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OP come have a cry on my shoulder jesscp November 27 2014, 09:36:38 UTC

I don't even have enough reason or maturity to feel happy that Arsenal baes got a win, because Dortmund didn't even fucking play properly last night and this worries me so much. We didn't even look like a proper league team, I've seen better displays from little kids playing Sunday football.

I know everyone bangs on BvB being more than just Mats and Marco, but with Both guys out and being injured, last nights display really proved that in my eyes they really do hold this team together. I can't even find appropriate words for it but it was a total shambles. On a positive note, arsenal finally looked like a proper team, but dd they really or were Dortmund just so incapable that it made them look good?! Who knows.

I am fucking side eyeing Klopp to here and Sunday right now, I usually say nothing bad about his tactics because I really like him so much And he has been my guilty older man crush for ages why am I admitting this on the Internet?! But I really don't understand what the fuck he is ( ... )


Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder jazzypom November 27 2014, 09:57:36 UTC
Mate, MAAAAAAAATE, I don't even know anymore.

With Dortmund, yeah, Mats and Marco -two players really shouldn't be the heart of the team. Like, the way how teams are it should be that okay, if two players go down, you have a restive period and then sort it all out. In twelve games, Dortmund hasn't sorted it all out. With the Champions League matches, that was their shining moment - and they're crapping on that too. Ugh, Dortmund, I still have strong love for you but you're killing me.

Liverpool *kiss teeth*.

It's getting to the point wherever I tune in for the Liverpool games, I feel uneasy, stomach queasy, knowing that we're going to make a shambles of it. Like, last night, Liverpool were two up in the first half, and I knew, I just knew that they were going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I'm side eyeing Rodgers, truly, because Suárez left from August, so the whole, missing Suárez issue shouldn't be an issue. He's been gone four months now, stop acting punch drunk and sort it out. Sturridge hasn't played since ( ... )


RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder jesscp November 27 2014, 10:40:25 UTC
WAAAH OP your dedication to Liverpool! I have to say, I don't really follow Liverpool that much, I just know they are having a shit time of it currently and I think the press are slowly getting over the 'let's blame Balotelli for everything' phase ( ... )


Re: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder I jazzypom November 27 2014, 11:18:32 UTC
Why does Rodgers want to play like the Spanish when he is in the EPL.

You asked for it!

In a nutshell, the English style of football can be quite unattractive. You don't really see it in the PL at the moment, because of the foreign coaches bringing their own flavour to the game circa 2005. The English style of football (that you can see markedly in the lower leagues) is characterized by the following: long balls, hoofing it box to box, tackling (although the FA have cracked down on it) and a woeful first touch and passing. In addition, the English tend to grind out a win. You get a goal, and you lock down and protect it, so the (traditional) English games tended to have low scoring (eg. 1-0, 0-0, 2-1) not the blow out scores like they have now.

For Spanish football, it's the opposite. It's more a tactical league, in that they do utilize passing and possession (liiiike Barca and the Basque teams). You find that they have a glorious first touch, and the concept of tackling, or recurso is used as a last resort, as in, when you ( ... )


RE: Re: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder 2 jazzypom November 27 2014, 11:24:11 UTC
I feel like Liverpool and Dortmund could become twin towns and teams right now, they both seem to have players lacking confidence, as well as coaches who seem to have the wrong tactics and no clue. Dortmund are also still suffering injuries - what's the injury situation at Liverpool? There's a reason why tumblr Liverpool supports support Dortmund and vice versa. We *see* each other ( ... )


Major love for OP! jesscp November 27 2014, 13:58:27 UTC
I am sat at work now and I wish I could send across a proper response without looking like I am just sat on my phone all day!... But seriously this is such a good post! Like I know nothing about Spanish football- I don't follow La Liga and I haven't really been into football for very long (parents were never fans) so it's so interesting to read this!

I'm gonna catch Liverpools next game on Saturday, clearly I like torture but I feel I need to understand this team better!

Edit - totally posted this after the wrong comment! But thanks for both your comments, you're so detailed!


RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder itsacoco November 27 2014, 11:22:47 UTC
Imagine being a Bayern or Real fan, aka the easy pain-free, albeit a bit boring life.

Ohhhh, idk about Bayern, but trust me. We know pain. It just doesn't look like it now because we've overcome our obstacles. Keep the faith, BVB and Liverpool fans! I actually like your teams!


RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder jazzypom November 27 2014, 11:33:43 UTC
Dude, there's pain and there's pain. Real Madrid no matter how the hiccough, would never face relegation. Dortmund is facing relegation, and Liverpool seems to be racing to the bottom we're only four points away from the bottom, iirc (that's how clustered the bottom teams are now). At least with Real Madrid as well, there always seemed to be tweaks, and the ship righted - yes, even in the Mourinho days as much as people poo poo him- there were victories and silverware. No matter what, Real Madrid would always be in the top four teams in La Liga ready for Champions League.

Dortmund and Liverpool are not in the same position as Real Madrid and Bayern Munich - we have not been for a while.


RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder itsacoco November 27 2014, 11:50:16 UTC
Well, it's still pain. :p But a different kind of pain. A relative one. One that stems from pride and a refusal to be outdone by Barcelona or Atletico or Bayern.

Idk how else to explain it. It's like the pain of an honor student who's only a few points away from graduating the top of their class. Other students who don't do as well don't really get to sympathize because if they had their grade, they'd be over the moon about it. But the honor student feels differently because it's like... they came so close but still so far. (I am that kind of student, okay. lol. I am an Asian stereotype.)


Re: RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder jazzypom November 27 2014, 11:56:18 UTC
Ehhh, I guess. I can't sympathize.

Relegation means that we might not be able keep our players, because we can't afford them. That we lose money from TV licensing, and the struggle to attract good players who want to come is further compounded if we don't have Champions League football (that's how Liverpool got Atlético to give us Manquillo on loan, and Sevilla to allow Alberto Moreno to leave) soooo... that's some privileged high class blues right there.

Your whinge is about getting another piece silverware, with Barcelona and Bayern Munich, while we're looking at the fact that we might not be able to afford to keep our players if we drop to the relegation zone. SMH.

Sorry, it's just a different set of blues.


RE: Re: RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder itsacoco November 27 2014, 12:24:16 UTC
It is. It is a different set of blues. :/ I'm sorry that it sounds privileged but I just can't dismiss the emotions and frustrations fans and players go through. "Pain-free" just made it sound like we win all the titles and win all the matches and every year is like a year of invincibles. Sorry. :/

But I guess the closest way I can sympathize is speaking as an Arsenal fan? I mean, we're not in the same position as far as the table is concerned but it's like... we have a myriad of talent in the squad so it's frustrating to see the team fuck up a lead so badly. Not to mention being injury-ridden, with players being played out of position, and talent rotting on the bench.


Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder jazzypom November 27 2014, 12:28:18 UTC
Yeah, Arsenal is a study in frustration. But they get to Champions League every year and top four every year, so Wenger must be doing something right? But I will admit, he probably should think about moving on. According to rumors if he hadn't won the FA cup last year, he would have resigned. That being said, I think the directors of the club would want a manager who's there for the long term, like himself and Alex Ferguson- but football managers aren't like that anymore, the game doesn't allow it.


RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: OP come have a cry on my shoulder itsacoco November 27 2014, 12:58:04 UTC
I don't know HOW Fergie did it with the greatest of ease for so many years. Wenger.... for all his frustrating characteristics as a manager when it comes to tactics and transfers... he has his redeeming qualities. He has a good relationship with the lot of them and many revere him (I thought it was sweet that Wilsh and the team wanted to dedicate their win over Anderlecht to Wenger as a birthday present.) It's a good working environment so even when we don't win trophies and we only finish fourth or third, it's good to see so many players stick through it.

I want Wenger's successor, and all future successors, to have that kind of mindset but with a set of tactics that have more bite in it. I admire the emphasis on playing beautiful football but you gotta strike a balance. There's something he's doing right but with the amount of talent we have, there's also something he's doing wrong and he has to work on that.... How great it would be for Arsenal to win the League on his last season as manager, though.


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