Character Alignments Page

Nov 13, 2008 14:03

This is information, rosters, etc. on each group in Reggio Calabria.

Monacello | Vescovo | Antimafia Commision | Neutral
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Please include the following information in the reply:

Profession/Specialty: Everyone's got a job, right? Any neutral should include what they do with their life, and Soldati should mention what particular area of crime they excel in.
Commander/Superior: Not everyone's got somebody handing them orders, but whoever does should mention who the special someone is.

Profession/Specialty ► Commander/Superior (if applicable)
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Monacello. ( monacello )
Monacello is a familiar name; those who hear it think of an earlier age, a different brand of criminals. Nonetheless, the current Monacello family is a recent installation. The new don, age unknown, a virtuoso of extraordinary insight and strategic brilliance, worked his way through the ranks of the decaying Monacello family as he endeared himself to the aging don: the young son and heir the old master and his favorite girl never had. No one knows how the current don offed the old man; they only know he did it himself. By the time the few remaining members of the family still loyal to the old boss of bosses realized the wind had shifted, it was too late. With radical ideas and ruthless determination, the don Monacello has hired and won the loyalty of some of the most dangerous criminals on the streets today. Their greatest rival is the Vescovo family.


Capo Famiglia: The Don Monacello. He is often a very busy man, and is seen very rarely. He runs the family only from behind the scenes, leaving him almost untouchable by the normal criminal justice system.

Sotto Capo: (moderator permission required)
The "underboss," and the Capo Famiglia's right hand man (or woman, perhaps). While Don Monacello runs the family, the Sotto Capo is the one who oversees it. It is his duty and his honor to ensure that the family is operating properly, that everyone is kept in line, and that the Don will not be directly involved in anything that would be defined as a criminal act.

The leader of a group of Soldati. The Caporegimes give orders to the "soldiers" of the family. They direct any major undertakings, particularly collecting protection money from clients.

Head Consigliere:
Both the advisor to the Don Monacello and the "leader" of all the other consiglieres of the house. The lifeblood of the family, and the most trusted ear the Don holds, save the Sotto Capo.

Head Contabile:
The bookkeeper and the main accountant for the family. The head contabile is almost always buried in paperwork, but usually has a few underlings to pass it off to.

One of the family's of advisors, often "assigned" to a caporegime, but not always. They are prized members of the family, as their skills with negotiation can be hard to come by.

A family member of the lowest rank. Soldati are the real "face" of the family, the men who are seen on the streets committing the innumerable crimes that have created Monacello's reputation. Soldati are present anywhere there is a higher ranking member of the family, either as bodyguards or as attack dogs. Though some Soldati choose to specialize themselves in one field of crime or another, they are all expected to perform the same tasks.

Vescovo. ( vescovo )
A traditional family, with deep history and even deeper roots. The ultimate definition of "Old School," the Vescovo family offers pedigree while the Monacello family offers prodigy. One must be born into the powerful and prestigious Vescovo name; meanwhile those who are lucky enough to be a part of the great Vescovo household have long been an institution, an age-old authority, both on the streets and underground. To trace the history of the Vescovos would be to trace the history of crime itself to the dawn age of mafia dons, hitmen, prostitution, gambling rings-all the vices that make the world go round and pay for the luxury suites. Bound by honor and protected by their reputations as ruthless tacticians, the Vescovos are proud, having earned the right to pride countless years ago.


Capo Famiglia: The Don Vescovo. Deeply involved in matters of his family, Don Vescovo is carefully raising new heirs to the empire that the Vescovo name has become in its long years.

Sotto Capo: (moderator permission required)
The "underboss," and the Capo Famiglia's right hand man (or woman, perhaps). While Don Vescovo runs the family, the Sotto Capo is the one who nourishes it. It is his duty and his pleasure to ensure that the family is growing and remains strong and honorable, and that the Don will not be directly involved in anything that would be defined as a criminal act.

The leader of a group of Soldati. The Caporegimes give orders to the "soldiers" of the family. They direct any major undertakings, particularly collecting protection money from clients.

Head Consigliere:
Both the advisor to the Don Vescovo and the "leader" of all the other consiglieres of the house. The lifeblood of the family, and the most trusted ear the Don holds, save the Sotto Capo.

Head Contabile:
The bookkeeper and the main accountant for the family. The head contabile is almost always buried in paperwork, but usually has a few underlings to pass it off to.

One of the family's of advisors, often "assigned" to a caporegime, but not always. They are prized members of the family, as their skills with negotiation can be hard to come by.


A family member of the lowest rank. Soldati are the real "face" of the family, the men who are seen on the streets committing the innumerable crimes that have created Vescovo's reputation. Soldati are present anywhere there is a higher ranking member of the family, either as bodyguards or as attack dogs. Though some Soldati choose to specialize themselves in one field of crime or another, they are all expected to perform the same tasks.

Antimafia Commission. ( antimafia )
Perhaps as corrupt as the families themselves, the antimafia commission was initially intended to keep the crime off the streets and the members of the families behind bars. Those members of the antimafia commission who are not meat eaters-who aren't dirty-are keenly aware that they are fighting a losing battle for supremacy and justice in Reggio Calabria. They have lost many of those close to them, and, as both sides vie for newer and better weapons, the antimafia commission has turned to genetic experimentation as a final trump card to combat the Monacello and Vescovo monopolies...


