[ Aim Log / Completed ]

Apr 24, 2008 01:15

WHO: Vincent Valentine and Lucrecia Crescent
WHAT: The two ex-lovers meeting up after what seems like a lifetime.
WHEN: Afternoon

(10:58:42 PM) Vincent: Seeing Lucrecia for the first time since he 'died' was a strange thing. On one hand, Vincent was the happiest he had ever been since he was with her, on the other hand, he was afraid to let her see what had happened to him. He was a monster now, or so he felt, and wished that he could be as far away from her, and civilization as possible. But it seemed they wouldn't let him get away.

He had seen Lucrecia enter passed a set of doors into what seemed to be a lab about an hour ago, but had been unable to actually go inside. So instead, he waited against the outside wall of the lab for an entire hour, trying to think of what to say. Dressed in his black suit he tried to cover up his scars, metallic arm, and his other problems, but knowing Lu, she always had a way to see everything about him.

And so he waited, knowing she'd leave eventually.

(11:10:25 PM) Lucrecia: Lucrecia felt extremely upturned lately. Of course, she'd been set on the wrong end since she discovered Vincent was actually alive, though it was hard for her to be sure he really was alive and that the journal comment hadn't been something from her breaking illusion. She knew she was still getting a grip on reality, but it was hard for her to figure out what that reality was. This Vincent... was he real?

And so she'd gone to the lab, the one place where she knew she would be able to put everything aside. Even though she had made some of her worst mistakes here, she knew this was a place where she could be... well, herself, without fear of being caught or used...

She didn't know how much time had passed while she debated with herself on what to do. She didn't know how to go about finding out about Vincent. Her entire purpose was to do that, to find him and apologize to him, but now that there was a sliver of a possibility, she wasn't sure she wanted to go through with it. He could push her aside just as easily as she had done to him. She deserved it, after all.

Her stomach rumbled and she figured food of some sort would be a good idea, even though she didn't want to get up and go anywhere. She walked through the hallways with an arm pressed to her stomach, feeling mildly ill today and she wasn't sure why. Pausing with one hand on the outside doors, she took a deep breath before pushing open the doors... and being greeted with a sight she had both expected and not. Brown eyes widened as she stood there, letting her arms fall to her sides. Words wouldn't come to her. They simply failed. Nothing could have prepared her for this, despite the fact that she had been expecting and hoping for it for so long. "..... Vincent...?" Her voice came out as a whisper as she stared at the man she hoped was and yet wasn't an illusion of her mind.

(11:19:55 PM) Vincent: He was real..as far as he knew. And he sort of wished he wasn't, in his mind. Life was horrible...and seeing Lucrecia again was just making him hurt more than the regular pain he endured day to day.

Vincent heard the doors open as a light footed person exited, then stopped in front of him. He didn't need to raise his head at all to know who it was. He could just smell her as she stood there, that familiar scent reaching his nose..his new nose..he was amazed that he was able to recognize this scent as he had changed so much.

He couldn't bring himself to look up at her. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve to get to look at her beauty..the beauty that was stolen. It could never be his, Vincent knew that. She was his. That man who took everything from Vincent. Inside, Vincent could feel his other side trying to come out, that killer side that wanted to hurt everyone. But he forced it back, not wanting to let Chaos out.

"Lu..." he said softly. She wouldn't be able to see his eyes underneath those long bangs, but they were there. The same pair of bright eyes that used to hold such compassion.

(11:41:52 PM) Lucrecia: Lucrecia stood rooted to the spot, eyes wide in shock as she let her eyes take in the man before her. Half of her wanted to scream her apology to him, even though she knew he couldn't and shouldn't accept such words from her. The other half of her wanted nothing more than to bolt back inside the lab and lock the doors. She didn't want to see him, and yet she wanted nothing more than to be with him. She didn't deserve to see him again. There was no way.

Brown eyes turned away from that figure she knew so well and she took a few steps away from him, as if she could avoid facing this possible dream. She was halfway past when she heard the first two letters of her first name, a nickname of endearment. Her head turned in his direction, slowly followed by the rest of her body and she tried to get her mind to focus on the fact that this wasn't a dream. He was real.

"Vincent," Her voice was naught but a whisper and before she could stop herself, she'd taken a step in his direction. No...How could he be here? So much was different about him, about her. She couldn't even begin to explain how she was doing, or how she felt. She just couldn't.

"How...What are you doing here?" The question came out harsher than she had intended, despite the fact that her voice was still a whisper.

(11:54:24 PM) Vincent: Chaos kept speaking in Vincent's ear, telling him to hurt her, to hit her, to throw her against the wall and...SHUT UP! Shut up, Vincent said in his own mind. He wouldn't touch her. He couldn't. He wouldn't allow himself the thought of her still having him in her heart. Not after all that had happened. Life could never go back to that day on the hill in the sun, together having a picnic..life was harsher, more dangerous, more cruel.

"....Working," he said, not sure if that was a lie or not. He didn't want to be in this city anymore. He wanted to be somewhere far away. Anywhere where he didn't have see his past again. But that was impossible. He couldn't run away from his past. He had tried and look where it got him. Back, face to face with her.

He looked up finally, feeling his heart tightening instantly, as soon as their eyes met. His fists both clenched by his sides, then looked away from her after only a moment. He couldn't look at her. He wouldn't allow himself that. His head turned to the side, his hair moving along with it to hide his face and his scars.

