Broken [Closed, In Progress]

Aug 04, 2008 22:30

WHO: Red X and Rikku
WHAT: A thieves' reunion under... unexpected circumstances
WHERE: X's suite
WHEN: Sunday night

The mask can't hold forever... )

rikku, red x

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crimson_rogue_x August 9 2008, 08:04:23 UTC
"Well, not that bad."

Though there was that one guy with the suit that made him hit like a bus. Not that he was about to tell her that.

"It was a lot more fun, since I got to hit back."

He managed not to wince into the smile as her hands gripped his arms. The suit was operated by a neuro-interface, so when the blowback hit, it hit all of his nerves, making him incredibly sensitive everywhere. Which, when he thought about it, might've been fun-- especially with Rikku-- were it not for the fact that his body ached like hell on the inside and felt raw as if his own skin had been flayed off of him on the outside. The Vicodin had done enough to make clothes and light human contact bearable.

But, then, this was Rikku. He could take it. Besides, it was... nice. Seeing her again. Seeing her whole, no limp, no maybe not smiling, but... okay. Rikku was okay.

"Got found. Bound to happen sooner or later, I guess. Just didn't think they'd pull out the stops like they did.

"Come on. Sofa's comfy, if you don't mind the fact that I'll probably collapse on it. Just tell me if you'd rather more room, though."

Which, of course, would be the bed. And almost any other time, he would have said it outright, a playful grin on his face. But she was worried, and he felt like hell, and a stunt like that was probably the last thing either of them needed. So, if she chose it, sure, that'd work, he just... didn't want her to misinterpret and slug him in the jaw. Because that would really have sucked, right about now.


cunningness August 9 2008, 15:22:46 UTC
Yes, that bad. But she didn't say it aloud, because then he might get offended and he was in no condition for that. Instead she gave a crooked smile, loosening her grip but shuffling a few inches closer so that she could catch him in case he fell-Shiva knew he looked about ready to. Falling on the hard ground probably wasn’t the best medicine for him at the moment. "You'd better have hit them hard," she chided managing to keep the smile on her face by sheer will-power alone.

Because the second she'd seen him, really seen him, she knew she wouldn't be able to just duck out once he'd fallen asleep. In this state, she didn't think he'd appreciate waking up alone, because she knew she'd have thrown a fit if such a thing happened to her. It just wasn't right, even by her less-than-moral standards. The blonde girl was already preparing herself mentally for a long night of sitting up against the wall, drinking caffeine and making sure he didn't regain consciousness before he was supposed to.

And, of course, all the psychological steeling was shattered when she read between the lines and he almost subtly suggested that they make their way to the bed.

Which, in all honesty, wasn't a half bad idea.

"C'mon," she sighed, keeping the half-grin on her lips. Still, she rolled her eyes and began leading him towards the bedroom, making sure to walk slowly and keep her fingers just feather-light on his skin. She had the feeling that he was in a lot more pain than he was letting on, and she didn't feel like making it any worse. She gave a moment’s pause before offering a half-assed explanation, though he probably already knew it. "It'll be better for you, and easier for me. To keep an eye on you."


crimson_rogue_x August 16 2008, 17:05:19 UTC
"With everything I had."

Which was the truth. He had to, after all. They had better tech, and they outnumbered him four to one. Only his experience and cunning had saved him from being dead instead of just messed up. And here he thought Reggio Calabria was the only place for freaks. It was starting to look like super-powered freaks were going to start popping up just about everywhere...

Something like a blush-- which he'd never admit to-- crossed his cheeks. This was not how he usually invited girls to his bed, and never before when he'd done so had he felt so... pathetic. Yes, he'd been through hell. Yes, she was here to help. No, he shouldn't find this so embarrassing-- after all, everyone screwed up sometime. But this was the side of him he so rarely let others see-- weak, vulnerable, human. Not exactly the shining paragon of an attractive male.

"I-- yeah. Thanks."

When they reached the bed-- luxurious, silk sheets, the works, just like everything else he had, because he had the money, and damned if he wasn't going to enjoy it-- it took all the willpower he had not to flop down on it, just letting his legs give under him. Instead he turned and sat down on it, taking a steadying breath before smiling up at her.

"So, how've you been?"

