Broken [Closed, In Progress]

Aug 04, 2008 22:30

WHO: Red X and Rikku
WHAT: A thieves' reunion under... unexpected circumstances
WHERE: X's suite
WHEN: Sunday night

The mask can't hold forever... )

rikku, red x

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cunningness August 5 2008, 15:27:16 UTC
Being angry at him for leaving like that would have been stupid-she had pulled the same exact thing too many times to count, and she would've been a hypocrite to get mad over it. She wasn't even mad at him for pushing himself past his limit even when he knew he shouldn't have. In fact, she wasn't mad at him at all. More mad at herself for caring that he'd left and that he'd pushed his limit and mad at herself for not being mad at him. It was a tricky thing to deal with, but she knew she was more than capable of doing so.

What she wasn't capable of was figuring out just why his apology for doing all that shit stung more than it appeased. But a little below the surface, she knew it hadn't been just an apology to her, and if there was one thing constant about the Al Bhed it was that she was a possessive, jealous creature at times and had never been the best at sharing. But she forced herself to see that he wasn't hers to share, that she had no claim, that they were just business partners, and so she told herself she was over it because ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 6 2008, 05:28:21 UTC
Hearing the knock despite its faintness, Red X staggered to his feet, and, slowly but surely made his way to the door. Though pain shot through his limbs like fire, he was getting used to it, even though it was a bit worse since he took himself off of the Vicodin. Still, this was Rikku, and she had said she wasn't okay, and he was guessing it was over more than just what happened to Kairi and his own disappearance. She needed him just as much as he needed her now, and, after having let her down by disappearing like that, he wasn't about to let her down again if he could help it at all ( ... )


cunningness August 6 2008, 19:00:43 UTC
The wait for the door to open-which seemed like hours rather than seconds-gave her plenty of time to think, mostly about what, exactly, she was doing. Because she knew that whichever way she looked at this, it was more for herself than for him, if even by a tiny bit. Because he was in pretty rough shape, she was sure, and she should have been there to make him feel better, not vice versa. And that knowledge was a slap in the face for her, because she knew how wrong it was. She was selfish by nature, but this might have been overstepping those faint, hardly-there boundaries.

And then when he opened the door and she saw him there, everything rapidly flipped around and suddenly she was there to make him feel better, because he sure as hell needed it.

Automatically, she reached out with gloved hands to grip his arms and steady him. He was horribly, terribly freezing cold, but she was the one shaking as she stood there in the doorway, just staring at him. "You look like you were just run over by a bus," she said without thinking; the ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 9 2008, 08:04:23 UTC
"Well, not that bad."

Though there was that one guy with the suit that made him hit like a bus. Not that he was about to tell her that.

"It was a lot more fun, since I got to hit back."

He managed not to wince into the smile as her hands gripped his arms. The suit was operated by a neuro-interface, so when the blowback hit, it hit all of his nerves, making him incredibly sensitive everywhere. Which, when he thought about it, might've been fun-- especially with Rikku-- were it not for the fact that his body ached like hell on the inside and felt raw as if his own skin had been flayed off of him on the outside. The Vicodin had done enough to make clothes and light human contact bearable ( ... )


cunningness August 9 2008, 15:22:46 UTC
Yes, that bad. But she didn't say it aloud, because then he might get offended and he was in no condition for that. Instead she gave a crooked smile, loosening her grip but shuffling a few inches closer so that she could catch him in case he fell-Shiva knew he looked about ready to. Falling on the hard ground probably wasn’t the best medicine for him at the moment. "You'd better have hit them hard," she chided managing to keep the smile on her face by sheer will-power alone.

Because the second she'd seen him, really seen him, she knew she wouldn't be able to just duck out once he'd fallen asleep. In this state, she didn't think he'd appreciate waking up alone, because she knew she'd have thrown a fit if such a thing happened to her. It just wasn't right, even by her less-than-moral standards. The blonde girl was already preparing herself mentally for a long night of sitting up against the wall, drinking caffeine and making sure he didn't regain consciousness before he was supposed to ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 16 2008, 17:05:19 UTC
"With everything I had."

Which was the truth. He had to, after all. They had better tech, and they outnumbered him four to one. Only his experience and cunning had saved him from being dead instead of just messed up. And here he thought Reggio Calabria was the only place for freaks. It was starting to look like super-powered freaks were going to start popping up just about everywhere...

