Nov 16, 2008 18:46

WHO: Alucard/toothsomehound, Usopp/longnosedliar, Sam Vimes/stonyfaced, Jessica Sanders/DIVIDEDSANITY, Otacon/justlikeoneofmy, Lauren Reed/dancewithadevil, Ken/artiglio, Zoro/resolute_edge, AND - anyone else who would like to be trapped is welcome to join!
WHERE: Guilty Pleasures.
WHEN: Evening.

I've seen Diamonds cut through harder men. )

otacon, !lauren reed, sam vimes, ken hidaka, roronoa zoro, alucard, jessica sanders, kei yuki, usopp

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SECTOR 3; OTHER BLOCKED OFF AREA dancewithadevil November 17 2008, 01:19:12 UTC
[Start comments from here]


Re: SECTOR 3; OTHER BLOCKED OFF AREA artiglio November 17 2008, 02:15:46 UTC
It was a rare night alone for Ken. But, he had just gotten paid, and figured it was time he took himself out for a semi nice dinner. He was wearing his nicest pants, and a shirt he'd found in the back of his closet, one of his few that weren't t-shirts.

The loud explosion made him start, and the rumbling caused him to dive under the table. It might have been nothing, but he wasn't going to take that chance.


Re: SECTOR 3; OTHER BLOCKED OFF AREA resolute_edge November 17 2008, 03:26:59 UTC
This was really not what Zoro needed right now. First of all, he was trying to stay undercover. Caiman identified him and Zoro really, really, really didn't want to be caught by the police. So it was settled. He was lying low. Go to a motel under a false name, maybe, but he wasn't looking to get out of the city; his lack of faith in the judicial system assured him that it wasn't necessary ( ... )


Re: SECTOR 3; OTHER BLOCKED OFF AREA artiglio November 18 2008, 05:24:34 UTC
Ken looked up at the call, his head swung from side to side till he saw Zoro. "Yes! What...what happened?" He said, slowly emerging from under his table, ever ready to duck back under should another explosion occur.

"Are you ok mister?" He said after making his way over cautiously. Ken himself wasn't really hurt, just shaken and covered in dust. "You've gotten yourself pinned really well..."

Great, just great. His one night out by himself and something like this happened. Ken could only hope it was just this building, that everyone outside was ok.


resolute_edge November 18 2008, 05:51:02 UTC
Zoro took a moment to survey the boy with a critical eye. Yeah. He looked fine. A bit dusty, but one would expect that, what with the explosions and everything. Hell, Zoro didn't even know where he was. He never really did, but it was usually desirable when one was neck deep in rubble.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Despite his words, he twisted underneath the thing, spitting and cursing at it. Fuck it all, it hurt, and even if he'd survived worse, it didn't mean he had to like it. Eventually, he managed to worm his way out, only worming consisted of repeatedly bashing it with his fist until it cracked. It was the Roronoa Zoro way of doing things. If something was in the way, you bashed at it until it was no longer in the way ( ... )


artiglio November 18 2008, 05:56:49 UTC
Ken shook his head as he tried to help by getting some of the rubble off Zoro. Once the man was free, he eyed him criticaly.

"Sorry, I don't really pay attention to stuff like that. My job takes me all over the city so I kinda loose track. Why would someone wanna bomb this place?" He asked after a moment, settling down next to Zoro. He made a face, having accidentally set his hand down in a blood spray. "Oh...gross..." he wiped it off hurriedly on a table cloth.


resolute_edge November 18 2008, 06:02:31 UTC
Zoro sat there for a moment, trying to still his madly beating heart. People said that a true swordsman could control his heartbeat. Zoro was not one of those people. Still, he had had plenty of training using meditation and other shit like that - even if all he really had wanted to do was hit things with pointy objects - so he was able to calm himself very easily.

"I dunno. Why would anybody wanna bomb the library? They did that too." Zoro remembered the librarian, who had seemed distraught. Wondered where she was now. Dead? That's where everybody seemed to be going: straight to hell. Or would have been, anyways, if Zoro had believed in a God. Which he didn't.

He eased himself to his feet, ignoring the fact that the back of his very white shirt seemed to have turned very red. A pity; it was a nice enough shirt, and Zoro didn't like wasting money on clothes. "We should try to get out of here," he said, pointedly regarding their surroundings. "Or see if anybody else is stuck in this mess."


artiglio November 18 2008, 06:08:18 UTC
"Is that your blood?" Ken asked, pointing to the stained shirt. "If it is, I don't think you should be moving around so much mister." Looking up at Zoro, Ken knew he probably looked like some scared little kid. Deep down he felt like it, but the mans words made sense. Look for other people trapped.

