Humanity [complete]

Aug 07, 2008 21:31

WHO: Jinx (
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n.a.o.e.2 jinx, alba meira

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diavolodellalba August 8 2008, 07:01:49 UTC
The engine roared as the car made another squealing turn, Alba offering no apologies to his favored car for driving her so hard. Right now, he had something more important on his mind. Someone. "Naoe," he muttered to himself. Jinx's designation, along with her brother. Two children, experimented on to create living weapons for a fated house. Children. Sure, Alba and Soiree had been genetically modified, too, but they more or less volunteered for it. Alba knew that Jinx and her brother hadn't been afforded the same luxury ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 8 2008, 07:41:29 UTC
Every time something else exploded, she screamed and shrank back. She always seemed to be amused by her own powers, making fun of the bad luck that happened, using it to her own advantage. The lack of control made things more interesting and it helped her in her chaotic ways. But times like these, the times that people rarely lived after seeing, it was obvious what her true feelings were. Her lack of control at this level frightened her, terrified the girl more than any physical injury or other situation ever could. There she was, in the middle of the disaster, her sobbing begging herself to stop. But it would not cease. Her head pounded and she could feel the blood, knowing that she was just shortening her lifespan by days, weeks, every moment this power surge continued on ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 8 2008, 08:46:13 UTC
He couldn't quite take in what he was seeing. Sure, the Meiras had seen Jinx have fits before, minor episodes of her powers starting to go out of control, but there had always been someone there, either to talk her down, or sedate her if things got too far out of hand. This, on the other hand, was a full-blown situation, and Alba was both awed by the sheer power Jinx had inside her, and scared for her safety, despite the calm directly surrounding her. All he knew was that she was bleeding, and crying. Two things that were not sitting well with the young man. He darted forward, against the current of power between them, and felt his body buffeted by energy he couldn't begin to comprehend ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 8 2008, 09:23:47 UTC
She felt sick, like her head was going to burst from the inside out. Like her brain was too big for her head, like it was trying to escape through her ears and nose. There was blood in her tears now, only enough to tint it pink, which made no difference since her eyes were glowing so brightly. The last time her powers went out of control, it turned out badly as well, but not this destructive. She managed to nearly destroy Billy and Teddy's kitchen, break nearly every lightbulb in their apartment and implode the television. But she was stopped through strangulation from Teddy after he turned green. That was the worst for a while, though. It had not been this bad in years. Even when she fought Sebastian and was intentionally causing damage, it was not this bad until she tore down the building ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 8 2008, 11:56:11 UTC
It was harsh, the way his side burned at him, and he grimaced at the pain, but he kept facing forward, straining to hear Jinx's mutterings. All he could make out were names, Brother, Gin, Papa, Shunsui... Then he heard the her muttering like earlier, about being left, about being hated, about not being a good girl. He shook his head, wanting to call out again, when the ground ahead of him ripped. The vibrations almost brought him off his feet, and he looked ready to make a leap of faith for anywhere other than where he was standing, when he heard Jinx scream. His head snapped up, and he saw her, saw her powers stop the rift... and saw it come back at her.

