Regarding transvaginal ultrasounds

Mar 20, 2012 16:04

“I do not feel that it is reactionary or even inaccurate to describe an unwanted, non-indicated transvaginal ultrasound as “rape”. If I insert ANY object into ANY orifice without informed consent, it is rape. And coercion of any kind negates consent, informed or otherwise.”

“It is our responsibility, as always, to protect our patients from things that would harm them. Therefore, as physicians, it is our duty to refuse to perform a medical procedure that is not medically indicated. Any medical procedure. Whatever the pseudo-justification.”

Full blog post HERE. It's a very good read, and I'm glad this doctor is speaking up on the issue.

laws/legislation, united states, get your laws off my body, bodily autonomy, rape/sexual assault, abortion

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