"Dead Island: Riptide is the sequel to Dead Island, the survival horror video game that has players stranded on a tropical island with a zombie outbreak. To promote the game, publishers Deep Silver are offering a special “Zombie Bait Edition” which includes the console game, artwork, a weapons pack, and a statue of a woman’s bikini-clad torso with her head and arms chopped off. And so help me god, they’re comparing it to the Venus de Milo. The graphic image is after the jump [at the
source] and probably NSFW.
So…yup. The special edition is a UK exclusive (hence the Union Jack bikini) and runs for around $160. The torso is 31cm X 18.5cm and Deep Silver claims it’s a ”grotesque take on an iconic Roman marble torso sculpture.” We can only assume they’re referencing the Greek statue of Venus de Milo here. You know, the one whose arms weren’t meant to missing. How about you not compare your vile excuse for a statue with classic art you don’t even understand? Either way, it’s incredibly offensive and leaves me wondering who approved of this idea. Maybe we should be thankful she’s even wearing a top."
Uggggggh sign me up for the never ever ever list. Also, no violence against women tag?