[Open to those 25 and younger, but naturally some will sneak in]

May 08, 2008 12:58

WHO: Mike Newton and Friends
WHAT: Bonfire Party!
WHERE: Calabria Beach, 5th site down from the Bella Notte Restaurant
WHEN: Friday evening (pre-dated)

Party on, dude! )

soiree meira, rhode kamelot, kuchiki rukia, bella swan, luke fon fabre, jasper whitlock, abarai renji, kiyone kotetsu, luffy d monkey, rinoa heartilly

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OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 09:21:28 UTC
Luke came to the bonfire with Renji and co., but they had been rather scattered in their arrival and it wasn't long before everyone dispersed around the fire. Luke didn't mind so much, since he had Mieu with him and he was content just to be part of the crowd for the moment. His acquisition of a bag of marshmallows also helped his situation.

He settled himself down on a log and ate a few marshmallows while he listened to the conversation going on around him. Mieu curled up on his feet and Luke shot him an annoyed look, but didn't bother shaking him off just yet. For the moment he was happy just to be a part of something.

He did spend a few minutes using the firelight and fading day light to make a few notes in his diary, since he wanted to make sure he remembered to record his day before he got too involved in the festivities.


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 9 2008, 21:46:27 UTC
"Oi, Luke mah boy, you want something to drink?" Soiree called to him, walking over to the redhead while still doing his best to keep an eye on Rhode. Renji had, of course, gone off to talk to that damned Vescovo girl...but he supposed it was only fair given Soiree pretty much abandoning him at the club.

Luke, however, seemed content to be alone. And, well, Soiree couldn't have that. "It's all piss water, but it's good and cold."


Re: OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 22:08:18 UTC
Luke jumped when he heard his name and he whipped his head around to look up at Soiree. He hadn't been expecting anyone to come talk to him, but he wasn't going to complain. He grinned at Soiree as he snapped his (mini) diary shut and tucked it into his pocket.

"Uh, sure," he replied before pausing to think for a moment, "What are we drinking, anyway? Beer? You didn't make it sound very good..."


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 9 2008, 22:12:16 UTC
Soiree tossed the boy a can, cold to the touch and still dripping with ice water. Fresh from the cooler, really. Soiree took a pull from his own and let out a satisfied sigh. Sure, it wasn't the best, but it WAS cold, and that took some of the blandness away from it.

"Well, it's not so much it tastes bad as it doesn't taste good, you know? Kind of on the blah side. But given it's just a bunch of teenagers throwing this thing, I shouldn't be shocked," he shrugged, plopping down next to the redhead. "What's on your mind, chief?"


Re: OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 22:42:54 UTC
Luke caught the can, but just barely and he had to fumble it for a minute before he got a firm hold on it. He gave the can a suspicious look as he curled his fingers around it, yet after a moment he shrugged and popped open the tab. He took a sip and then nearly choked once he got a proper taste of the liquid.

How could anyone drink this? Still, Luke could tell that everyone else around him was enjoying it so he took another reluctant sip, but he couldn't help the sour expression the taste produced.

"Nothing. Not really. I've never been to anything like this before. I don't really know what's supposed to happen," he replied before he attempted to drink the beer again.


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 9 2008, 22:59:31 UTC
Soiree allowed himself a chuckle at Luke's expense as he made attempts at drinking the beverage that obviously wasn't agreeing with him. Luke never looked like the beer type anyways.

"You always struck me as more of a vino kinda guy. And there ain't much that really does happen. You hang out, maybe meet new people. Enjoy a few drinks and some free food....maybe hook up with a pretty lady, if ya know what I mean," he grinned, elbowing Luke lightly.


Re: OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 23:17:34 UTC
Luke was mid-sip when Soiree elbowed him and he sputtered into the can when he realized what Soiree was suggesting. Luke was definitely inexperienced in those sorts of areas.

"W-What? People come here for that kind of thing too? You can do that?" he asked, nearly whispering by this point.


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 9 2008, 23:28:08 UTC
Soiree's reaction to Luke's statement was just as precious as Luke's reaction to his own. He couldn't look anymore dumbfounded if he tried. Not that Soiree, a virgin, had any room to talk, but at least HE knew people hooked up at parties. Especially young people like this with all of their damned hormones.

"Of course, dude! That's, like, the point, almost!"


Re: OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 23:55:13 UTC
"Really...?" Luke stared down at the beer in his hand, then down at Mieu who was still curled up on his feet. He had never thought that he was that ignorant about the world, but it was starting to look like he didn't know anything. Soiree was practically laughing at him.

"Well, sorry, I didn't get out much before," he grumbled as he fidgeted with the tab on the beer can.


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 10 2008, 00:07:13 UTC
Soiree pat Luke's back, still laughing. "No hard feelings, dude. I was just joshing you anyways. You don't seem like the type for hook ups," he said, smiling more sincerely. He added 'like me' to the end of that statement in his thoughts, but he wasn't about to publicly admit to his own troubles in that department.


Re: OPEN riverbero May 10 2008, 00:20:35 UTC
Soiree's laugh earned a little grin from Luke, who was attempting to ignore how embarrassed he'd been a moment before. He took another sip of the beer, which was still gross, though not as bad as it had been at first. Then, he put the can down, making sure to twist it into the sand so that it wouldn't fall down, and picked up the marshmallows instead. He was hoping that the sugar would cover the taste of the beer.

"Uh, yeah. Not really. But this is fun, too." His smile widened a little and he laughed, "It's all of us soldati together."


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 10 2008, 00:27:20 UTC
"True indeed, my little friend. True indeed. It's nice to not be doing grunt work and having some time to chillax...though there are some Vescovo around...," he said motioning to the girl Renji was talking to.

"But...if Renji's relaxed, so am I. And Rhode's having fun. Ain't much else we can do other than have some s'mores, drink some brews, and watch the fireworks later."


Re: OPEN riverbero May 10 2008, 02:09:57 UTC
Luke leaned back so that he could look at where Renji and the girl had gone, but after a moment he turned his attention back to Soiree. He would have been more worried about the Vescovo comment, but there was no chance that he would be here. This wasn't his kind of event at all and, honestly, Luke couldn't think of a public event that would be. Luke shook off his dark thoughts, then gestured towards Renji.

"S'mores?" Luke asked, as he cast a quick glance back at Renji again. The glance seemed to distract him from finding out what s'mores were. "Hey, is she his girlfriend or something? Isn't that kind of..."


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 10 2008, 02:35:09 UTC
While Luke was distracted, Soiree had already set about preparing one of the camp fire treats. He had two pieces of a graham cracker as well as a piece of chocolate while he roasted a marshmallow on a make-shift skewer. Once the mallow was sufficiently heated, he sandwiched it between the pieces and handed it off to Luke.

"Old friend of his, from what he says. Grew up together, but work for different families."


Re: OPEN riverbero May 10 2008, 03:15:17 UTC
"Huh, that sounds familiar. He seems happy, at least." Luke made a noise when Soiree handed him the s'more, but he accepted to readily. However, once it was in his hand he hesitated before taking a bite.

He honestly hadn't expected this to be so messy, so he was surprised when melted chocolate oozed onto his hand. He made a face, then sucked the chocolate off the side of his hand. He quickly finished off the rest of the s'more, then brushed the crumbs off his fingertips.

"...That was great! But messy. I've never had one before."


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 10 2008, 03:22:57 UTC
"What, seriously? You've never had one? Jesus, Luke...sheltered much?" he chuckled, not certain what to make of his statement but happy to see his fellow soldati enjoying himself.


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