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bel_furto July 12 2008, 06:11:17 UTC
There were times when it really wasn't worth it to wake up. It was just...It hurt. She had never felt so abandoned in her life and she wanted to just go back and figure out how she could have fixed it. Maybe if she'd just tried harder to get him to understand when his mother had gone into the coma. Fucking delusional asshole leaving her behind.

She had tried to get to his apartment and....nothing. He had been long gone and she had not even tried to open the letter she knew was waiting for her. She hadn't gone into his kitchen. Or anywhere but to look. There had been at least an hour after she knew he was gone that she just sat on his floor with her back against the wall and the phone in her hand, unable to believe that there was no chance he was going to walk in that door any moment and sigh and ask her what she wanted to eat or what she was there for. Yuffie had promised she wouldn't cry over stupid shit years ago. Enough stuff hits you and you say I GIVE UP PEOPLE AREN'T WORTH IT. But damn it....She had cried till she couldn't ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 12 2008, 12:02:06 UTC
Pacing the room, she pondered on going to get a few more things done before Yuffie managed to drag herself here. Namely, it was Shunsui. Yet no matter how nice it would be to snatch that man up and drag him to his own bedroom to do as she wished, her best friend was much more important. Frowning, she flipped open her phone and was surprised to see one new message. Questioningly, she looked to see who it was from, and quickly shut her phone when it said the number was private. Not Yuffie; probably someone in dire need of assistance. The money would be nice right now... even though she did not want to continue that life any longer. Biting her lip, she listened to the sounds of the men around the house. Maybe if she opened up a private bank account, translating in her language to, getting a nice place to stash the cash ( ... )


bel_furto July 12 2008, 20:26:33 UTC
Yuffie was not surprised by Jinx dragging her in the house and her stealing the bags from Yuffie's back and arms. In fact, it as a relief to see her happy and practically bouncing off the walls in a way Yuffie hadn't gotten the privilege to see her friend before. In made her smile a little less fake. She hadn't expected anything other then Jinx's normal behavior which included some very incorrect ideas of social norms. Showing up saying "Hey Yuff, can you stitch my arm" was one of them, sniffing her was another.

As Yuffie pulled off her boots and went to stand behind Jinx. She thought she had gotten off fairly easy. Jinx was probably not going to ask and she wouldn't have to talk and-

That hope was dashed to pieces as Jinx's arms were thrown around her. She stood still as her friend asked what was wrong and how she could help and all Yuffie could do was stare at the wall opposite and try to come up with a reasoning, something to say so she didn't have to say the words to anyone else, didn't have to admit...

She would not let ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 12 2008, 20:52:38 UTC
Jinx's eyes widened more as Yuffie clung to her. What the hell has happened? was ti that Cloud guy messing with her head again? It was best not to ask while they were still standing. Leaving all her shit thrown about the entryway, Jinx released from her best friend and grabbed her hand. Those words that could barely come out of her mouth were enough to spark a world of worry in the assassin. "Yuff, come on, let's go sit down and talk about this." And with that, she proceeded to drag the thief into the living room that Jinx had gotten much too comfortable in for her own good. The house was warm, smelling of the wonderful food that Jushirou was cooking for dinner. It was nice, kind and full of so many memories now. And for the time being, the three people she cared about most in this room where gathered in the same building ( ... )


bel_furto July 13 2008, 05:11:33 UTC
Yuffie let herself be led through the house to the couch, she liked the look of this place. It smelled like a home. She hadn't been at a place that felt that way, out side of Seventh Heaven and sometimes Cl-....she hadn't felt that kind of homey feeling in a while. She suddenly had a wave of loss, as for the first time in YEARS she missed her mother and father. Godo and Satsuna had been good to her as a kid. Even if Godo had been a bastard later, it was because her mom had died. She hadn't been very nice after hermom had died either ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 13 2008, 06:05:14 UTC
For fear that they were going to get too large with amazement and falls out of her head, Jinx closed her eyes and gave a long sigh, holding her shaking best friend. Never before had the assassin ever been a shoulder to cry on. The closest she ever got to people were her twin brother and Gin, and both of them had left her. Yet they never got deep with her, they never needed to cry on her shoulder, it was always the other way around. So this was a pretty new experience for Jinx, holding Yuffie close and making a soft cooing noise, rubbing her back and being there for her. Human contact was alway nice, bringing a lasting tingle to her skin. People had so many different emotions, so many reasons for doing things. This was something called sorrow ( ... )


