☆-- i saw you cry today. (Closed) - ON-GOING

Jul 11, 2008 22:40

WHO: Hokuto Sumeragi (thebearstars), Caiman (lacerta_ortus).
WHAT: A meeting to discuss things in the aftermath of what happened to Luffy.
WHERE: A local park.
WHEN: After this conversation.

without anything to numb you. )

caiman, hokuto sumeragi

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lacerta_ortus July 12 2008, 11:54:16 UTC
"Surprisingly well. Kid was obviously beaten and shot twice. But I didn't even need to bring him to the emergency room."

"The bullets didn't go through him. They bruised like a bitch, but they kind of just... stuck to his skin. Couldn't break it. And I got to learn a couple of interesting things about Luffy."

"First thing. Luffy apparently used to be a drug runner, believe it or not. Getting kind of sick of learning all my employees are tied up with some shit or another. He had a package that he was supposed to deliver to this woman, Miss Yuuko?"

"It was a fucking pound of cocaine. Almost completely fucking pure."

"Package never got there. Apparently, once I hired him at the Hungry Bug, Luffy not only stopped delivering packages, but he didn't finish the jobs he already had."

"Second thing. Kid was a goddamn genetic experiment. Way he puts it, he's a 'rubber man'. You can bruise him and hurt him, but cutting him, or putting a hole in him? Hard as hell to do. Apparently, he was built in a lab? Some fucked up shit, that's for sure."

He paused, sighing, thinking about how fucking ridiculous his life was. All he wanted to do was run the Hungry Bug and kill the guy who stole his memories and changed his body. But more stuff kept cropping up.

"So, have you ever heard of a Miss Yuuko? Was a prostitute or managed them, at least. Might've been a figure in the drug business around here, too."


thebearstars July 12 2008, 13:58:23 UTC
Caiman's story was taking with patience. Hokuto listened quietly, only occasionally nodding her head or making a light sound of affirmation to show that she was paying attention. Her expression was slightly troubled-- as if it pained her somewhat, to hear what she was being told. But there was no sign that Hokuto was going to be judgmental-- there was only sympathy.

Hokuto paused another moment to let everything sink in properly before responding, still using that careful voice that suggested she was thinking her words through thoroughly as she answered. "Yes, I was acquainted with Miss Yuuko. She was a customer of mine," Hokuto replied, "But I haven't heard a word of or from her for some time."

"These people that came after Luffy," she added after another second,"They're still out there?"


lacerta_ortus July 12 2008, 14:18:35 UTC
"So you'd know where she was last, at least. That's good. Luffy couldn't remember her whole name. Kid doesn't even know what a prostitute is, thought people were paying her to 'hang out' with women..." Sighed again. The whole experience was frustrating.

"In all likeliness, yeah. I don't think Luffy was working for anyone specific, Vescovo or Monacello - just took whatever job he got. So it's harder to narrow down who might be after him."

"Right now, he's sort of grounded. Not to take calls from anyone but me or Kagura, and not to go running around. He's not gonna be doing any work at the Hungry Bug for a little while either. The people who were after him think he's dead, and I'd rather they don't know he's really just in the basement of my shop, eating beef and noodles."

"So, I've got a favor of you to ask. Can you try and find somewhere for the kid to stay? He's not good at being cooped up. I don't want him to go back to his apartment, and I don't want him to stay in the shop either. People could come looking for him. I need him to fall out of sight, just for a little. This is just between you and me, no one in your family to know, because, hate to say it, but it could've been someone from Vescovo who put the hit out on Luffy."

"As for me, I'm not exactly a genius or whatever, but I think I need to start snooping around."


thebearstars July 13 2008, 00:00:55 UTC
Hokuto answered without hesitation. "Of course I can-- I have someone in mind, actually. I'll give them a call right away, and if it doesn't work out, Luffy can always come and stay with me and the boys for a while."

She stopped for a second before going on, still using that same careful tone, "I promise you that nobody in the family will hear about this from me. Your trust is safe with me, and if you wish this remain quiet, it will."

Another hesitation, then, "But I... I could protect him. I know I don't look like much, but-- let me just say, I'm in a position of power. If I take him under my wing openly, maybe he will be safer, Caiman."


lacerta_ortus July 13 2008, 04:54:50 UTC
"Great. That's doing me a real solid, Hokuto, I owe you one."

