IDK, y'all can be the judges, but my first (and other than this, only) post was when Danny DM'd Fluffy, so this seems somehow ~appropriate~. ALSO I WAS FORCED AT TWITTERPOINT ENCOURAGED
@ontd_fluffy (the three-headed dog with no community affiliation whatsoever, don't get it twisted!) tweeted this to Allison:
And she responded with this DM
Honestly, I'm mostly excited about this because while Kris (bless his plaid-wrapped heart) is obviously kind of a twitterwhore, and Allison will occasionally RT in order to crush the pathetic and feeble haters under her fabulous spike heels, I haven't heard of her DM-ing anyone before, so we get to feel like special snowflakes for a few minutes (my 6 degrees of separation from Alli has gone down to the square root of 35, yessssss).
Let's make this topical, y'all: if you could get one DM from the Idol of your choice, who would it be from, and what would it say? ONE-FORTY CHARACTERS OR LESS GO.