bel_furto July 13 2008, 10:04:00 UTC
Contrary to popular belief, Yuffie had very few people she honestly talked to, minus the flirting or the bitchiness or simply playing up the great ninja Yuffie act that had originally made people not wish to hire her as a younger girl. She occasionally really talked to Reno, probably would to Rikku when she knew her better, she talked to Tifa, and Jinx...But Cloud had been her best friend. In almost every sense. Big brother taking care of her and all that and god knows she'd needed taking care of. So she kept trying to think of a way to leave so she could call him and freak out...only to remember that he was the reason why ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 13 2008, 19:28:42 UTC
Biting her bottom lip until it started to bleed, Jinx nodded, still trying to keep up the cooing noise. On television, that was what a mother always did when trying to calm down one of her children. To rock them, coo softly, give them comforting words. The assassin stayed away from the rocking part of that, though, in fear that it would just make her look like more of a psychopath. Digging deep into her mind, she continued to wonder what Shunsui would do. All she could get down was that damn noise and rubbing her back as Yuffie was melting down. She could not blame her, and she did really want to help in any way she possibly could, yet this was a way she could not be of any use ( ... )


pink_sake July 13 2008, 20:39:15 UTC
Shunsui was taking too long to get ready, but running late wasnt that unusual for him. He heard Jinx get the door and assumed everything was taken care of.

When he came in, he found things to be an entirely different matter.

"Hello there" He said, but it was really more of a question directed at Jinx. What was going on?


bel_furto July 14 2008, 05:22:25 UTC
Yuffie wanted to believe Jinx. She really really did. In the way that a child wanted to believe that there was no monster, that the shadows wouldn't hurt her. But there was also that grown up part of her that was screaming that she had no idea what she was talking about. Did Jinx think she was immortal? Hell fucking no. The other girl was as real as any person she had met so that meant she was just as breakable. Humans were breakable. Even the invincible ones ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 14 2008, 06:22:10 UTC
Oh shit. Shit, shit, fuck, goddamn fucking shit... fuck. FUCK! Jinx felt her shoulder getting wet. That meant tears. That means Yuffie was literally using her as a shoulder to cry on and Jinx had no idea what to do. So she continued listening, making that damn noise until it became automatic, and occasionally nodded for affirmation that she was still paying attention. So, Cloud went kamikaze. As much as she could, she tried not to look at this coldly, tried her best to feel sympathy. She truly did... but it meant one less AMC. And things like this had happened many times before. Everyone should have been used to it by now.

But thinking back to losing Gin, comparing it to this situation, she felt like absolute shit and hugged Yuffie back tighter, yet not half as tight as she was being clung to. Thinking of the right words to say, or at least hoping they would come with all her might, she was interrupted when movement caught her eye. Thank fucking god.

Looking at Shunsui desperately, she mouthed the word Help. Jinx cared for Yuffie, ( ... )


pink_sake July 14 2008, 15:10:09 UTC
Oh dear. What a tragedy, and the poor girl had still kept her dinner appointment.

"It's very nice to meet you, Yuffie" Shunsui said. As the lightbulb suddenly popped, he jumped a little, his hand almost going to his hip were he'd worn his gun for years. "Ah- Sorry about that. Must have been a surge in the power lines. May I get you anything?" Shunsui asked.

He wasn't quite sure what to do with two upset women, except do the best he could. He also wondered a way to warn Jushirou, it was likely he'd come out to see what broke.


bel_furto July 14 2008, 23:10:20 UTC
Yuffie' head HURT and she was sure she looked like shit. But she was a top of the line thief for a reason. Many reasons. One of them being she could fake her way though more then most. She felt like quite the little fool for practically using Jinx as a very large handkerchief ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday July 15 2008, 03:43:36 UTC
For just a moment, she was oblivious to what she had done, her emotions spiking. Yet she saw Shunsui jump. Since he was so near to her, she became alert, growling as her eyes shifted toward what she had done. Her eyes came back to Shunsui when she caught a glimpse of the twitch in his hand. That calmed her, thinking about his instincts from being a cop for so many years. Jinx still had much to learn about this man. She still had much to memorize about his behavior.

A surge in the power lines. There were many of those surges when Jinx was around. The things she had accidentally broken in Shunsui's bedroom when she lost control. Lately, she had been trying to control her anger, but the occasional light bulb fell under her wrath. If she let her temper too out of control, it would become noticeable. They would begin to connect the flashes of pink with her emotions as they spiked. And one of the worst things would be if her eyes began to glow bright pink. That would bring on too many questions that would not be easily answered. At times ( ... )


pink_sake July 15 2008, 15:02:07 UTC
((ooc: *hops down into the kitchen with a fwee))


bel_furto July 16 2008, 22:18:39 UTC
Yuffie didn't look at Jinx once ShuShu left the room. She could guess that she had made Jinx uncomfortable. She had very little ability to interact in a way that seemed proper to well....she had thought being in love meant she was dying. That seemed to be a problem and then just a bit after that revelation she had basically used the girl as a tissue. Smart Yuffs, smart.

It was a whole hell of a lot easier to focus on Jinx or on the embarrassment of the situation instead of the fact that it felt like she had a hole in her chest. What the hell was she going to do. What the hell was she going to do? If this kind of mess kept up then there could be all sorts of problems. And it would do her no good to be distracted in any case. Watch her try to go on a job like this and get herself shot ( ... )


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