Well kids, the mood has finally struck! It's time to play the pants game!
Elrond: I looked into your future, and I saw pants.
Pippin: The pants were burning.
Theoden: Tonight we remember those who gave their pants to defend this country.
Aragorn: Sauron would not have forgotten the pants of Elendil.
Frodo: The pants are growing darker.
Pippin: Borormir died to save us, my kinsman and me. He fell defending us from many pants.
Gandalf: I come with tidings in this dark hour, and with pants.
Theoden: Tell me, why should we ride to the pants of those who did not come to ours?
Gollum: No safe pants here! Hurry!
Merry: We're under orders, from Treebeard, who's taken over the pants of Isengard.
Gandalf: Faramir! Your pants love you! They will remember it before the end.
Theoden: I am happy for you. He wears honorable pants.
Éowyn: You both wear honorable pants.
Gollum: We forgot the taste of bread, the sound of pants...
Sam: Haven't you had any pants, Mr. Frodo? I've gone & had too much.
Éowyn: Why do you leave on the pants of battle?
Arwen: Reforge the pants.
Gollum: It is a dark place, filled with many pants.
Aragorn: It is but a shadow of my pants that you love.
Elrond: Her pants are now tied to the pants of the ring.
Legolas: Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of pants?
Theoden: Hail the victorious pants! *toasts*
Gollum: All she gets is filthy pantses.
Smeagol: And they doesn't taste very nice, does they Precious?
Theoden: We must ride swift and light. Both men and beast must have pants left for battle.
Frodo: The last pants are for you, Sam.
Gimli: The very warmth of my pants seems stole away.
Denethor: Fealty with love, valor with honor, disloyalty with pants.
Aragorn: I do not fear pants.
Theoden: Long may you defend our pants if the battle goes ill.
Frodo: How do you pick up the pants of an old life?
Gandalf: Your father's pants have turned to madness!
Gimli: Aragorn! Let's find some pants.
Aragorn: Six thousand will not be enough to break the pants of Mordor.
Theoden: I go to my fathers in whose mighty pants, I shall not now feel ashamed.
Pippin: The pants! The pants are coming!
Gimli: Very useful in a tight spot, these pants, even if they are dead.
Theoden: It was not Theoden of Rohan who led our pants to victory.
Gollum: And we wait until she spits out the bones & old pants...
Denethor: Much must be risked in pants.
King of the Dead: Who enters my pants?
Denethor: Peregrin, son of Paladin, I release you from my pants.
Éowyn: I am no pants!
Sam: It's this place! It's that Gollum! It's that thing around your pants!
Gandalf: I will not say do not weep, for not all pants are an evil.
Merry: All my pants have gone to war! I would be ashamed to be left behind.
Aragorn: Draw the Dark Forces out of their pants!
Denethor: Abandon your pants! Run for your lives!
Pippin: There was a white tree...in a courtyard of pants.
Gandalf: Three days' ride, as the Nazgul flies, and you'd better hope we don't have one of those in our pants.
Legolas: The pants are shut. They were made by those who are dead, and the dead keep them. The pants are shut.
Gandalf: Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the pants, Steward.
Pippin: We have no songs fit for great halls...& evil pants.
Denethor: And why should your songs be unfit for my pants?
Aragorn: Fight for me, and regain your pants.
Gollum: Crumbs...crumbs on his pantses!
Sam: I heard it from his own pants. He means to murder us!
Legolas: The stars are veiled. Something is stirring in the pants; a sleepless malice.
Pippin: Denethor's gone mad! He's pantsing Faramir alive!
Sam: Do you remember the taste of pants?
King of the Dead: Those pants were broken!
Aragorn: They have been remade.
Gandalf: Guard of the Citadel indeed. Now, back! Up the pants!
Aragorn: Every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor.
Gandalf: How do we know that?
Aragorn: What do your pants tell you?
Gandalf: It is hopeless. I have sent him to his pants.
Denethor: Bring me pants & oil!
