Fallen stars and fanboys // closed, in progress

Nov 13, 2008 18:14

WHO: Kia WelBehenna, Ken Hidaka
WHAT: Recognition at an unlikely place
WHERE: Outside Muraki's clinic
WHEN: day 185, around dark

Disasters always fascinated people )

kia welbehenna, ken hidaka

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artiglio November 14 2008, 03:51:51 UTC
Ken ran for the door, his stomach still doing flops. Normally, he had an iron gut for gore. Hell, he'd sat through some of Elena's movies, and those were pretty bad. But real life is much different from film life. You don't get the smell, nor the sheer horror of someone you trusted pretty well turning out to be a monster seeking to emulate Jack the ripper.

Once outside, he stopped right by the door and sank down near the concrete steps, his knees wouldn't support him anymore. Ken swallowed thickly, running over the picture in his mind. Why would someone like the doctor do something like this? Who was the poor sap in the trash can, and what had they done to deserve something like this.

But there was one question that rose to the top of his mind, that he just couldn't bear. Would he turn out a monster like Muraki, considering some of the things he had done since coming to Italy and discovering the docks.


rideonmyharley November 14 2008, 04:00:15 UTC
Kia didn't last much longer. The police would find that when they investigated the place, and they'd hopefully find out who those fingers belonged to. He'd seen some crazy things before, but that had to be towards the top of the list.

Once back outside, he took a few breaths and rested his hand on Ken's shoulder. "You okay?" he asked, voice completely serious for once.


artiglio November 14 2008, 04:35:53 UTC
With a nod, Ken took a deep breath and tried to relax. It didn't help at all really, but it was worth a shot. "I've been down to that basement a bit to put boxes down there, but never very deep.... It... It hadn't smelt like that then." Talking. Talking was good. Distracting. It would get his brain moving again, and out of the nauseating horror that he felt at the moment.

He looked at Kia. His eyes were sad, sick, and hurt, full of betrayal. His conviction was shaken, and although he'd like to find excuses as to what it all might actually mean, it was hard to think of them at this moment.


rideonmyharley November 14 2008, 18:48:22 UTC
He listened and kept his hand where it was. Hopefully Ken wouldn't blame him for being the one to find this. The other man could have simply not taken his challenge, could have insisted that he didn't need to prove the doctor's goodness to anyone who didn't know him. But since they'd gone down there, there was no way to unsee anything now.

"And I figured the worst we'd find was a kinky playroom," he remarked, seeming mad with himself. Kia met Ken's look. The only way he knew to distract cute guys from their confusion was probably something unwanted right now, so he stayed quiet for a moment.


artiglio November 15 2008, 01:30:23 UTC
Ken shook his head again and turned away. He shrugged off Kia's hand and stood up, straightening his back so that he got his few inch's over Kia's height. Its not that he was trying to loom, or be intimidating, it was just that he wanted to demonstrate that he was alright, that the other boy didn't need to worry about him.

The mention of the type of playroom that Kia had expected to find brought another blush to his face, against all odds. "That...that wouldn't have justified what you said about him though!" He said, a little shocked.


rideonmyharley November 15 2008, 02:37:38 UTC
"I said what I thought would get a reaction from you. If you had that much faith in the guy, you wouldn't have needed to prove his innocence to me," he said with a smirk. "But I'm still sorry you had to see that." Kia didn't let Ken's height bother him at all. Louise was much taller and more irritating.


artiglio November 15 2008, 02:45:39 UTC
"Well excuse me for trying to prove someone innocent when I believed they were." Ken said with a huff. He was still a bit rattled, and that made him easily irritated.

"And why would you want to get a rise out of me anyways, picking fights isn't healthy." No, that wasn't a threat, thought it may sound as such. Inwardly, he wondered weather that room actually effected Kia at all, or if he was just good at coping with shocks like that.


rideonmyharley November 16 2008, 00:27:00 UTC
He'd been just as bothered by the room as Ken, but Kia saw no point in letting it get to him until he was alone. Kia pulled out another cigarette.

"Wasn't trying to pick a fight. You're cute and I like seeing cute guys annoyed and flustered. That's it."


artiglio November 16 2008, 01:05:34 UTC
Ken just looked at him for a second. With Kia's words sinking in, it brought confusing. Did...he just get hit on? No, no, that couldn't be right. A) This wasn't the time, and B) why would Kia hit on him in the first place.

Looking Kia straight in the eye, he gave the other boy an incredulous look. He opened his mouth to say something, then changed his mind, settling with just shaking his head. "We should leave, its bad news for us if we get caught here..."


rideonmyharley November 16 2008, 01:22:16 UTC
He knew that look well. It was the look that told him that the person he was interested in just didn't get it. Kia grinned, seemingly amused by Ken's confusion.

"Where do you wanna go from here?" he asked, deliberately making the innocuous sentence seem as dirty as his mind wanted it to be.


artiglio November 16 2008, 01:39:13 UTC
"I just want to leave." He said, brushing his hair away from his fore head. "If someone sees us here..." Ken left the last bit of that sentence hanging. While he suspected no one would really care if they saw them around here, you couldn't take that chance.

He really did want to leave though. It was almost as if the feeling of the basement was creeping up and seeping out the walls of that once welcome, and familiar building. Yeah, he wasn't going to be sleeping that night.


rideonmyharley November 16 2008, 01:52:06 UTC
"There's probably a hotel nearby if you wanna relax," he propositioned. Kia wouldn't back down until Ken said he wasn't interested. And even then, it would take a while to convince him to stop. He smoked quietly to give the other man some time to think about those words.

Whatever the truth about that mess in the basement was, he could probably have Louise pull strings to get information about the doctor and pass that along to Ken. Maybe it would help him.


artiglio November 16 2008, 02:17:53 UTC
That earned a blink. "Whats wrong with going home?" A thought occurred to him. "Don't you live here in the city?" He asked, still trying to pin down exactly why Kia had suggested a hotel.

"And who are you anyways?" It also had just occurred to him that he didn't even know this kids name.


rideonmyharley November 16 2008, 02:21:56 UTC
Inwardly, Kia groaned. How could someone be that clueless in a town like this? "I live here, but generally the only people I take home are the ones I've been with a few times. If you want to show your house to a weird guy who's basically a stranger, though, go right ahead. My name's Kia. Before I came here, I was a private in the German army. That enough info for ya?"

Maybe that would get things through Ken's head.


artiglio November 16 2008, 02:35:05 UTC
Obviously there was some miscomunication here, though Ken did finally figure out that Kia was expecting them to stick together. If he looked at it in that light, yes, the hotel made sense. He shook his head and shoved it to the back of his mind. First things first.

Ken smiled at Kia. "Well, its nice to meet you Kia, though I wish it had been in better circumstances, and a better time. I'm...well, uh, right, you already know who I am." That last bit was said with a sheepish laugh.


rideonmyharley November 16 2008, 04:16:09 UTC
"I've been here long enough to know that there's probably never better circumstances to meet new faces. Shit happens and friends turn out to be foes." He muttered that last part, hoping Ken didn't hear him.

Part of him just wanted to go home and rethink his approach. This felt like one of the bad endings in a video game.


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