get details for matches, etc. So yeah, the first thing for tickets, should be to register on the website, and get your name attached to an address, etc ( ... )


RE: OT but... the4thjuliek January 28 2015, 18:13:13 UTC
The BvB ticket website is in German unfortunately but the tickets are cheap!



Re: OT but... barkley January 28 2015, 18:53:27 UTC
If you follow the twitter page, they announce when the tickets are going to go on sale. I think they just announced a sale coming up? I think they go to fanclub first and then open up to the public? However, once that happens, they run out pretty quickly (i.e. that night). At least the ones that aren't in the nose bleed section next to or in the away fan section. and it generally was about a month or a month and a half that the tickets would show up for the game in the online store.

That being said, if you time it right, it's possible to get tickets. :)

They mailed them, but I am not sure if you needed a Germany address for that or not.

Also, in terms of planning, book your hotel that night. I am going to a weekday match next week, and I bought the ticket last week in December. I started scouting hotels last week, and I had to go to like my 50th choice as they were all sold out the night of the match. (perfectly open the night before and after, so I am thinking it's all match-induced hotel stays.)


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