She was worried, just like Kairi had been. And even if she was here to help, he could see her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. It'd be easier for her to genuinely smile if she were distracted a bit from his condition.


cunningness August 16 2008, 21:39:53 UTC
If everything he had left him in this state, she didn't know what to do with him. Either beat his ass-once he was better-for having to stretch himself so thin, or congratulate him simply because he was able to. Shiva knew she might have copped out and run, but then, saving her own ass had always been pretty high on her list of things to do. Then again, she had never been chased by members of an ex-guild, because she had never been part of a guild before. Doing so seemed to have far too many strings for her liking, and being told that she had to do something whether or not she wanted to wasn't her idea of a good time.

In a word, his embarrassment amused her. It was so blatantly plain that he was uncomfortable, and she wondered just how many girls had been in his room-certainly none in this manner, she was sure. Honestly, how many times could a guy get his ass kicked and have a pretty girl there to play nurse? But by the looks of this apartment and his bed alone, she answered her own question-as many times as he damn well pleased. She quickly sent her mind elsewhere, because that was not a train of thought she wanted to see to the end.

Her overactive imagination was really going to come back and bite her in the ass one day, no question.

Watching him take a seat (really, who just sat on a bed like that?) made her mentally wince, but she made sure to keep her face calm, almost serene. When in doubt, smile. Not that she was in doubt, but it sure seemed as if he was-and that wouldn't do at all. If he wanted small talk, she would give it to him. But that didn't mean she couldn't be productive at the same time.

The young thief slipped the bag from her shoulder and she began rooting around inside as she spoke, perched on the edge of the bed next to him. "Working, breathing, eating. Not much sleeping going on, though. The usual." There might have been just a tiny bit of suggestive nuance in her voice, and maybe she was just prodding him a little bit because she could, but her thoughts were already elsewhere and it was already out of her mouth, so oh well. She had said much worse, and now was not the time to begin caring about whether her mental filter was deteriorating. Yellow-polished fingers pulled out a few small vials full of clear liquid, all marked in Al Bhed, and she laid each between them on the mattress. A scant barrier, though she'd never admit that to herself. "I don't need to ask the same, huh?"


crimson_rogue_x August 17 2008, 05:23:54 UTC
"Really? I'm glad... from the sound of things, I'd been worried you'd been roughed up, too..."

At the sleeping bit, his smile did gain just a little bit of a playful edge, and a devilish glint may just have come to his eye. Tempting. So very tempting. However raw his nerves were.

"Not getting much sleep, though? Never would have figured that would be a problem for you."

And, naturally, the second he decided maybe he could fight through how badly screwed up he was, his body decided to give out on him, the arms holding him up surrendering, and, suddenly, he was flat on his back, staring at the ceiling instead of Rikku. Wonderful. Well, at least the bed was soft.

With a frustrated sigh, X rolled himself onto his side so he was facing Rikku, brow furrowed and mouth screwed up into an unhappy, almost childish pout.

"Sorry. Still not used to this."


cunningness August 17 2008, 15:32:01 UTC
The tiniest grin tugged at the corners of her lips, and she gave a half-shrug, adjusting one arm into the light so he could see the almost-invisible, wire-thin scars that traced up and down her forearm. "I get roughed up all the time. It happens in my-our line of work, and in the garage," she explained easily. "I just don't let other people know about it." Which was a real accomplishment for her; Shiva knew she had a hard enough time keeping her mouth shut when it really mattered.

Her smile only grew, turning almost-but-not-quite devious. "I tend to spend my nights being more productive than most. I'm due for a fourteen hour crash any day now." That was more accurate than she cared to admit-she had accumulated about ten hours of sleep over the past week, which was not (and she knew this very well) healthy at all. But there were other things to do, places to go, jobs to be done, and those were her priorities.

The second he fell she was blinking rapidly, her mind not catching up quick enough to figure out why she was no longer looking at X, but rather the wall that had been behind him. Then spiraled jade eyes flicked to his prone form on the bed and she let out a little sigh; she should've known he couldn't have lasted much longer. She'd been far too preoccupied with picking out the right ingredients and had completely missed his faltering demeanor.

"No worries, it'll just take me a second to get this right." Mentally kicking herself, she gathered up the vials and quickly began combining them into a larger one. A little of this, a little of that-just enough to keep him going for a few days, until she could get more components. He was probably costing her a small fortune right then, but she didn't know of anyone else in the city-except maybe Lulu-who could do this for him.

