Dinner and a Fashion Show [OPEN]

May 16, 2008 13:00

WHO: Hitachiin Kaoru and all guests, invited and not
WHAT: A Fashion Show + Dinner Party
WHERE: The Hitachiin brand local headquarters in downtown Reggio Calabria
WHEN: Day 25, starting in the early evening

Whatever you want. )

tyki mikk, mazikeen, rhode kamelot, hei, tieria erde, bianchi, robert chase, red x, badou nails, hitsugaya toushirou, sephiroth, hitachiin kaoru, kai, hatake kakashi, kiyone kotetsu, claire bennet, reborn, kristoph gavin, kaylee frye, peter petrelli, ichimaru gin, matsumoto rangiku, lulu, rabi, dean winchester, taejo togokhan

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open chasing_fury May 19 2008, 20:47:19 UTC
Lulu arrived at the party, dressed to the nines as always, casually scanning the room for the Meira brothers as she took in the scene.

Soiree had asked her to consider being her date, and since she wasn't engaged to work that evening, she had agreed--but somehow she had neglected to inquire whether he would pick her up or if they would simply meet there. She hoped he wouldn't be too upset that she'd arrived on her own. She wasn't used to conventional dating anymore.

She also wondered if Alba would be attending with one of the young ladies his brother had attempted to set him up with...or if the brothers realized she'd offered to go with them both.

Of course...if her date and/or dates didn't show up soon...she wouldn't be surprised if she would have to fend of a few more admirers before the night was through. Poor Soiree would certainly have his work cut out for him if he wanted to reclaim her.


velocita_rossa May 20 2008, 17:12:32 UTC
Though he was still new in town, Taejo had been searching for some kind of distraction until his racing car arrived. A tip from a woman named Lulu had pointed him in the direction of this fashion show, and it would certainly be a welcome distraction. After making his way through the line and the weapon check, Taejo smiled to himself as he cast his gaze about. A woman nearby caught his eye, and he made his way toward her, at ease in his surroundings.

"Pardon me," he said gently as he approached from one side. "I was wondering if you would mind some company?"


chasing_fury May 20 2008, 19:34:19 UTC
"Oh," Lulu said, pursing her lips prettily around the delighted sound, as she turned to face the speaker. "Not at all. I'll give you fair warning, I'm supposed to be meeting a friend, but I wouldn't mind your company a bit." She smiled, giving the young man a subtle glance up and down appreciatively, thinking he seemed familiar. "My name is Lulu," she added, extending her hand in greeting. "Pleased to meet you...Zhulong, is it?"


velocita_rossa May 20 2008, 22:48:57 UTC
Taejo's smile shifted toward warmth when she spoke, though surprise soon followed when she introduced herself. "Yes, I am Zhulong. It is nice to meet you in person, Miss Lulu." He bowed just enough to be polite. "It would be an honor to keep you company."


chasing_fury May 20 2008, 23:10:07 UTC
Lulu smiled, inclining her head, careful not to lean too far forward with her decollete gown...but just enough. "Likewise," she said, "Your company is most welcome."

Blinking her dark lashes, she offered another becoming smile. "So tell me," she inquired, "How do you like the city so far?"


velocita_rossa May 21 2008, 20:07:33 UTC
"It is certainly a change from Hong Kong," Taejo said, snagging two flutes of champagne from a passing tray. He offered one to his current companion, still smiling. "But it is a welcome change nonetheless."


chasing_fury May 22 2008, 02:51:14 UTC
"Thank you," Lulu demurred, accepting the champagne with another smile and nod. "You mentioned racing before," she inquired, "Has your car arrived from Hong Kong?"

Not that she would ever have admitted it, but she had something of a weakness for shiny speed machines, and besides that, she knew how make a man feel like the center of attention, even if she did tend to hold a captive audience.

Even better, she was genuinely interested in learning everything she could about each new person she met. "Have you had much luck finding ways to keep yourself occupied?"


velocita_rossa May 22 2008, 18:00:31 UTC
Taejo sniffed at the champagne to determine whether or not it would be up to his standards, and then he took a slow sip. He let his eyes wander again over the crowd, but then he was looking back to Lulu.

"I have taken to driving around in my street car to get a feel for the city. I need to acclimate myself before I do any racing... but no, sadly, my race car has not arrived just yet."


chasing_fury May 22 2008, 19:01:42 UTC
Lulu swirled the chapagne gently in her glass, inhaling the boquet, sipping delicately as she listened--watching Zhulong's face as he spoke.

"Mm," she agreed, "It does take some getting used to...but I'm sure you'll be racing again soon. Perhaps I'll come and watch you race. But tell me, if I might ask, what do you do...when not behind the wheel of a car?"


velocita_rossa May 22 2008, 21:17:08 UTC
"Physical training of one kind or another," came Taejo's answer, flowing easily from his lips. "Racing is far easier when the driver is in peak condition... So that is what I spend the majority of my time doing."


chasing_fury May 22 2008, 22:49:10 UTC
"Oh?" Lulu asked, her lips curving prettily, "All work and no play, hm?" she teased lightly, brishing a strand of hair from her eyes. "No," she amended, "I doubt you would devote so much time keeping yourself in form if you didn't love it as well."

Besides...he obviously took care of himself.


velocita_rossa May 22 2008, 23:15:11 UTC
Taejo laughed softly and inclined his head slightly to Lulu. "I never said I did not enjoy looking my best," he said with something of a smirk. She was the most dangerous kind of woman- fully aware of her affect on men, and well-versed in using that too her advantage.


chasing_fury May 22 2008, 23:20:08 UTC
"Mm," Lulu hummed in affirmation, "You do look sharp. But I mean racing. You much really enjoy that too."

Smiling and lowering her eyes a moment before looking up at him through long lashes, she added, "I'm sure there are plenty of oters who apprediate the results of all your hard work."


velocita_rossa May 23 2008, 14:51:17 UTC
Yes, certainly the most dangerous kind of woman.

Taejo favored her with another smile, meeting her gaze evenly. "There are... but I do enjoy racing. I always have. I doubt I will ever marry... I would spend too much time with my cars."


chasing_fury May 23 2008, 15:01:01 UTC
Yes, Lulu was well aware that her beauty was far from tame, but then...where was the fun in dancing if there wasn't a little danger?

"I'm sure you'll break plenty of hearts," she said, mock-pouting, "But I understand. You could say I'm also...married to my work."


velocita_rossa May 24 2008, 21:13:58 UTC
"I would never have guessed," Taejo said, an honest note to his voice. She was a good conversationalist, but the racer was itching to do something.


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