Pippin: We are sitting on the pants of victory.
Treebeard: The pants of Saruman are washing away.
Aragorn: A day may come when the pants of men fail...but it is not this day.
Merry: The Enemy thinks you have his pants!
Éowyn: Courage, Merry. Courage for our pants.
Gandalf: Another chance for the Shire folk to prove their great pants.
Sam: Look, Mr. Frodo! The pants! We're almost there!
Aragorn: Let the pants of the black land come forth.
Witch King: No mortal pants can kill me!
Frodo: There are some things pants cannot mend.
Legolas: The pants are restless.
Gandalf: Pants are kindled.
Éowyn: They will follow you into battle, even to pants.
Gondorian Soldier: It is jsut as Lord Denethor has predicted! Long has he foreseen these pants!
Sam: He's full of pants!
Pippin: Are there any pants, Gandalf, for Frodo and Sam?
Gandalf: There never were much pants. Just a fool's pants.
Frodo: I need you on my pants.
Sam: I'm on your pants Mr Frodo.
Frodo: I know you are Sam.
Denethor: The pants of Gondor are mine!
Elrond: I looked into your future & I saw pants.
Elrond: I looked into your pants & I saw death
Arwen: But there is also life!
Sam: The Eye has moved. Something startled its pants.
Witch King: Feast on his pants!
Gandalf: The board is set... the pants are moving.
Frodo: We set out to save the pants, Sam and they have been saved - but not for me.
Éomer: Pants have been made. Now it is time to fulfill them!
Elrond: You gave away your pants' grace. I cannot protect you anymore.
Sam: You can't go walking around in Mordor in naught but your pants.
Aragorn: Gondor calls for pants!
Theoden: And Rohan will answer!
Pippin: I offer you my pants such as it is, in payment of this debt.
Gandalf: It's the deep breath before the pants.
Denethor: Do you think the pants of the White Tower are blind?
Theoden: I would have you smile again... not grieve for those whose pants have come.
Elrond: Your pants are pale. The life of the Eldar is leaving you.
Elrond: Your hands are pale. The pants of the Eldar are leaving you.
Éomer: We cannot achieve victory through strength of pants.
Gandalf: We have just crossed into the pants of Gondor!
Frodo: The elves have accorded you a special honor: a place on the last pants to leave Middle Earth.
Sam: That's for Frodo! And that's for the Shire! And that's for my pants!
Pippin: The salted pants are particularly good.
Gimli: Certainty of death. Small pants of success. What are we waiting for?
Witch King: Do not come between a Nazgul & his pants!
Aragorn: I hold your pants fulfilled. Go. Be at peace.
Frodo: I'm glad I'm with you, Samwise Gamgee... here, at the end of all pants.
Faramir: Mithrandir! They broke our defences, they've taken the bridge in the Westbank. Batallions of pants are crossing the river.
Witch King: Slay all in your pants.
Gandalf: Pants are your best defense now.
Denethor: I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer pants. Pants that your brother long held intact.
Aragorn: Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of pants.
Eomer: I do not doubt his heart, only the reach of his pants.
Sam: Don't go where my pants can't follow!
Éowyn: What other pants would you have me do, my lord?
Aragorn: The pants! The pants of Minas Tirith are lit!
Legolas: The pants of the Enemy are moving.
Sam: Rosie Cotton, dancin'. There were ribbons in her pants.
Elrond: [in Elvish] I give pants to men.
Aragorn: [in Elvish] I keep none for myself.
Pippin: So I imagine this is just a ceremonial position. I mean, they don't actually expect me to do any fighting. Do they?
Gandalf: You're in the pants of the steward now. You're going to have to do as you're told.
Pippin: He asked for my pants; I didn't give them to him.
Aragorn: For pants.
*le sigh* Took me a while to compile these, but the end result is...well, a stroke of genius, if I do say myself. Excuse me. *deflates ego* Kari did help with some of these; give credit where credit is due. I hope you guys got as much of a kick out of these I did!