Soon enough the bigger vial was half full, and she gave a satisfied smile. Tossing the smaller beakers into her bag, she held the potion with one hand and slipped the other underneath his shoulders, lifting him up from the bed just enough so he could swallow it, trying her best to be gentle. "I hope you like peaches," she said almost cheerily as she held the vial to his lips. "Now drink."


crimson_rogue_x August 17 2008, 18:28:24 UTC
He resisted the urge to reach out and touch the scars. In a way, they were pretty, like tattoos, only with more significance, in a way, because it was a testament to who she was and what she did. He figured it was a mark of trust that she showed him them, when she usually kept her arms covered. He wasn't going to betray that trust by making any more of it than she wanted to be made. Still, he couldn't help but smile a little as he watched how the light played off them before returning his gaze to her swirled eyes. Well, he might have made a stop at her chest first, and he was sure she wouldn't miss that, but he tried not to overstay his welcome.

"Yeah, and your mornings and afternoons, too."

X, when he wasn't like this, was usually up from dusk to dawn, sleeping sometime-- it varied between morning and afternoons-- while the sun was up, because he liked his sleep, and, really, he didn't have an occupation beyond thievery. And even if her own sleeping habits worried him, as did how accident prone she seemed to be in the shop, he had to respect her ability to take it, and her drive to maintain two jobs the way she did. Next to her, despite the fact that he had pulled off more, he felt a little bit like an underachiever.

"Mm. I do now."

Holding himself as best he could with his arms-- which wasn't very well-- he smiled and accepted the medicine, no matter the taste, rather readily, though Rikku might have noticed that the whole time his eyes weren't focused on the vial at his lips, but on her eyes, and, when the medicine was gone, he murmured to her almost dreamily.

"You're amazing."


cunningness August 17 2008, 18:58:09 UTC
The fact that he took the opportunity to ogle her let her know that he was going to be just fine and that her worrying, while not unfounded, was more intense than it should have been.

"Daylight hours are reserved for the public," she chimed. "I've got a reputation to uphold, y'know." Not that it was the best reputation in the world-a hot-bodied mechanic who moonlighted as a thief. But she'd had worse in the past, and she was more than content to settle with this one for now. She still had half her life to come up with something else, after all.

For the first time in a while, she managed to maintain eye contact for longer than twenty seconds without flinching away or wondering if she was about to be shot. The only people she had ever been able to accomplish that around were Kairi and any member of her own race-now this boy. It was actually pretty intriguing to her subconscious, that she could give someone else such an enormous amount of trust. Such a thing was hard for any Al Bhed, and Rikku was no exception-she talked her way through society, messed around, went out for regular nights on the town; but connections were hard for her to make simply because of the way she had been raised. “Trust no one” was a basic lesson for any member of her race, and as the maytan’c daughter, it had been drilled into her head particularly hard.

Something akin to a blush flared across her tanned cheeks for a split second before she forced it away, carefully letting him lean back on the bed. "Not really," she mumbled. "It's basic training for... us." She turned then, pretending to busy herself with putting the vials back in order in her bag, wondering all the while just what the hell she was still doing there. Because there was no way she could manage to stick around without saying something horribly stupid, and it was only a matter of time now.

Almost as an afterthought, the blonde girl paused and looked over her shoulder, blonde hair swinging with the movement. "Did it taste alright?" Stupid remark number one, her mind threw at her.


crimson_rogue_x August 18 2008, 05:32:13 UTC
"Never figured you to be the type to let the public sway you that much."

It was nice being here with her like this. Teasing back and forth. Admittedly, there would probably have been a lot more teasing-- much of it physical-- if he was well, but there would be time enough for that later. For now, he was enjoying what he had, and that was Rikku just being there with him.

He had to admit, though, as much as he liked her, he knew very little about her. It was a strange sort of reversal: usually, he was the mysterious one, keeping secrets with a dashing smile and a careless air. But her... her eyes, her language, her past... she had shrouded it all, even from him. And, just as he had used his mystery to lure women in before, so was she with her own.


Again with the mystery. It was a little frustrating, a little expected, and a lot intriguing.

"Somehow, I have a hard time believing you're not special, even among whoever 'us' is. And even if you aren't, you are to me."

He smiled and nodded almost absently in answer to her question, and, after a moment, his hand reached out to close over hers.

"Thank you."


cunningness August 18 2008, 15:04:28 UTC
A smile crossed her lips, and she let out a low, trilling laugh. "It's more like I tend to sway the public. Keeping them happy keeps them off my back." If the general public thought she just liked to play around and happened to be good with a wrench, so be it. Made her life a hell of a lot easier in the long run.