Ken got up as well, trying in vain to brush off his pants. "Damn it. Figures. The one night I get off to think and this happens."


resolute_edge November 18 2008, 06:38:31 UTC
"Yeah, I think so," Zoro said, touching his back gingerly before nodding his head. "It's okay." The way he said it had a sort of disturbing ease to it, all things considered, but he was a hitman after all. He dealt in blood. Besides, he'd gotten worse. He remembered that time where that guy thought that a blunt pipe made a good weapon (it did), and that other guy who dressed in fucking armour, and--

Well, Zoro hurt thinking about it. "You can cut it out with the mister, though," he said with a snort. Nobody called him mister. It sounded wrong, labeled on him. "I'm Zoro."

And somebody every person in this damn city, no, every damn person in the world would know that name. But not now. And not if they didn't get out before the rest of the building collapsed on top of them.


artiglio November 18 2008, 06:43:54 UTC
Ken was having none of that machismo stuff, though he did understand it quite well. Years of playing sports exposed you to it all. "Ok Zoro. I'm Ken. Now take off your shirt so I can make sure it didn't do anything serious."

He had learned the best way around male ego was to be blunt. "I don't want you passing out or anything stupid like that while we're trying to find a way out of here." Ken's hands patted down his pockets, searching for his cell phone, but he groaned when he realized that it was in his jacket, which was sitting on his chair, which was now a pile of smashed debris.


BUBBLES FEEL FREE TO POP IN WHENEVER~ resolute_edge November 18 2008, 06:57:37 UTC
"Fuck off," Zoro said, coarsely, as he peered underneath some rubble. "Still alive?" He asked the body lying underneath it. "No? No. Oh well." He dropped it back onto the body, unceremoniously, and turned to face Ken.

"Look," he said, "I know how to deal with wounds. Right now, I don't want to open it to all the dust and shit flying around here, I wanna get the fuck outta here and I can take a look at it once I'm sure that nothing's gonna be splitting my head in half."

He strode over to the wall of rubble that he assumed was hiding the door and bashed his fist against it, twice. It was tempting to try to bash it in, but what if it was holding up the second floor? Then they'd really be in trouble. Damn. Goddamn it. Last thing he needed to do was to rip off his shirt and have some kid try to play doctor on him, especially when he had a shitload of wounds already present on him that he really didn't want anybody asking questions about.


Re: BUBBLES FEEL FREE TO POP IN WHENEVER~ artiglio November 18 2008, 07:01:52 UTC
Ken rolled his eyes, but let it drop for now, resolving to keep an eye on Zoro. "Fine, but be careful not to tear anything else." He said, looking around for any access to the outside world.

"What is it with exploding restaurants lately, first the bug and now this place." Ken grumbled, instead turning his attention to the direction he thought the windows were in. His bike was in the parking lot...he really hoped it was still in one piece.

Thinking about that kept his mind off the fact that there were dead bodies in the rubble, and that it smelt like dusty blood in here.


APOLOGIES FOR THE DELAY! dancewithadevil November 19 2008, 04:21:00 UTC
California and fake marriages sounded more and more appealing than this city ( ... )


resolute_edge November 19 2008, 05:18:33 UTC
As Zoro opened his mouth to reply, turning around - yeah, there's always a shitload'a explosions in this city - when a woman fell through the door that he was just knocking on. Surprised, he took a step back and surveyed the woman. Didn't recognize her, but he doubted he could recognize anybody in this mess.

He peered out of the door she fell through, hopefully. To his disappointment, there was no obvious exit point there either. Oh well, an extra pair of hands would be useful in this mess. "Hey," he greeted the woman, crouching beside her. "You okay, everything intact?"

Thinking back to his first aid training as a kid, he found it to be sorely lacking. Are they conscious? No? Well kick the guy to make sure he's not just faking it. Still not conscious? Fuck, then you gotta lay him on his side and feel him down which'll make the both of you uncomfortable if he's conscious, and...

Yeah. Zoro hoped she was all right.


artiglio November 19 2008, 05:36:30 UTC
At hearing the crash of the door opening, Ken turned around with a start. He made his way over to Zoro and the new woman, his thought process running much akin to Zoro's, minus the kicking to make sure they were unconscious. Ken wasn't the type to kick someone when they were down usually.

He knelt down to see if he could find out of she was awake or not. If she was dead, she wouldn't have been able to get that door open, right?


dancewithadevil November 19 2008, 15:26:33 UTC
She was most certainly awake. The shooting pain in her head certainly signaled just how conscious she really was as she went tumbling to the floor, the metal bar clanging to a stop nearby. Where her reflexes were usually quick and precise, she barely had time to react and just managed to put her hands out to keep her face from connecting with the now-dirty floor.


Lauren groaned, giving herself a quick second to collect her balance before she started to get up. She also appreciated not being kicked.

"Splendid," she replied once back on her feet, brushing any pieces of drywall or debris from her arms and legs distractedly, more annoyed with it than anything. Finally getting a better look at who was speaking to her, Lauren thought she recognized the two men standing there; there was something that registered though during the current mess no names were coming to mind. "Well, then, glad to see I'm not the only one left breathing."


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