"Maybe - but I want the kid to have a clean break from all this business. I don't want him to be involved in this kind of shit, period. Pretty sure he doesn't, either, since I don't think he even really knew what he was doing. So, just try and keep it on the downlow, okay? At least for now."

"I'll tell the kid he'll be heading over to someplace new for a little while. Better than keeping him in the friggin' basement. God, that must be awful."

Caiman stood up, looking towards the night sky some, a bit vacantly.

"Everything's been so fucked up, lately."

"I still haven't been able to give you that adventure I promised. Something new always comes up."


thebearstars July 13 2008, 05:09:37 UTC
"Don't be silly," was Hokuto's immediate reply. She gave a stubborn shake of her head and waved her hand dismissively, as if brushing the matter away. "We're friends-- good friends, I might dare to say, and there are no debts between friends in my book."

She lifted her hand again, this time to pat her companion reassuringly on the arm as she spoke, "I trust your judgment. And I'm willing to help again if anything changes." She tilted her head and smiled, as was her habit. "You should take time to relax. I'm sure everything has been very stressful lately. Don't worry too much about our adventure-- I can wait until you have less on your plate."


lacerta_ortus July 13 2008, 15:20:03 UTC
"That's the thing - I always have something on my plate now. First Teddy goes missing, and I'm still trying to get to the bottom of that. Then you've got this shit with Jinx - I thought you and the Vescovos were gonna beat the crap out of her or something, but apparently she thinks you're pretty much the best person on the planet or something? Probably shouldn't ask what happened there, not my business. Then Luffy gets the tar knocked out of him, and I find out someone messed with his genes as a kid. My new waiter, huge guy that he is, is probably an assassin on the sidelines or something, and using my job as a cover."

"I've been trying to run a pretty clean shop in this town, and it is getting more of a pain in the ass. I don't take sides, I serve anybody and everybody, and then one of my delivery boys gets kicked in. Never mind that I still have no idea who wiped my brain and swapped my head. It's all too fucked up."

Deep breath. Exhale.

"Maybe the kids are right. Take a day off, celebrate a birthday of... some kind. Go see a futbol match. Take my mind off things."

Turned around to look at Hokuto, offering her a hand up from the bench.

"You need a ride home? I've got my motorcycle parked just a little walk from here."


thebearstars July 13 2008, 16:28:50 UTC
Hokuto seemed sympathetic. It was true-- things had been rough lately, with the waiter and his boyfriend caught up in the recent stream of disappearances, the matter with Luffy's attack. Not to mention the trouble with Jinx, which was an entirely complicated matter in its own right. It really rather broke her heart, all this sad business, especially since most of the victims were neutral, hard-working citizens. Where was the fairness in that?

"Yes, I'm going to encourage this idea," Hokuto nodded as she spoke, lifting her index finger matter-of-factly, "In fact, I will be most unhappy if you do not celebrate your birthday." Her mock-seriousness faded quickly though, melting into another one of her typical smiles. "I love any excuse to go shopping for a friend."

She accepted the offered hand, rising to her feet. It was odd, she noted absently, the feel of her feet inside sneakers and not high heels. But she was distracted by the thought only for a moment-- something infinitely more interesting had been brought to her attention. Hokuto's face lit up.

"Oh, do you?" she exclaimed, radiant, "Well, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been positively dying to see your motorcycle."


lacerta_ortus July 13 2008, 18:03:28 UTC
"Right. Guess I should just figure out what day to pick out as my birthday, then. God, that whole idea is weird."

"Yeah, I do. Right this way."

As Caiman kept moving down the parkway path out and back to his bike, a thought came to him.

"Hey, matter of fact, where do you live? I've only ever been to your shop. And driving you there this late would be kind of weird, since you've probably closed up and all."

Parked neatly was his motorcycle. A sleek black ride, very well polished and taken care of by Caiman himself. Not exactly a sportsbike, which were better suited for one rider, but more of a modified two seater, to make it look tighter, more powerful.

He pulled out a deep red motorcycle helmet with a pure white firefly design, handing it over to Hokuto. "This's yours to wear on the ride. Since this wouldn't fit you."

Pulled out his own helmet, which was custom made. Longer in the front, and somewhat smaller up top, with plenty of space in the back. Was specified to fit Caiman's head exactly, what with his snout and spikes.