The blonde girl turned back just in time for him to grab her hand, and she had a split-second to remind herself that he was trustworthy. So she didn't flinch away, merely smiled back at him and gave another laugh. Because no, he didn't know much of anything about her, though it wasn't all that hard to find out if one was looking. But saving him the trouble of doing so seemed so much easier. His sweet-talking tone-which seemed to be more or less his default-didn’t hurt her decision at all.

"'Us' means the Al Bhed. My people." It was a long story, but she figured she could shorten it up for him. So the young thief settled herself on the edge of the mattress again, keeping her eyes locked on a point located in the middle of her right knee. She let out a slow breath of air that was more like a sigh than anything. "A... long time ago, there was a war. A religious war, between my people and basically everyone else. We don't hold the same beliefs as most other people, and it pissed them off. Plus, we've all got eyes like this and we're all blonde; some sort of genetic defect or something. But it made us easier to pick out from normal people. You wouldn’t believe how much our life-span was shortened because of the murder rate and the conditions we lived in.” But she was still alright-had a good ten or fifteen years to go. Not that he needed to know that.

“It ended up being a draw, more or less, but my people were outnumbered and banished to a place we learned to call Home." She puffed out a cheek and fidgeted a little; this wasn't an everyday thing for her, telling this story. Even the abridged version stung a little.

"A few years ago, Home was attacked by some radicals." She bit her bottom lip, looking away again and letting her hair fall over her shoulder to veil her face. "I'd gone away because I wanted to see the world. I went back just in time to see the whole place razed to the ground. Since then, we've all been nomads again. I came here because it seemed like a good place to start again." A rueful grin flicked over her lips, but she didn't know if he could see it. "And by 'start again,' I mean 'hang out for a year or two and then go to another big city.'"

And then the smile was back, the cheery one that said everything was okay and the past was the past. "But those are just memories, and that's all they are." There was a pause and then she offered: "You're welcome."


crimson_rogue_x August 18 2008, 22:14:08 UTC
Violence. War. Loss. It sounded far too much like almost all the other stories he had heard in Reggio Calabria. Heartbreaking all, even from the sweetest and most innocent of souls. And though Rikku was hardly the sweetest or most innocent, here she was, caring for him, trusting him, even after all she and her people had suffered at the hands of outsiders.

"I'm sorry..."

What was that Kairi had said about him apologizing for things not his fault? Well, it didn't matter. Even if it wasn't his fault, even if she didn't need to hear it from anyone, especially him, somehow, he felt it needed to be said. Yes, he was a thief. But those he stole from were rich enough that it hardly made a dent in what they had. He never set out to ruin anyone. Perhaps, for a city like Reggio Calabria, he was too soft. But somehow, that completely cold, callous mentality of the guild had never quite managed to totally infect him.

Holding onto her hand lightly, X frowned a little, then looked back up at her, into her swirling eyes.

"You still planning to move somewhere new sooner or later?"


cunningness August 19 2008, 01:10:53 UTC
The sharp knowledge that she still was, and would always be, different from people like X hurt more than she would ever let on, but being an outcast was an art which she had mastered long ago. It was a way of life, the way she had been raised, the way she would die. Fitting in meant dying her hair and buying specialized contacts, and those façades only worked for so long. It was demeaning to hide like that-she was by no means ashamed of her ethnicity, of her beliefs, but others thought she should be. It was almost easier to go along with what they wanted, just so she wouldn't have to think about how she shouldn't.

The young thief's nose twitched and she bit the inside of her cheek. I'm sorry. How many times had she heard those words? Only Shiva knew. How many times had they been sincere? Certainly not enough. She could hardly even tell anymore when someone meant it, but here he was, and she was almost positive that he did mean it, was serious. It was more important to her than she was willing to admit, though he probably deserved to know.

Letting people in like this had never been easy; she loved to be loved-it was just the loving back part that made her stumble sometimes.

Rikku gave a half-shrug, mentally congratulating herself on maintaining eye contact once again. "I don't know. It would probably be in my best interest to pack up and skip town tonight. But there are a lot of things holding me here, more than my head likes to think about." Like her garage. And Kairi and Lulu. And him. Far too many connections. Another sigh left her lips, and she didn't even bother to hide it. "'Never attach yourself to someone you can't walk away from in a split second.' It's a basic rule in our lives. One I pretty much fail at following."


crimson_rogue_x August 21 2008, 15:42:11 UTC
X was a joker, a trickster, and even a clown at times. But he wouldn't lie to his friends like that, not on stuff like this. And especially not to her, after what she'd been through. Still, even roughed up as he was, he didn't miss Rikku's reaction: hesitation. It wasn't outright rejection of his words, but, at the same time... At the same time, after what she had been through, he couldn't blame her. Even if she trusted him enough to tell him all this, well, she'd been through a lot, and he was an outsider, an outsider whom she had known for a while, who had disappeared on her, and came back like this. He couldn't blame her... but he was going to do better.

