WHO: Johnny Sfondi
pirata_bello and Yuuko Ichihara
butterfly_madamWHAT: Johnny and Yuuko decide to try and figure one another out over tea.
WHERE: Starts at Yuuko's shop, moves on from there.
WHEN: July 31, Night
Johnny checked his watch one last time before crossing the street to Yuuko's shop. As he moved closer, he took note of the sides of the building, calculating all the possible ways in or out he could see. In his line of work, you couldn't be too careful. Women had been used to trick him before, so he couldn't afford to be too comfortable until he felt things out. It was definitely well-made, this place. Ornate, strong architecture that was pleasing to the eye. Inviting, even. Or a perfect trap.
He reached the front doors and rapped his fist a few times against them.
"Oi. Oi, Yuuko, are you in? It's me, Johnny."