Something like a blush-- which he'd never admit to-- crossed his cheeks. This was not how he usually invited girls to his bed, and never before when he'd done so had he felt so... pathetic. Yes, he'd been through hell. Yes, she was here to help. No, he shouldn't find this so embarrassing-- after all, everyone screwed up sometime. But this was the side of him he so rarely let others see-- weak, vulnerable, human. Not exactly the shining paragon of an attractive male ( ... )


cunningness August 16 2008, 21:39:53 UTC
If everything he had left him in this state, she didn't know what to do with him. Either beat his ass-once he was better-for having to stretch himself so thin, or congratulate him simply because he was able to. Shiva knew she might have copped out and run, but then, saving her own ass had always been pretty high on her list of things to do. Then again, she had never been chased by members of an ex-guild, because she had never been part of a guild before. Doing so seemed to have far too many strings for her liking, and being told that she had to do something whether or not she wanted to wasn't her idea of a good time ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 17 2008, 05:23:54 UTC
"Really? I'm glad... from the sound of things, I'd been worried you'd been roughed up, too..."

At the sleeping bit, his smile did gain just a little bit of a playful edge, and a devilish glint may just have come to his eye. Tempting. So very tempting. However raw his nerves were.

"Not getting much sleep, though? Never would have figured that would be a problem for you."

And, naturally, the second he decided maybe he could fight through how badly screwed up he was, his body decided to give out on him, the arms holding him up surrendering, and, suddenly, he was flat on his back, staring at the ceiling instead of Rikku. Wonderful. Well, at least the bed was soft.

With a frustrated sigh, X rolled himself onto his side so he was facing Rikku, brow furrowed and mouth screwed up into an unhappy, almost childish pout.

"Sorry. Still not used to this."


cunningness August 17 2008, 15:32:01 UTC
The tiniest grin tugged at the corners of her lips, and she gave a half-shrug, adjusting one arm into the light so he could see the almost-invisible, wire-thin scars that traced up and down her forearm. "I get roughed up all the time. It happens in my-our line of work, and in the garage," she explained easily. "I just don't let other people know about it." Which was a real accomplishment for her; Shiva knew she had a hard enough time keeping her mouth shut when it really mattered ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 17 2008, 18:28:24 UTC
He resisted the urge to reach out and touch the scars. In a way, they were pretty, like tattoos, only with more significance, in a way, because it was a testament to who she was and what she did. He figured it was a mark of trust that she showed him them, when she usually kept her arms covered. He wasn't going to betray that trust by making any more of it than she wanted to be made. Still, he couldn't help but smile a little as he watched how the light played off them before returning his gaze to her swirled eyes. Well, he might have made a stop at her chest first, and he was sure she wouldn't miss that, but he tried not to overstay his welcome ( ... )


cunningness August 17 2008, 18:58:09 UTC
The fact that he took the opportunity to ogle her let her know that he was going to be just fine and that her worrying, while not unfounded, was more intense than it should have been ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 18 2008, 05:32:13 UTC
"Never figured you to be the type to let the public sway you that much ( ... )


cunningness August 18 2008, 15:04:28 UTC
A smile crossed her lips, and she let out a low, trilling laugh. "It's more like I tend to sway the public. Keeping them happy keeps them off my back." If the general public thought she just liked to play around and happened to be good with a wrench, so be it. Made her life a hell of a lot easier in the long run ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 18 2008, 22:14:08 UTC
Violence. War. Loss. It sounded far too much like almost all the other stories he had heard in Reggio Calabria. Heartbreaking all, even from the sweetest and most innocent of souls. And though Rikku was hardly the sweetest or most innocent, here she was, caring for him, trusting him, even after all she and her people had suffered at the hands of outsiders ( ... )


cunningness August 19 2008, 01:10:53 UTC
The sharp knowledge that she still was, and would always be, different from people like X hurt more than she would ever let on, but being an outcast was an art which she had mastered long ago. It was a way of life, the way she had been raised, the way she would die. Fitting in meant dying her hair and buying specialized contacts, and those façades only worked for so long. It was demeaning to hide like that-she was by no means ashamed of her ethnicity, of her beliefs, but others thought she should be. It was almost easier to go along with what they wanted, just so she wouldn't have to think about how she shouldn't.

The young thief's nose twitched and she bit the inside of her cheek. I'm sorry. How many times had she heard those words? Only Shiva knew. How many times had they been sincere? Certainly not enough. She could hardly even tell anymore when someone meant it, but here he was, and she was almost positive that he did mean it, was serious. It was more important to her than she was willing to admit, though he probably deserved to ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 21 2008, 15:42:11 UTC
X was a joker, a trickster, and even a clown at times. But he wouldn't lie to his friends like that, not on stuff like this. And especially not to her, after what she'd been through. Still, even roughed up as he was, he didn't miss Rikku's reaction: hesitation. It wasn't outright rejection of his words, but, at the same time... At the same time, after what she had been through, he couldn't blame her. Even if she trusted him enough to tell him all this, well, she'd been through a lot, and he was an outsider, an outsider whom she had known for a while, who had disappeared on her, and came back like this. He couldn't blame her... but he was going to do better ( ... )


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