Put it on, and straddled the front seat, waiting for Hokuto to get on the back and grab hold.


thebearstars July 13 2008, 18:24:32 UTC
Hokuto followed Caiman out to his motorcycle, eyes lighting up with excitement as she walked around the vehicle once to admire it, like a child in a toy store. She half-wished she had taken the time to wear something more fun-- an old hoodie and sneakers was no way to dress for this sort of unexpected adventure, but it would just have to do.

"I live on the intersection of Via Domenico Muratori and Via Antonio Cimino," Hokuto answered with a cheerful tone, obviously thrilled at the very idea of finally being able to ride this particular motorcycle. "It's about a twenty minute walk from here, I think."

She accepted the helmet, also taking a minute to admire that as well before tugging it on over her hair. Pausing for a moment-- it was as if she wasn't sure she ought to touch anything, lest she make it explode with her childish excitement-- she carefully hopped onto the bike behind her companion, holding on tightly.


lacerta_ortus July 13 2008, 18:29:19 UTC
"A twenty minute walk? Screw it, then we'll tool around town on this ride for a bit before we head to your place."

Caiman knocked the kickstand up, got comfortably seated, revved the engine a couple of times -

And took off like a rocket.

Here's hoping there wasn't a lot of traffic around town.


thebearstars July 13 2008, 21:33:04 UTC
Hokuto's delighted laugh and reply might have been drowned out by engine revving, and her smile was hidden by the helmet, but her joy practically radiated-- it was exciting, and she had been wanting even the smallest adventure for a while. She was content with her business and her life- but she wanted something fresh and new, sometimes, especially with Subaru growing distant from her.

Besides, every girl wanted at least one ride on a fast motorcycle.


lacerta_ortus July 13 2008, 21:59:38 UTC
Caiman poured on the speed, violating several limits, figuring that if this was the law he was breaking, it didn't mean much, considering that there were robberies and murders from the mafia for the cops to worry about.

Easing out and hitting the brakes lightly for tighter turns, passing cars, even punching through alleyways, all in the name of giving them both something good about this night. All these worries about everyone else had to be let go, just for a little.

After messing around with the streets for about 15 minutes, Caiman slowed down, taking an easy route now, before heading back to Hokuto's home. Getting up on the intersection, he flipped his visor up so it'd be possible to at least understand what he was saying.

"Which one's your house, Hokuto?"


thebearstars July 14 2008, 18:39:52 UTC
The girl on the back of the motorcycle was having the time of her life. Over the rush of air past them and the helmet covering her face, her excited laughter couldn't be heard. But Hokuto couldn't remember the last time she had done something purely for the thrill of it-- to have fun. Even that party at Somnifery had been partially political. But that was the best part of friendship, it had a way of coaxing a little fun and surprise into just about everything.

When asked which house was hers, Hokuto pointed at the apartment building on the corner. It was the sort of place that one could probably imagine her living: nice, but slightly Bohemian somehow, as if the place was probably full of artists and musicians funded by their family's wealth or finally getting their lucky break.

"That one's mine," she answered, muffled by the helmet. "Right there! Home, sweet home."


lacerta_ortus July 14 2008, 18:59:29 UTC
"Right on." And Caiman pulled to a stop at the sidewalk, knocking the kickstand up before pulling off. Giving Hokuto a hand down.

"Figure that's it for now. I'll try to organize something for us that's more than just a quick ride through town. You deserve it, you know? Things have gotta be fucking crazy right now, with all the people disappearing and turning up dead. Vescovo's gotta be tense."

Helped unhook the helmet, take it back, plant it on the bike.

"You take care of yourself, alright?"


thebearstars July 15 2008, 00:02:52 UTC
Hokuto carefully hopped down, letting herself be helped with the helmet and not even seeming to mind what wearing it for fifteen minutes had done to her hair. She just looked as if she had enjoyed herself thoroughly, a bit of adrenaline still making her movements excited and energetic-- not that she wasn't normally both those things to begin with.

"That was so much fun," she declared, "Thank you for taking me. I think we both deserve to do something fun every once in a while. Too much stress just isn't good for you!" She smiled before going on, waving good-bye. "I'll see you soon then. Stay safe."


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