Jul 24, 2010 19:42

This page will be used to compile all spoilers posted here over the season, organized by episode.

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 6x01    6x02    6x03    6x04    6x05    6x06 

 6x07    6x08    6x09    6x10    6x11    6x12

 6x13    6x14    6x15    6x16    6x17    6x18 

 6x19    6x20    6x21    6x22 

Unknown Episodes | Season-Wide/Character Arcs

= never got its own post (expansions & clarifications)

6x01 Exile on Main Street
    AIRED 9/24/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x02 Two and a Half Men
    AIRED 10/01/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x03 The Third Man
    AIRED 10/08/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x04 Weekend At Bobby's
    AIRED 10/15/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x05 Live Free or Twihard
    AIRED 10/22/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x06 You Can't Handle The Truth
    AIRED 10/29/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x07 Family Matters
    AIRED 11/05/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x08 All Dogs Go To Heaven
    AIRED 11/12/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe
    AIRED 11/19/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x10 Caged Heat
    AIRED 12/03/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x11 Appointment In Samarra
    AIRED 12/10/2010; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x12 Like a Virgin
    AIRED 02/04/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x13 Unforgiven
    AIRED 02/11/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x14 Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
    AIRED 02/18/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x15 The French Mistake
    AIRED 02/25/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x16 And Then There Were None
    AIRED 03/04/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x17 My Heart Will Go On
    AIRED 04/15/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x18 Frontierland
    AIRED 04/22/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x19 Mommy Dearest
    AIRED 04/29/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x20 The Man Who Would Be King
    AIRED 05/06/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.
6x21 Let It Bleed
    AIRED 05/20/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
    AIRED 05/20/2011; ARCHIVED HERE.

+ + + + + + + + +

  • Characters we may see:
    • Chuck [ link]
    • Kali will probably be back, though not right away. [ link]
    • Gabriel will be back! They haven't fully worked out how he'll be brought back (he may be real, may be an incarnation). [ SDCC]
      • [Sera] talks a bit about bringing the Trickster back, but doesn't seem very optimistic about it. [ SDCC]
  • Recurring characters:
    • Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Castiel
    • Crowley will be in a lot of season six. [ link]
    • Lisa Braedon (Cindy Sampson) will be recurring in the first half of the season. [ link]
    • Samuel Campbell (Mitch Pileggi), Sam and Dean’s presumed-dead grandpa. [ link]
    • Christian Campbell (Corin Nemec), Sam and Dean's cousin [ link]
    • Gwen Campbell (Jessica Heafy), Sam and Dean's cousin[ link]
    • Balthazar the angel [ link]
  • The final episodes of the season are dark, dark, dark. No more funny meta eps for the duration. [link]
  • "The last few episodes of the season are very much a team effort. My sense of it is it’s not a lot of us going off on our separate ways. It’s a lot of us working together on the big questions facing us and we answer a few of them - but not all of them." -Beaver [ Paley]
  • "We are going to see a little bit of the landscape in heaven. We’re not going to see any epic battles, but we are going to see Cas acquiring the ultimate heavenly weapon." -Collins [link]
  • Cas is no longer a "wilting flower" / Cas is getting himself into a lot of trouble... [ LACon]
  • Adam will be mentioned again in the second half of S6. [ link]
  • We’ve seen the last of evil Sam…for now. [ link]
  • [post-6x11] "We will see Sam and Dean working more and more together as a team to solve cases, the way we remember them back in the day," Gamble says. [ link]
  • "Certain relationships among the group have some rather climactic shifts. Don’t expect the four of us to all be relating the same way at the end of the season as we were at the beginning." -Beaver [ Paley]
  • The last two episodes are being written as one story/one big ep. [ LACon]
    • Kripke says they initially thought they'd approach two-hour finale as a movie, but now it feels like two episodes. [ Paley]

+ + + + + + + + +

  • Description of Season Six [ link]; UPDATED DESCRIPTION [ LINK]:Together with the help of their friends-father-figure Bobby and fallen Angel Castiel-[Sam and Dean] managed to defeat Michael and Lucifer; managed to defeat Destiny itself. But at a terrible cost. For Sam sacrificed himself…he was imprisoned in the same fiery pit that caged Michael and Lucifer. And Dean, heartbroken and alone, was forced to pick up the pieces of his life. He settled down, unsettled, with a woman - his old flame Lisa and tried to carry on without Sam, who was long gone-or was he?