The Inspector: The Inspector is a no-nonsense woman, very dedicated to her job of eradicating the mafia in the city. She has been finding her job tougher and tougher as of late, though she can't quite put her finger on just who is to blame.

Internal Affairs:
The Internal Affairs division oversees the actions of the rest of the AMC. If there is a problem with one of the operatives of lower rank, the Internal Affairs department reviews the case.

The Officers are the heart of the AMC. They initiate contact with foreign governments, check up on AMC operatives, and make sure everything is running efficiently.

The Enforcement division is made up of the men and women who go out into the streets to take down crime. They are fighters, and very competent ones at that. Some are even the results of the AMC's own genetic experiments.

Being an AMC Captain is a challenging job. It takes a great deal of patience, as they rarely get the chance to venture into the field. Instead, they are burdened with an inordinate amount of paperwork. On the plus side, they do have the authority to command the soldiers however they please, within reasonable limits.

Lietenants each command a certain number of soldiers, though only enter the field when it seems more than one group of the footmen will be required. There isn't very much paperwork, just dispatch reports and the like, but many have said the job can get a little boring.

The grunts of the AMC. Soldiers make up the normal police force of the city as well as specialized SWAT teams. They get hurt often, but everyone says that being a soldier is the most excitement someone could get in the entire city. If you like being shot at, anyway.

The Investigations department handles any and all detective work. Crime scene sample collection, data analysis, and undercover cases are all covered.

The Detectives start the main work behind any investigations, sending out on-site CSI crews and telling the analysts what to do. It's the detectives who interpret all the results to arrive at the correct conclusions for the case.

On-site CSI:
On-site CSI operatives go to the actual crime scenes to collect data samples, and make an estimated guess as to what might have happened there. They are sometimes very much in danger in their line of duty, and are made well aware of the fact.

Undercover Ops:
The AMC's most highly trained operatives, masters of espionage, disguise, and combat. Undercover ops are assigned to the toughest infiltration jobs, and their lives are constantly in danger. They are amazing actors, able to fool all but the keenest minds with very little effort.

Research and Development:
The AMC's questionable genetics department, which also houses some as biomedical engineers. This is the department responsible for most, if not all, of the genetic mutants in Reggio Calabria. They are tested on, sometimes for a specific purpose, sometimes just to push the limits of science. The conditions are inhuman at best, and the engineers and techs often see subjects more as lab rats than as human beings.

The main members of the research groups. Often, they are called unfeeling, though whether that is true or not of any given individual isn't black and white. They do, however, take their work very seriously. They are the main researchers, but don't always perform the experiments themselves.

The technicians build the projects and carry out the experiments that the engineers have devised. Their job is sometimes very cruel, or very hard, but that doesn't stop them from working to get a paycheck.

Department of Weapons Assessment and Health:
The DWAH is the oversight team for the R&D department, and also houses on-location medical care for AMC operatives and crime victims.

AMC doctors work closely with the engineers, to ensure survival of experiment subjects. In addition, they serve as physicians, surgeons, or specialty doctors, and there are plenty to fill each important role.

The nurses serve the same jobs they would in any normal medical field. They prescreen the patients, administer medications, and perform check-ups.

Neutral. ( none )
Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Those who are considered neutral are in fact the drug dealers, money launderers and assassins, among others, who populate the streets of Reggio Calabria. They are neither Monacello nor Vescovo, though they may be associated with one of the other, minor houses. The term "neutral" does not preclude any kind of personal grudges or vendettas; but for whatever reason, the neutral are those necessary scum who have refused to take a major side, and seek, in their own ways, to profit from the race for power.


The men and women who make up Reggio Calabria. Some masquerade in a normal life, but are really thieves or mafia informants. Or perhaps they're circus performers, who knows?

Drugs, information, weapons. They've all got a price, and the dealers of Reggio Calabria are selling.

There are few men as good at their job as Reggio Calabria's mercenaries. Bodyguard, hit, assassination--you need it, one of these punks'll take your money and do all the gritty parts for you. Works out for everyone. And your nice new suit is still all sparkly clean.

Few four-letter words describe your job as elegantly. And anyone who uses another will feel the wrath of a thousand angry (and underpaid) prostitutes at a flick of the fingertips. Or one of Reggio Calabria's most elaborate diamond canes. It'll teach 'em proper respect either way.

Money? For sex? Who wouldn't be all over that, in a city where so much illegal activity is already going on? A little sex never hurt anyone. Nice, cushy bed, three full meals a day, and a Madam who couldn't be less like your mother if she was a well-groomed poodle wearing a terrible wig. Pretty nice lifestyle, overall. Certainly better than those dingy streets.

Shop Owner:
Who doesn't love shopping? The theater? A nice restaurant? Or, conversely, a burger joint? Reggio Calabria's got them too, though how many are owned by real people and how many are owned by the mafia no one will ever really know. That's right, The Mafia, you're not real people.

Let's just face facts. People in a city this ugly get banged up. A lot. Whether it's out of the goodness of their hearts or the unfathomable depths of their greed, there are men and women in Reggio Calabria willing to patch you up.

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