An Unwitting Assassin [open]

Aug 20, 2008 19:31

Who: Syaoran raitei_wolf and anyone who runs into him
What: Syaoran flees the scene, not wanting to see the aftermath of what he's done
Where: Near the arena (but not very)
When: after this
Trying to find the way )

syaoran li, reborn, dean winchester

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arcabalenoborn August 22 2008, 23:46:47 UTC
Before Reborn would let Dean walk away from the scene, Reborn was standing in front of him. "What do you think you're doing?" Reborn asked his voice cold and eyes hard as his hand reached out and grabbed Dean's shirt. His hand was shaking and a frown on his lips belying that he was not just angry at the moment, but full out pissed with what he had walked up on.

"What gives you the right to touch MY team member?" With that Dean recieved a right hook to the jaw as he let go of Dean's shirt after the hit connected.


canecieco August 22 2008, 23:58:20 UTC
Right in his face, out of the shadows, and Dean did not have a chance to react. Suddenly, Reborn had a fistful of his shirt, and the cigarette dangled from Dean's lips. Just his fucking luck. Made his fucking day. He couldn't believe this.

Was Reborn in on it too?

And there he had it. A fucking punch right in the fucking sucker and he tumbled backwards, holding his face. The cigarette fell from his lips onto the sidewalk.


This was fucked.

"Who gives you the fucking right, huh?!" He shouted right back, struggling to stand up and rushing toward his comrade, wrapping his arms around him, and tackling him to the ground.


arcabalenoborn August 23 2008, 00:06:31 UTC
Hitting his back with a OOF sound as he laid there for a moment his hand reaching up to slam into Dean's jaw. "I have the fucking right when someone else messes with my team members! I don't threaten your kiddos!"

Reborn sat up as much as the other would allow him, "You'd do the same for your kids, I am just protecting mine." With that Reborn would attempt to push off Dean from ontop of him. "If Syaoran has done something wrong you come to me first, understand?!"


canecieco August 23 2008, 00:20:32 UTC
"He fucking shot Franky," Dean spat, battling it out with Reborn in a mess of limbs. Fucking jaw, he couldn't get away from it, and now he was gonna have a nasty bruise in the morning. Sam was going to have his ass.

Tumbling backwards, he reached forward again, pulling back his fist to punch the fucker right in the eye.


arcabalenoborn August 23 2008, 00:31:36 UTC
Reborn stopped for a moment when he heard that. He had been afraid something was going to happen to Franky if he went through with his plans, but that wasn't the point at the moment. Years of conditioning worked in his favor as he leaned to the side, Dean just grazing his temple.

"Did he have a reason for it?" Reborn moved ontop of Dean straddling him as he grabbed his shoulders and slammed back his shoulders pinning him. "When did we start going after Soldati for following orders. We did the same types of things Dean!"


canecieco August 23 2008, 00:33:38 UTC
Fuck, where did this guy learn to fight.

Dean gasped. "He didn't do a fucking thing wrong. Lost a fucking wrestling match. So what?"

The same things...yeah, but...Franky was his friend. He was a good guy. He was family to him, and when everything started going topsy turvy, the family crumbling in on itself.

Adrenaline leaving his body. Dean was calming down now at least.


arcabalenoborn August 23 2008, 00:40:30 UTC
Calming down, Reborn sat there ontop of Dean, "Now explain to me what happened. I obviously came in on the last part of that...I appologize for letting my temper get the best of me." That was Reborn for you, always level headed until his students and team members were messed with.

"As far as I am concerned though you touch my team again without my express permission, I'll put you back in your place." Slowly standing up Reborn offered his hand to Dean to help him up. As far as he was concerned the fight was over. Also, it was better for Syaoran to stay silent at the moment because this was a meeting between caporegime at this point.


canecieco August 23 2008, 00:50:44 UTC
Well, that was quickly settled. Dean took Reborn's hand, hoisting himself up onto his feet. He brushes himself off, reaching in his back pocket for another cigarette. What a fucking day.

"Syaoran - your guy told me that Hijikata gave orders for him to blast Franky apart," he explained through gritted teeth.


arcabalenoborn August 23 2008, 00:56:00 UTC
Sighing Reborn rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the others cigarette and he took out one from his own pack. "Well why blame Syaoran when the fault lies with Hijikata. I'll deal with Syaoran, but this is not how a family should act. Since Hijikata came back things have been a little strained for everyone..."

"We were Syaoran's age and in his position at one time Dean. I remember it. We fucked up a lot too and got on other caporegimes nerves because our capos were giving us orders behind each others backs. You know me. If I would have heard about it I would have made sure that it didn't happen. Franky is my friend and probably one of those I trust the most."


canecieco August 23 2008, 00:59:21 UTC
He lit the cigarette, taking a drag from it. Reborn also took one out, and out of pure kindness, he offered the other man his lighter for these special occasions where nothing made fucking sense anymore.

"I was angry, dude," he shrugged his shoulders. "I'll handle it better."

Reborn was right at least. Making sense, being logical in more ways than Dean ever could. He nodded along, taking in everything. Seemed like everyone's been having problems with the new sotto.

"So, what do we do? Leave Hijikata alone?"


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