[Open to those 25 and younger, but naturally some will sneak in]

May 08, 2008 12:58

WHO: Mike Newton and Friends
WHAT: Bonfire Party!
WHERE: Calabria Beach, 5th site down from the Bella Notte Restaurant
WHEN: Friday evening (pre-dated)

Party on, dude! )

soiree meira, rhode kamelot, kuchiki rukia, bella swan, luke fon fabre, jasper whitlock, abarai renji, kiyone kotetsu, luffy d monkey, rinoa heartilly

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Comments 125

open to jasper, edward (if he goes) or both bellatramonto May 8 2008, 17:17:33 UTC
Bella rode with Mike Newton in a trailblazer packed to the brim with rowdy high school kids all the way down to Calabria Beach. This was far earlier in the afternoon, as everyone agreed to help Mike get ready for the big night ahead.

Once at the 5th site down, Bella spent most of her time arranging bowls of marshmallows while the strong guys went off to get wood. The white cylinders of fluff looked so delicious, and felt like squishy chalk in her hands. Her eyes watched them enviously as she placed them here and there, and she made a mental note to grab as many as possible before the bulk of the guests arrived.

What she was looking forward to the most, however, was the presence of Jasper. She was a bit premature in her assumptions that he'd be lingering around the beach this early, and so not finding him around yet put a damper on her mood for the time being. She was really hoping he'd turn up. Way more than she should. His presence was a danger to all of her friends, but she figured with such a big crowed of witnesses around ( ... )


Re: open to jasper, edward (if he goes) or both insanguinato May 8 2008, 21:11:50 UTC
The beach was actually a very relaxing place to hang out. The smell of salt and brine was strong, but it covered up the majority of human smells, and the rhythmic beating of the waves helped Jasper think. Still, it was a very wide, very open space, in contrast to the narrow, grimy streets he was used to, and he didn't feel comfortable there during the day. Which meant waiting for night ( ... )


Re: open to jasper, edward (if he goes) or both bellatramonto May 8 2008, 21:49:12 UTC
Bella's head jutted up suddenly, knocking her perfectly sculpted marshmallow fortress down. She'd recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Jasper. Finally. The dark Apollo-villain-vampire hybrid come to save her from her boredom once again ( ... )


Re: open to jasper, edward (if he goes) or both insanguinato May 8 2008, 22:07:33 UTC
Jasper looked down as a couple marshmallows rolled to rest near his shoe. She'd been calm before, probably bored, obviously waiting here for him. Now, though, the sudden jumble of emotions tumbling through her were difficult to ignore, or to separate. He began working to calm her down for his own sake as much as for hers.

This kind of thing had to be easier for people who didn't have to experience other people's crushes as if they were their own.

"Why aren't you with them?" he asked curiously, though he was fairly sure, given her reaction to his presence, why she was alone. He should probably be annoyed, but it was fairly obvious by now that she wasn't going to change just for a concept as unimportant as her safety.


angelowings May 8 2008, 17:28:13 UTC
Rinoa was strictly attending the bonfire for AMC business only. Although she was still a teenager, she didn't much like partaking in 'youngster' activities.

She arrived long before most everyone else, and feeling a little stupid, strolled around the shore looking for seashells.

She hadn't notified Squall of where she was going, but only on accident. Either way, she didn't quite care. This was AMC-concerned and the AMC did not concern Squall.

Oooh, that one's pretty.

Rinoa picked up a curious looking shell that had a luster of pink and purple. Too bad she didn't have any pockets on this outfit. She dropped it back down in the sand and looked up, appraising guests as they arrived. She was looking for shady characters- perhaps people that looked far too old to be here, and also people who wore things like trench coats to the beach. Anyone with heavy pockets or bags of any sort were also a concern.


scimmiadigomma May 10 2008, 18:11:26 UTC
[Assuming this is open, ya? if Not, luffy can be sent packing X 3 ]

"Mashmellows, Marshmellows~" Luffy sang, however it came out more like "Mnnhpomonms, Mnnhpomonms~" with his little chipmunk cheeks. He had a large messenger bag, swinging at his side as he trotted by.

The age looked right, but he was also wearing ratty cargo shorts with large pockets, full of *something*. While his eyes were bright, he was wearing a straw sunhat at night, would that make him a shady character.

He swallowed his marshmallows quickly, perking up when he saw what Riona was holding. "Hey, sis! That's a nice one!" He called out to her.


angelowings May 11 2008, 17:23:15 UTC
Rinoa looked up at the newcomer with a puzzled expression. The straw hat was quite common for a beach scene, she supposed, but her eyes roved down to his pockets, which were definitely full of something.

Based on the kid's expression, she didn't jump to the conclusion that they were drugs. It was probably just marshmallows or sugar packets.

"Do . . . I know you?" she raised an eyebrow at the 'sis' comment. She didn't have any brothers that she knew of, but she supposed with Captain Caraway, it wasn't out of the question.


scimmiadigomma May 11 2008, 19:49:29 UTC
"No- But my name is Luffy. What's yours? Do you like seashells?" Luffy asked, tilting his head with curiosity.

"Want a marshmellow?" He asked, pulling one out of his pocket and offering it to her.


Open angelodellasera May 8 2008, 22:02:37 UTC
Soiree had himself propped up in an impossibly lazy and relaxed looking position against a log as he watched the fire roar. In his hand was a cold beer while his other arm rested behind his head. It was a good night for a bonfire...and the sound of that plus the water was very soothing to the Angel of Twilight.