    And now, it’s a year later. And while time can’t actually heal all wounds, it can sometimes dull the pain. Dean finds himself in one of the strangest situations he’s ever seen (and he’s seen strange): suburbia. Wearing very different hats: a civilian; a construction worker; a good boyfriend to Lisa; a surrogate father to her son Ben. That is, until his past inevitably catches up to him-in the form of Sam, mysteriously freed from his cage in hell. And Sam needs his brother to rejoin the fight, because a new threat is rising in the dark corners and backwoods of America. Not demons or angels this time, but creatures. Vampires. Werewolves. Djinn. And a thousand other freaks. They’re growing in numbers. Breaking old patterns. And leaving a very thick and bloody trail in their wake.

    And Sam isn’t alone. He introduces Dean to a world-a family-he never even knew existed: the Campbells, his mother’s family, lead by none other than their Grandfather Samuel (Mitch Pileggi). They’re a line of hunters that stretches back to the country’s gory start-- they were hacking heads off vampires on the Mayflower. And they want Sam and Dean to carry on the family tradition.

    Though torn between his obligation to his blood and to his surrogate family, Dean is still a gunfighter at heart; and so of course he again picks up his guns. Hitting the road with Sam. No more Bibles, no more prophecies; just a lot of hunting and killing. That is, until the brothers realize that nothing is what it seems-not with the rising tide of carnivorous creatures, and certainly not with each other…
  • Official Season Six Staff List [link]
  • Next season deals with life after the Apocalypse. "We will have lots of meat-and-potatoes closed-ended episodes, and we also have a season-long story arc to weave in" -Gamble [ link]
  • The next season will be like a sequel to a movie. -Kripke [ SDCC]
  • S6 will have a different feel. Grittier, more noir, lots of twists. -Kripke [ SDCC]
  • They're not nixing the religion stuff in the show, but now it's just a part of the of their lives/the story, not the whole story. -Padalecki [ SDCC]
  • "I can say that you won't be seeing [Dean's] amulet any time soon, but I can't necessarily say you'll never see it again." -Gamble [ link]
  • "I THINK THE SHIRTLESSNESS RATIO IS THE SAME [THIS SEASON]." -Gamble [ link] important information!!!
    • "the great undiscovered country of Supernatural is kind of right in front of our face: creatures and monsters. We have had so many creature episodes but we haven’t actually explained where they came from-[similar] to the way we have explored angels and demons." -Kripke [ link]
    • There are more monsters this season than previously. "We really wanna shoot some monsters in the face, so we're [doing that] and for the first time our mythology loops monsters in." -Gamble [ SDCC]
    • Sam and Dean aren't just fighting monsters, they're fighting the "alphas" of the monsters. -Padalecki [ SDCC]
    • We're bringing back all sorts of monsters [...] Something has happened to cause these monsters to act strangely and abnormally. They aren’t following their usual patterns. -Kripke [ SDCC]
    • Cas has something to do with all the monster activity, and so do Heaven and Hell. The season starts out very MOTW but everything ties together in a bigger arc. -Collins [ SDCC]
    • "[Grandpa/Mitch Pileggi]’s representative of the other side of this exploration, which is that Sam and Dean have a family of hunters that they never knew they had. Their grandfather is the head of that family. Remember, it’s not the Winchesters who are famous hunters, it’s the Campbells. And we are saying that the Campbells are part of a time-line of hunters that have been there since the country’s origins. As Sera put it, they were hacking heads of vampires on the Mayflower." -Kripke [ link]
    • There are family members Sam and Dean knew nothing about (not the ones the YED killed!), they're "monster specialists" from a long line of hunters. They only work with each other. -Gamble [ SDCC]
    • Some hunters are comparatively well-adjusted -- they didn't become hunters because they watched their sister get her face ripped off in front of them when they were 10. They were born into it, sort of like Mary Campbell [Winchester] was. That's not quite so psychotic so close to the surface. We're interested in that side of the family. [ link]
    • We hear that it's not a good idea to trust Supernatural's newest hunter, aka Sam and Dean's apparently resurrected grandpa, Samuel Campbell. -Kristin at E! [ link]
  • SAM & DEAN
    • "Eric Kripke assures me that Supernatural will continue to be about the Winchester brothers “on the road together.” That said, Kripke confirms that 'Dean’s situation creates all sorts of angst and conflict. The question [we'll be] exploring is, How can you be a hunter when there are actually people that you care about? I think we will mine it for all of the emotional angst and conflict that we can. But [Lisa] is not - nor is anyone - going to be riding in the backseat of the Impala with Sam or Dean.'" -Ausiello [ link]
