(no subject)

Aug 10, 2008 19:29

WHO: Luffy D. Monkey, Probably Caiman, anyone else who wants to wander in
WHAT: Luffy is in the hospital
WHERE: Reggio Calabria University Hospital
WHEN: Day 87, after this

The patient in room 366 had been no end of trouble for the staff of the humble research hospital. He'd come in, critical condition with stab wounds, young people coming in missing most their blood with the addition of several holes was always a problem. Finding out he was the recipent of genetic modification at some point in his life turned an already tense response into hell.

Reduced to a blank slate on which medications would work, which would be null, and which would react badly, not the mention the fact this boy was now incompatible with every kind of blood they had. Even plasma was risky now. They found out the hard way that anesthesia didn't last long on the boy, he woke up on the table and started struggling against everyone trying to save him. He had to be restrained, then re-restrained when they found out he was very good at slipping free.

Once he was able to be put in a room to rest, he remained agitated. It looked cruel how tight the restraints around his limbs and across his chest were, but it was a small indignity compared to the failure Luffy was feeling right now. Being in a hospital was like hell, too close to the labs. The anxiety battled against his desire to sleep and recover, he hated the nurses that came in and out and he tried to bite the doctor who just wanted to pat him on the head.

He wanted to get loose and run far, far away, find a little hole and hide until he recovered.

jacob black, caiman, luffy d monkey

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