[ Closed / Three Pissed-Off Parakeets ]

Aug 10, 2008 17:55

WHO: Tieria Erde, Lockon Stratos, Axel
WHAT: Figuring out what the hell to do.
WHERE: Tieria's flat, non-Vescovo, not on the books
WHEN: Late, day 90.

Tieria arrived at his flat around 21:00, shoving the door open with slightly more force than necessary.

When he walked in to see that his sitting room had, apparently, been turned into a military lodging district, furniture pushed to the walls to leave space for some weapon-seeming monstrosity, he cared rather less than he should have.

In fact, his thoughts were, "My flat is a mess." Perhaps not the most relevant aspect.

Rather than continuing to question this, or even going over a mental list of who knew about this apartment and/or had the key -- Lockon -- he simply went to an inconspicuous portrait of the city skyline and pulled it from the wall, revealing a code-enter platform. Entering the code, a bizarre mix of things, he stepped back to allow for the titanium boxes inside to be revealed.

One by one, he opened the boxes and started assembling what was inside them.

What was inside them? The biggest goddamn computer Tieria had ever managed to create. And the most powerful. He had been stopped cold long enough.

lockon stratos, tieria erde, axel

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