bayern catalogue 2010/11 aka STICK TO THE DAY JOB

Sep 28, 2010 22:32

ok so i saw these posted over at bayernmunich, but i think they need a wider audience. i think you'll find they're an interesting alternative to the arsenal post from a few days ago

i'm just going to expand what i posted in the viewing post because i capped some more stuff but most of the caps are from the original post by exsequar SO TY AND ENJOY

first, a small smorgasbord. toni why are you dipping

thomas starts off quite well. awwwwlookathisface

but then he unleashes BLUE STEEL

i'm honestly still trying to work out miro's expression. fear? boredom? lust?

franck knows u want some tho


pls take me seriously as a model ty

mark wonders y u no call

best page:

a) doublebiebs b) my name is philipp and i'm talking to my friend BASTI

i don't even know where to start with this

i think he was going for brooding but instead he just looks like he's lamenting the loss of his MCR cds

tbh mario is the only goddamn one who doesn't make me want to cry from awkwardness. werk dat coat

actually, basti does ok too. maybe they practice together

there's also a TON of random merch. like seriously, if they can stick a bayern logo on it, they're selling it. i did start to lovingly-make a collage of the best bits but my computer died so just imagine:



candles (to set the mood for when you make love under your single-size bayern bedsheets)

sweeties (they taste like mario gomez's tears)

toaster AND toasted-sandwich maker AND eggcups for all of your breakfast needs

teddybea-- OH GOD WHAT IS THIS

honestly, do check out the source. there's plenty more awkward posing to be seen from ALL YOUR FAVE BAYERN PLAYERS!

this has been my first post here.

holy fucking shit, miroslav klose, fashion!, lol europeans, franck ribery, $ £ €, epic, bavarian schwein flu, if the footie career doesn't work out..., league: bundesliga, oh god please no, gqmf, arjen robben, very serious, thomas müller, oh god please yes, club: bayern munich, philipp lahm, mario gómez, bastian schweinsteiger

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