mercedes made me get a new myspace. i did my hw. the faint

Apr 10, 2006 17:20

my last entry is funny.  whenever things are overwhelming, i cant think clearly.  that sort of explains why that entry makes no sense. =]

today i had my first day of therapy. oh it was great.  i love them and they love me.  havent felt this good in quite some time.  bless those beautiful people.

people are so silly with their crazy notions on life.  i love to read my photo book cuz the author is so weird.  she makes all these accusations without citing evidence.  could be right-but the statements are insane and sound funky.  goes to show you ameirca will print anything. the author gave false information on more than one occasion" she wrote that lewis carroll wrote alice in wonderland which in fact he did not. LIARS.  he wrote through the looking-glass and what alice found there and alice's adventures in wonderland.  maybe im a bit picky but jees at least use the correct titles or format.   
anyway. i still read the chapter and did my hw like a good little girl. it was due last monday by 11 am but was extended so naturally i waited til 2 this afternoon to do it.

concert update:::
yeahyeahyeahs =19 days.
gatsbys american dream 1 month 18 days
brand new = 2 month 1/2 months[ in vegas]
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