He wondered when Rhode and Renji would show up...he still needed to apologize to Renji for basically abandoning him at the bar. But that woman...something about her still sung in his head and he couldn't shake it. It was weird...but he was pretty sure he liked it...

He took a long drag from his beer in order to try and clear his head a bit.


dolcezzamacabra May 9 2008, 02:25:52 UTC
Rhode had done exactly what Gin had warned her against by running ahead of the others to get to the bonfire, but she was having more than a little fun with the sand on the way. It was this big, totally new experience, and the sixteen year old was acting like a child as she went sliding across the sand with a squeal of enthusiasm.

She eventually let herself be directed to the fireside, though, a can of soda in one hand and shoes full of sand in the other. She didn't have much of a clue as to who anyone was, but she knew better than to try and wander off from where she'd been told to sit.

Getting lost wasn't something she wanted to do after being found so recently, after all.


angelodellasera May 9 2008, 03:57:29 UTC
Soiree made certain to keep a careful eye on Rhode. While it was good to see the kid having fun naturally like kids her age SHOULD be doing, he was still wary that he served another purpose here.

"Hey Rhode, you enjoying yourself?" he asked, even though it was obvious. Probably to remind her that he was there. "I can make ya a s'more if ya want!"


open to Rukia scimmiarossa May 9 2008, 06:50:54 UTC
Renji arrived with a group, but found himself spending most of the evening keeping an impatient eye out for someone else. It'd been three years since he'd actually seen Rukia and another week since he'd contacted her online. Patience had never been his strong suit.

After a few hours, though, she still hadn't shown up, and Renji knew that if she did, she wouldn't approach him in a crowd. So he broke away from his friends with the excuse to get some more beer from the high schoolers throwing this thing, then walked along the beach with it, wondering where she was and if he'd get yelled at for texting her.


Re: open to Rukia nevefiora May 9 2008, 07:01:58 UTC
Rukia had been hesitant to make her way to the bonfire thing anyway. She had spent most of the day planting carefully planned excuses into her brother's head--or anyone who would give her message to him anyway--and making sure her alibi was perfect. True, this was technically neutral grounds and a neutral party, but somehow, she doubted that he would care if he found out.

By the time she got there, it was getting darker outside and there were more people than she cared to count. She stood to the edge of everything, trying to scout around to see if Renji was there. If he wasn't. Well. She had tried? Yes, that would be her excuse.


Re: open to Rukia scimmiarossa May 9 2008, 07:26:41 UTC
Renji knew exactly the kinds of places Rukia would be hanging out in, and had skimmed them accordingly. He grinned when he finally caught sight of her unmistakably short figure off to the side of some group. She was obviously looking for him. He raised his free hand above his head and waved.

"Oi, Rukia! This way!"

He hadn't seen anyone but civilians and Monacellos here, he was hardly worried that some other Vescovo would see him and wonder what he was doing. And he could tell his own buddies to go annoy someone else if they came over. It was about time she showed up.


Re: open to Rukia nevefiora May 9 2008, 07:33:44 UTC
Rukia had been on the verge of turning around and leaving when she heard her voice being called by the unmistakable and unchanged voice of Abarai Renji.

She frowned and squinted until she saw the bright red hair and the obnoxious waving. He was taller than before, but still, somehow, unchanged. It simultaneously warmed her and made her nervous. Three years. What if they had both changed? She knew she had.

She wove her way through the crowd with a look of distaste on her face and finally reached him.

"You couldn't have come to me, asshole?"


OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 09:21:28 UTC
Luke came to the bonfire with Renji and co., but they had been rather scattered in their arrival and it wasn't long before everyone dispersed around the fire. Luke didn't mind so much, since he had Mieu with him and he was content just to be part of the crowd for the moment. His acquisition of a bag of marshmallows also helped his situation.

He settled himself down on a log and ate a few marshmallows while he listened to the conversation going on around him. Mieu curled up on his feet and Luke shot him an annoyed look, but didn't bother shaking him off just yet. For the moment he was happy just to be a part of something.

He did spend a few minutes using the firelight and fading day light to make a few notes in his diary, since he wanted to make sure he remembered to record his day before he got too involved in the festivities.


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 9 2008, 21:46:27 UTC
"Oi, Luke mah boy, you want something to drink?" Soiree called to him, walking over to the redhead while still doing his best to keep an eye on Rhode. Renji had, of course, gone off to talk to that damned Vescovo girl...but he supposed it was only fair given Soiree pretty much abandoning him at the club.

Luke, however, seemed content to be alone. And, well, Soiree couldn't have that. "It's all piss water, but it's good and cold."


Re: OPEN riverbero May 9 2008, 22:08:18 UTC
Luke jumped when he heard his name and he whipped his head around to look up at Soiree. He hadn't been expecting anyone to come talk to him, but he wasn't going to complain. He grinned at Soiree as he snapped his (mini) diary shut and tucked it into his pocket.

"Uh, sure," he replied before pausing to think for a moment, "What are we drinking, anyway? Beer? You didn't make it sound very good..."


Re: OPEN angelodellasera May 9 2008, 22:12:16 UTC
Soiree tossed the boy a can, cold to the touch and still dripping with ice water. Fresh from the cooler, really. Soiree took a pull from his own and let out a satisfied sigh. Sure, it wasn't the best, but it WAS cold, and that took some of the blandness away from it.

"Well, it's not so much it tastes bad as it doesn't taste good, you know? Kind of on the blah side. But given it's just a bunch of teenagers throwing this thing, I shouldn't be shocked," he shrugged, plopping down next to the redhead. "What's on your mind, chief?"


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