He smiled lightly up at her. It was a practical rule. Also one he broke way too often for his own good. But, more and more, his own good seemed less and less important to him.

"I'm glad.

"To be honest, Rikku, rules like that... the Guild had them, too. Weren't spoken, but you kind of knew anyone in the guild or outside could backstab you for power or position or what you did at every turn. I didn't like it. Never did. But, well, you know what happened with that."

He laughed softly, and, with great effort, forced himself to sit up, though he maintained eye contact.

"You know, even with all that happened... because of you, and my other friends... I don't regret leaving. Not one bit. If I was still alone, I might... but I don't."


cunningness August 21 2008, 16:34:30 UTC
The corner of her eye twitched and she felt her muscles locking up. "We're not like that," she said almost too quietly. "Power only goes to the maytan, and everybody accepts it. The maytan's word is law, and only their family or a chosen heir can lead our people. Things are simpler that way for us." But not for her, because she was next in line of Brother denied the position, which he likely would. Then there was just her and Gippal, and both of them had an equal shot at Cid passing on the title. Politics had never been her strong suit, but she knew her father would be pushing for her to accept the position once he retired.

She was sighing far too often these days. Her sysy would've told her to smile because she was prettiest that way, and Cid would've told her to suck it up and keep going. Either way, she knew being melancholy didn't suit her, and made a mental note to do something fun once she was sure X was going to make it through the next week without killing himself.

The young thief forced herself to calm down again, and even gave a touch of a smile at his words. "I always used to hate the idea of being alone. When Keyakku died, I was so sure that everyone else I cared about would follow because maybe I was just unlucky like that." She cocked her head to the side and drummed her fingers lightly on her thigh as she thought. "And when Gippal decided to leave fo-" There it was, she'd slipped, and she clamped her mouth shut and changed the subject in the only way she knew how.

Her spiraled gaze flicked down for just a second to rest on his shaking arms, and she knew how much it was costing him to stay upright. Her jade gaze returned to his, though her face was set in a stubborn half-glare. "Just lie down already," she said, exasperated. "You don't have to play tough guy, y'know. That potion should kick in any time and help with the pain."


crimson_rogue_x August 21 2008, 21:15:53 UTC
It sounded a bit like a tyranny, to X. But then, given what their people had gone through, dissent, chaos... that would only weaken them. Given it was one small group against the rest of the world, they had to present a united front, and that was probably the best way to go about it. Still, he could tell that it didn't sit well with her-- or, well, something about it didn't sit well with her, from the way she was talking about it, and from those little physical tics that showed up when she talked about it. Even though she smiled, he could tell it was a little strained, but he decided not to push. If she didn't want to talk about it, well, she was here with him, and not there with them, so it really shouldn't matter all that much, and if it did, he trusted her to trust him enough to tell him someday.

And then she cut herself off. He had to admit, he was curious now as to what she was talking about... but again, he knew better than to press, and smiled and rolled with it when she changed the subject, smiling cheerfully at her.

"I think it already is. Well, either that or talking with you is."


cunningness August 22 2008, 02:28:16 UTC
And then she managed to relax, because it was so easy to fall back into this routine. Joking, flirting-so much better than worrying and being secretive. It suited her much more, was a playing field she was very familiar with. And it didn't change the fact that he should really lie down and get some rest, but she almost wanted to keep him up just so she could talk to him. It wouldn't have been fair in the least, but her idea of "fair" had always been a bit different from everyone else's.

But morality won out over selfishness, and she puffed out a cheek in annoyance.

"Lie back down or I'll make you." Almost as an afterthought, she grinned and added: "You can interpret that any way you wish." There was a fifty percent chance that she'd just push him down-the other fifty involved a lot of flirting and trickery. The former would be better for his health, but the latter sounded rather tempting, and she couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. Shiva knew he'd probably hurt like Hell-and that was more than enough reason for her to nix the idea-but she could always imagine.


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