"JINX!" Damn his ribs, and damn this whirlwind (or what was left of it), and damn the explosions, and damn him for not getting here faster. He would be damning himself until the end of the world if he could, as long as she was all right when he got there. He ran forward, skirting the crag that had been heading for him, until he came to an awkward stop where Jinx lay, almost falling ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 8 2008, 22:39:33 UTC
There was movement by her and she suddenly felt as if someone was beside her, talking to her. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not understand what he was saying. Maybe it had something to do with how she clutched her arms so tightly over her head as if it were the only thing keeping her skull together. There was a touch on her shoulder and she cried out, squeaking, curling up more into herself if it were even possible. She continued to sob and tremble as she continued to mutter the same things over and over again. He continued to speak, and when he touched her she continued to shrink away. And when she was suddenly scooped up into his arms, she twisted and half screamed, tangling her own fingers through her hair. More of the rubble around them stirred, but nothing hit them ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 9 2008, 08:02:49 UTC
He simply watched as she clung to him, like he was fading fast and would disappear... or maybe that's how she was feeling. Her life had been nothing but chaos and pain, on a level that he could never even begin to understand, nor did he really want to, honestly. But he simply held her closer, letting her talk, mumble, mutter and cry into him. He shook his head, his eyebrows knit in frustration and sadness. How could anyone do this to a child? He took his eyes off of her, glancing around at the husk of that family's compound. This is what you earned, bastards.He leaned down close, kissing Jinx's forehead as she had to him, many times in the past. "Shh... shhhh..." His lips curved slightly, giving her a smile, if a sad one. "I'm not going anywhere, Jinx." He huddled over her a little more, almost enveloping her with his body, though much differently from the last time. "You're stuck with me forever, you know that... I'm not gonna leave you." He wasn't, either. Sure, Alba had pledged loyalty to the house of Monacello, but above the house ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 9 2008, 09:01:58 UTC
The past while had been spent with her world literally crashing down around her. Walls had fallen, the ground had crumbled and there was no pane of glass within their vision that was left unscathed. When she had just been trying to help the AMC in apprehending a madman, she had angered them, she had done something terribly wrong. When finally, for once, she felt like she was doing the right thing, she learned that she was completely in the wrong. Everything she knew was laid out before her and was denied by the new path she stumbled over and clung to for dear life. For the first ten years of her life, she was mutilated, told what to do every second of the day, locked down every night, fed when they decided it was time, screamed at every time she made one mistake. For the latter ten, she did as she pleased, yet still with the motive to please others. She fought for stability in her life, cried out for attention from a man who threw her away, needed to protect, needed to have that one person in her life who she could die for and meet an ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 9 2008, 10:18:20 UTC
Looking into her frightened, bloodied eyes... hearing her talk that way... Alba fought harder against the burning feeling behind his own eyes. He'd heard her talk about being on a ticking clock; about how she wouldn't live past thirty, if then. He always figured it was a comment about the work she did; when you're an assassin, death is a very real eventuality. But what she was saying now... killing her? "You... you can't get rid of me that easily, Jinx... You can't scare me off." He shook his head. "I won't let you go, Jinx. I won't. You're family. You're my best friend. You mean so much..." He felt it roll down his cheek. "I... I'll never leave you, no matter what you say... or do... or anything." It hung off his chin before falling, gently dropping against her own stained face. He took another deep breath, fighting with himself to keep from crying outright ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 9 2008, 11:47:48 UTC
As he spoke to her, she put forth all of her effort to listen, to focus, to be able to clear her mind from what it was screaming and move onto what was actually happening. The face of her brother, her best friend, the boy she had grown into an adult with, the man who looked just as scared as she felt. In his pauses, she heard him almost choking as he may have been fighting with himself not to break down to her state. Trying to listen to his words, every last one and actually understand the sentences, she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes tightly, almost whimpering as she nodded in reply. Something fell onto her cheek and she opened her pink eyes once more, confused. There was a wet trail down Alba's cheek from the tear, enough to help her fight toward sanity. She placed her head to his neck once again, burying it there, her hands groping at his back, and in a voice barely above a whisper, she managed a clear sentence, four words, "I love you, tooThe deep scent of leather calmed her, wrapping around her like his arms so tightly, ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 9 2008, 22:47:24 UTC
"You made them go away," Alba corrected. "I didn't do anything, Jinx... you're the special one here." He adjusted in his seat before shifting the car into gear, pulling away from the ruined manor. The place was no good for anyone sane, let alone someone like the psychological mess in his lap. Nothing but tortured ghosts and nightmares resided in this place, and Alba had enough of those as it was. It was time to go ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 10 2008, 00:04:23 UTC
Hearing those words, her tears began to slow and a small, sad smile came over her bloodied face. Choking on the residual sobs, she spoke as coherently as she could manage, "I-I'm a special girl? I... I'm special... special girl..." Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, believed to be caused by psychological trauma. The sources of this trauma was physical and emotional abuse for all the nineteen years of her life. Even in the outside world, away from being an experiment, Gin treated her as his plaything, enjoying her for brief times, then throwing her against walls and screaming when he was not pleased. And each time, no matter what the situation, she blamed herself. She had been an assassin since the tender age of eleven and killed men, cut them apart slowly, without so much as flinching. The first man she ever killed was at the age of 8, her own father who was her "therapist," pulling the switches each time she was electrocuted while strapped down on a gurney, gagged and fighting for her life. For fun, her bones were shattered and put back ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 10 2008, 01:49:32 UTC
"Hm." Alba knew she didn't want to trouble him, but he ignored it. Filling a cup with water from the tap, he set it on the edge of the tub next to her, along with two bright orange tablets. "It'll help at least." Taking the rest of the makeshift first aid and laying it on the lid of the toilet, he leaned over her, grasping the bottom of her dress. "Here, arms up." Pulling it up over her head, he tightened his lips, looking over the damage. Her arm was the worst, the huge gash rather obvious, but she had some minor cuts around too. Unlacing her boots and pulling them off, he rolled off the shredded leggings, careful to avoid most of her scrapes as he went ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday August 10 2008, 02:54:34 UTC
Now that she could take in what was going on at the proper speed, now that she could understand what he was saying and comprehend the situation, she tried to shirt back to herself. She tried to be cynical about what was going on, tried to act like she was not bothered, like she could handle herself. When the water and pills was sat down next to her, she picked up the cup, splashing some around from how badly her hands were shaking. Reaching for the pills, she accidentally knocked one into the tub and it took her more than one try to be able to pick it back up. Finally, she was able to swing them back, taking a long drink of the water. Though not able to control her breathing all that well, she began to cough and sputter. The action made her head pound and she cringed, dropping the cup onto herself as she put her arms over her head, once more feeling the need to try and keep her skull together ( ... )


diavolodellalba August 10 2008, 08:22:32 UTC
Taking the water cup from her, he stood from dabbing at her legs, and turned to refill it in the same motion. Her timing was impeccable, as his side flashed with pain as she asked the question, aggravated by the twist he'd just made. Slowly, he finished turning to the sink, filling the cup only to empty it himself, popping a couple of pills of his own. "Yeah..." he muttered out of the grunt he gave beforehand. "...just got hit with something." His hand gently pressed on his ribs, and he sucked in another breath, grimacing. "...think I broke a rib." He sighed, refilling the cup again and bringing it back to Jinx. "Here, drink up. You've lost enough blood to worry about ( ... )


1/2 hexyoutotuesday August 10 2008, 09:32:32 UTC
As much as she could through the burning of her tears, she watched him move, seeing the pain when he twisted. Worried, she moved a bit away from her corner of safety and brought a shaking hand to the edge of the tub. "You... you got hurt... you got hurt be-because of me." Hearing what had happened, she began to shrink back. "I did that. I hurt you... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... that's bad... I'm sorry..." But he came back to her anyway, handing her something, the cup of water again. Her hands, normally steady as a surgeon's, could barely hold the cup at a level where it would not spill. Luckily, water was nothing new to this bathtub. And despite spilling some of it down the front of her, coughing at every swallow since her breathing would still not keep on time, she managed to actually get down a good half of the cup. It was emptied now, either into her mouth or over it, and as she attempted to set it back down on the edge of the bathtub, she ended up knocking it onto the floor ( ... )


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