(4/24/2008 12:02:58 AM) Lucrecia: Lucrecia stopped herself before she could fling herself at his feet, though her breathing was coming shorter and shorter the longer she stood there and looked at him. Her own head turned to the side so she didn't look at him either, flinching slightly at his one word. She was so used to this, not looking at him. She could barely even remember the last time she'd been able to truly look him in the face. It just wasn't as easy a task as it seemed.

"...I see.." If he was working... was he here to take her somewhere, to arrest her? What did anyone want of her? what could she do for them? Shaking her head visibly, she turned her body from one side to the other a few times, as if trying to gather herself together or think of something to do with herself. She was so different, he was so different, their world was so different. Nothing would ever be the same.

"I... um...Vincent..." She had to say, had to force those words out! But they were being so difficult... She owed it to him, though, owed him so much more than she would ever be able to give him. ".... I'm so sorry!"

(12:11:00 AM) Vincent: Sorry...what a word. When spoken the speaker hoped that everything could go back to the way things were, hoped to be forgiven, to make everything better. Vincent wanted to badly to say the same word. He wished that he could just say sorry and then WHOOSH, they'd be on the hill, holding each other again and smiling...

"Lu..." he wanted to just say it's ok and they can be happy again. But Vincent let her get pregnant, let her lose her child to that man, let her...it was all his fault. He wasn't strong enough to stop all of this from happening. And now he wasn't strong enough to even speak a full sentence to her.

He turned his head back to the woman who was obviously having a hard time dealing with this. The man pulled his hair back, the scars on his face and neck to be seen if she could see through the dim light of the hallway. Vincent attempted to take a step toward Lucrecia, but his body froze midway.

(12:18:58 AM) Lucrecia: Lucrecia froze when she heard his voice again, her head snapping back over to face him. Her features eachoed the fear and turmoil in her heart, the mix of emotions she was sifting through. She still felt responsible for everything and she probably always would, but that didn't mean she wouldn't at least try to tell him her side and the why to her feelings.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me..." I never could. And there was no way she could expect him to do such a thing. She'd wronged him in so many ways... She wouldn't, couldn't blame him if he hated her forever after all this.

He moved then, drawing her attention, and her eyes widened as they landed on the scars, though she blinked and her eyes stopped focusing on anything at all until she dragged them back down to the ground under her feet. "I just wanted you to know.... that I know I was wrong..." Her voice choked somewhere back in her throat and she swallowed around the tears threatening to spill over. She couldn't cry in front of him. She didn't deserve that luxury.

(12:37:35 AM) Vincent: The funny thing was, Vincent felt that he was the one who wronged her. He felt like he was a horrible monster not deserving of anyone's friendship or love. Which was why he lived in a small apartment, didn't have anyone's phone numbers in his phone, and spoke less than three sentences a day.

"..Don't say that.." he said to her. Taking that step closer finally Vincent tried to move his hand closer to Lucrecia, but stopped. He wouldn't let her see that missing arm. It was the worst part of him, and he didn't want her to know. So he moved it back to his pocket. At which time he felt it buzz, his phone from his pocket. Picking it up he checked his text message, and returned it back just as quickly.

"...I have to go," he told her flatly. It was for the best, he didn't know how much longer his heart could take it being so close to her before he just passed out or let Chaos take over. It was so hard just keeping control near her.

(12:46:39 AM) Lucrecia: Lucrecia's head shook violently at his words, though it very well could have come off as a "don't touch me" reaction. Her head tilted downwards again as she clasped her hands in front of her and seemed to tuck in upon herself. She'd said what she needed to way, and yet... somehow it didn't feel like enough. Tears were pricking at her eyes, but she couldn't let him see.

Forcing her breathing to quiet and even out, she simply nodded as Vincent muttered something about having to go. It was probably for the best. Neither of them could ever have been well enough prepared for this encounter and it was wearing on Lucrecia's mind and emotional status again.

She wanted to tell him not to go, wanted to reach across that distance and hold him close, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She didn't deserve that comfort. What he wanted and needed was the most important thing right now. She would oblige, yield to his wishes no matter what.

"Okay..." She looked up just enough to peer up at him through her eyelashes. "...." Oh come on, SAY IT. "Be careful..."

It was out before she could stop herself, and with a sharp in take of breath, she was crossing the pathway to the door. If he didn't stop her, she would pull it open and disappear back into the building.

(12:55:48 AM) Vincent: He...couldn't stop her. Stopping her meant speaking more than he could, or reaching out and connecting with her, and he wasn't going to allow that. He wasn't the Vincent that she had loved once, and it wasn't right to try and pretend like he was. He couldn't touch her, she was off limits to monsters like him.

Vincent turned listening to the doors close behind, feeling like punching a whole through the nearest wall. Or atleast hurting someone. Really, he was violent sometimes, even if he didn't want to feel that way. He blamed that man who ruined his entire life. Vincent took a quick look behind him to see Lucrecia as he walked out of sight, through the small window in the doors.

Once she was out of sight Vincent pulled his phone out again and headed back to the street to his waiting car. "Be careful.." he said over to himself again...Lucrecia..he would be careful..if she wanted him to.

complete, lucrecia crescent, vincent valentine

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