Babies love the H.B.I.C.

Jun 13, 2009 15:18

First post, oh em gee.

So I'm babysitting, and after about two hours of coloring with the kid/trying not to get him to color on the table, he gets bored. He plops his two-year-old little self on the couch and gives me a look like "Bench, what are we doing now?"

So flashing back to a bunch of Youtube videos of the same vein, I pull out my iPod and start playing American Idol videos.

Babies. Love. The H.B.I.C.

Kid cuddled straight up on my lap to get the CLOSEST LOOK POSSIBLE. I don't even like kids and I thought this was sofuckingcute. Whenever Adam came on he made happy baby noises, bounced up and down in his seat, and kept poking the screen like, "Look! Look!" He did the same thing for Kris, Anoop... and Paula.


I'd say the kid had good taste, except he actually kind of ran away at one point when Allison was singing and looked a bit terrified, but eventually crawled back. WTF KID. His face for Gokey (and YES I WATCHED) was more or less " '____'

... -___- "

I dunno if there's been posts on this, BUT LET'S TALK ABOUT BABIES AND AMERICAN IDOL, WHAAAT.
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