    • There will be a deep role reversal between the brothers. Dean is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders with his family, while a disenfranchised Sam comes back and is all business about hunting. Sam will be pretty unsettled. -Edlund [ SDCC]
    • S6 Sam is kind of like S1 Dean. Sam is now more tactically driven than emotionally. (Shoot first, ask questions later; Accepts collateral damage; Makes decisions for the greater good.) He's not evil, but changed. -Padalecki [ SDCC]
    • [Sam] went to Hell for a little bit. Not only Hell, but Lucifer’s cage with an archangel battle [...] -Padalecki [ link]
    • Re: Sam and Dean and relationships -- Dean has a life and a "marriage" (see next spoiler) he's trying to protect, but Sam is in a different state: He comes out of hell "lighter", will "play the field" more than he ever has. -Edlund [ SDCC]
      • they don't have plans to "hook up Sam" with anyone specific this coming season, but "have more plans in that regard with Dean". [ link]
    • Dean is living with Lisa and Ben (12), but they're not married. -Gamble [SDCC]
    • "Dean's driving force has always been his devotion to his family. He puts family above all else. We knew that no matter what his connection was to Lisa, or how wonderful she was, or great the sex was, it's about family. For Dean it's not about wanting to be with Lisa as much as it's about wanting to be part of a family unit." -Gamble [ link]
    • "Our goal is to have Dean be an adult. Dean is like in his early thirties at this point in the series, and also by the way, Lisa is a real character with a point of view, and there’s a child in the mixture who really loves Dean. So it’s a conversation they have to have, and we were interested in if you’ve been in a relationship at any length that has stakes and you’re raising a child and invested…you don’t just pack your sh*t up and go, even if you really have to go!" -Gamble [link] (thanks alwaysenduphere)
    • "I can tell you that [Lisa and Ben] don’t just fall off the face of the earth after episode one, but it’s not what you would call a blissful place of sanctuary for [Dean] throughout the season." -Gamble [ link]
    • In the trailer, there’s a shot of [Dean] hitting [Sam], and that wasn’t edited to look as though it was; that actually happened. So, there are physical confrontations. There are verbal confrontations between the others. But they do have their common denominator, and that is that they’re both hunters, so they get back on the right track, eventually, but there is still a strain in the relationship that has yet to be worked out. -Ackles [ link]
    • Misha Collins will be a series regular, but not in every episode. [ link]
    • Cas is stepping into the role of "boss of heaven." [SDCC]
    • He won't be the "sidekick" to Dean and Sam he was before. He has his own mission which runs parallel to the Winchesters' story, so he's not there exclusively to help them out. [ SDCC]
    • He’s still very much attached to Sam and Dean, and he wants to help them any way he can. He’s a guy who’s being pulled in a lot of different directions.He remains a little bit mysterious at the beginning of the season, but what’s going on with him becomes clearer later on." -Gamble [link] (thanks alwaysenduphere)
    • He's got his hands full and still has a deep personal bond with Sam and Dean and wants to help them. And there are specific things that come up about Sam and Dean that he is very interested in... [ link]
    • His mission this season might run counter to the Winchesters. [ SDCC]
    • Emotionally he is like an angel again, versus the more human Cas at the end of S5. But he's wiser about Earth now. [ SDCC]
    • The friendship between Castiel and Dean will be more complicated, rife with difficulties. [ SDCC]
    • The trenchcoat is back! No Cas makeover. [ SDCC]
    • Cas is still a "fish out of water", the one-liners will be back. [ SDCC]
  • Crowley has more involvement this season. "In essence, he’s running the show on the bad side. He’s going to be one of the big players now because there’s been a collapse in the hierarchy of demon kind. So in essence he’s going to be a power player and he still has all kinds of twisted affection for the boys. So he’ll be making trouble." -Edlund [ SDCC]
  • Chuck will apparently not show up, nor will there be any explanation of his mysterious vanishing act at the end of “Swan Song”. [ link]
  • Jesse the Antichrist: "The Antichrist was a lose thread. We talked about bringing him back, but he's just too powerful. I like him in Australia. I hate loose threads, too - I was hitting Kroatoan for three years trying to bring it back." -Kripke
    He's not ruling out bringing back the Antichrist at some point, as long as they can figure out how to make him into a guy who can't just turn everybody into carrot sticks with a snap of the fingers. [link] (thanks a_way_of_sin)
  • Michael and Lucifer: they're stuck together, fighting, forever, and [Sera Gamble] doesn't seem interested in bringing either of them back, ever. [ link]
  • Missouri could come back next season if they have one. [ link]

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season 6 (ex-spoilers), #spoiler compilation post

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