WHO: Kristoph (
myscarsmiles), Brian (
salvationdenied), possibly Dean (
flipbeter) and Mazikeen (
WHAT: Brian is coming out of hiding, meeting up with his consligiere to discuss his findings on w.a.
WHERE: The Reggio Calabria boardwalk, where the canal and railroad tracks cross.
WHEN: Sometime Wednesday night.
We don't need no education. )
One man, with a clipboard and American style baseball hat, is monitoring the movement of packages from the large storage containers they are held in as they move to individual holding areas. So, perhaps not production happening here, per se, but most definitely the movement of w.a.
The cellophane wrapped packages, no bigger than a half pound bag of sugar, are actually, from the looks of it, smaller packaged bags for individual purchases.
There are three other men, sitting around, chatting idly as the night winds down. Brian was right: this is the slowest night, and the mens' lack of attention and/or nervousness at possible infiltration of the facility clearly shows.
Hitachiin Clothing.
The smile curls even further up his face. Kaoru. And even bigger.. Monacello. He knew it. Of course he knew. But this he stored for now, and he turned back to watching through the little window.
"How interesting this little operation they have is, mm..."
She moves along, a bit ahead and closer to Brian, her hand is now planted firmly on her thigh, feeling it move and slide beneath her palm with every step. "How many?" she whispers to her fellow soldier.
He had felt content with what he'd found already before sharing his information with the others, but judging by his superior's reaction, Brian can expect things to lean in the Vescovo direction. The soldati refrains from asking about anything quite yet, but he feels Mazikeen shift next to him and answers her in a whisper that is barely audible ( ... )
He unbuttons his cuff links. His hand goes into the pockets of his jacket with the links, and comes out with a narrow, lengthy knife.
"I imagine this is about a little more interesting than it previously was, my dears." His smile is sharp and his expression is a little more excited than perhaps it should be. "It would probably be a very bad idea to allow our names and faces to return to this man's masters, wouldn't it?"
She smiles victoriously as she withdraws her dagger; the only sound is of the metal moving through flesh. She is able to catch him before he falls, guiding him to the ground with only the faintest whisper of noise. Before she turns back to her companions she pauses to wipe her bloody blade on the sleeve of the man's shirt.
He agrees with them, and when he suddenly moves forward to grip the guard's head in his hands, the grin flickers into a moment of pure silence on his face. There's peace in the second that it takes for Brian to break the unfortunate man's neck with a nearly inaudible crack, and he stands, allowing the body to hit the concrete with all the graciousness of dropping a bag of sand.
Brian wipes his palms on his pants, and smiles at both Kristoph and Mazikeen...as two of the other guards round the corner.
Instead, she circles around to the shadows, creeping along the edge of the shadows. She keeps her eyes set on Kristoph, her ears focusing on the movement in the distance, concentrating very hard as if trying to predict the next moment.
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