OOC: RP Log Matt and Cloud

Jan 22, 2008 18:14

Who: Matt and Cloud
What: A bit of kiss and tell, drinking games and hormones :|
When: Wednesday Jan 16th
Where: Matt and Mello's apartmentWhy: Because we're log whores.
Also: Contains adult content. Rated M for Mature.

It didn't take Cloud all that long to get to Matt's after he had the okay. His deliveries had taken him fairly close and he'd stopped for the night at an inn, but hadn't yet got himself a room. He arrived outside Matt's building and made his way up to door to knock.

Matt yet again grinned as he pressed the little button he'd hooked up to make the door swing open on its own. He looked up at Cloud from where he'd made himself comfortable in his nest. "Helloooooooo."

Cloud looked to Matt and then curiously back at the door. "How?" he asked, pointing at it as he made his way over to Matt, plopping down next to him and burying his head against his shoulder with a groan.

"Magnets," Matt started to explain, but stopped at Cloud's behavior. He lifted an arm to drape over his shoulders with a frown. "What's up?"

"I think I'm in over my head again, Matt," he said, not bothering to look at him as he spoke.

"What? What'd you do?" Matt slipped his hand into Cloud's hair and stroked gently, watching him in concern.

"I..." Cloud paused, took a deep breath then spoke again. "I might have taken your advice." He blushed and buried his face in blankets and pillows in an attempt to hide it.

Matt stared for a moment, and then he grinned. "What, really? With Leon? Well how was it? What'd he do?"

"Yes, really. I don't think I'm ready for this." Cloud avoided answering the other question, he knew Matt would want all the details, but that was something personal he wasn't sure he should share.

"It has to be a relationship or nothing, but I can't back out now or he's going to yell at me." Cloud sighed. "I have no clue what I'm doing."

Matt wasn't all that surprised, given what he knew of Squall's nature from his games, that the guy wasn't into flings. But he was surprised to find that Cloud wasn't willing to try anything more. "Do you really want to back out already?" he asked gently. "Christ, you just got with him."

"No, I don't want to back out," Cloud replied. "I just have no clue what the hell I'm doing."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't even know."

Matt combed his fingers through his hair in a soothing gesture. "Then the last thing you should do is back out."

"I just said I didn't want to, Matt." Cloud began to relax as Matt continued the soothing motion.

"I know. I'm referring to later, too." Matt watched him as he thought a moment, wondering exactly what had gone on between them to scare Cloud like this. "What is it you're looking for with him?"

Cloud went quiet at Matt's question. He wasn't really sure. He knew he wanted to make Leon happy, wanted them to both be happy and that he wanted it to be something good, but he felt he'd sound like an idiot if he said it out loud.

When Cloud didn't answer, Matt sighed softly and shifted so that he was facing him more comfortably. "Well whatever it is, he agreed to it--you said yourself he won't do it half-assed. Is that what's putting you off about it?"

"We keep fighting, there's all these misunderstandings. I don't really get him," Cloud said. "I don't know how to make it work."

"There's always misunderstandings," Matt told him gently, fingers still working through his hair. "Fights too. Or are they really bad fights?"

"What counts as really bad?" Cloud asked, glancing up at Matt.

Matt frowned, worried. "Fights about things you can't fix."

"Or things that can be fixed, but he refuses to believe he can?"

"What do you mean?" Matt thought he might have a pretty good idea what Leon didn't think he could fix, but he wanted to make sure.

"He thinks happiness only exists for him in one place that just happens to be destroyed," Cloud replied grumpily.

Right, so Squall really did have Rinoa issues. Matt sighed and brushed his fingertips against the back of Cloud's neck. "Well then you should prove him wrong."

"I want to... I just don't know how."

"There is no 'how', Cloud," Matt told him. "You just do it. Leon's not dumb, he'll come around."

Cloud snorted, "I don't know, he can be a pretty big idiot."

"Why, what's he done?"

"Idiotic things," Cloud replied, unable to come up with just one as an example.

"Like?" Matt pressed.

"Like saying that what happened was because he lost control."

"Aw, Cloud." Matt brushed some hair out of his eyes and gave him a small grin. "That's what he says about everything he does that he enjoys. He was in the military; they taught him not to let himself do that kind of thing."

Cloud frowned, not because of what Matt said, but the fact that it was Matt who said it. "I hate that you know more about him than me. He got so pissed that I wanted this when I don't really know him all that well, but it's not like he ever tells me anything about himself."

"Have you ever asked?" Matt wanted to know. "Directly, I mean. You can borrow his game if you want. If you don't bother with all the side stuff, you can probably beat it in 45 hours or so."

"I don't want to learn about him through a game, Matt."

"Then ask him," Matt said with a shrug. "He might get pissed off when you do, but at least he'll know you want to know. If you press, he might spill. And he might not. But he might later."

"He knows I want to know, I told him that already. Or yelled it at him in the middle of a fight right before we..." Cloud trailed off and blushed.

Matt grinned. "Keep letting him, then. Asking once is a courtesy; pressing is a curiosity. Would you tell anyone who happened to ask about Aerith? Or Sephiroth? Or Kadaj?"

"No," Cloud replied with a frown. "Not many people know most of that... well, people that I actually know and you know..." he trailed off. "He knows about Kadaj and Sephiroth. Aerith hasn't come up though."

"Did he have to press you for it, or did he just ask and you told him?"

"I told him I didn't want to talk about it," Cloud said quietly.

Matt tucked some hair behind his ear. "And?"

"He pushed," Cloud muttered.

"So push back."

"I do, but I never get anything from him. The only time he's ever responsive is when..." Cloud trailed off again.

Matt's grin widened. "When...?"

"That's none of your business."

Matt laughed. "Squall just takes patience. Even Rinoa gave up on him a couple times, and she didn't have sex to keep her occupied in the meantime."

"Rinoa?" Cloud asked. He felt like he should know this already. "Was she... his happiness?"

"You should ask him," Matt replied seriously. "I don't think it's my place to tell you stuff like that. Besides, it'd mean more."

"You know that kind of answers my question, but I'll ask him."

Matt grinned. "No it doesn't, there's tons more to it than just her. You'll see."

Cloud made a quiet noise then muttered, "Thanks, Matt."

"Do you feel better about it at all?"

"Yeah." Cloud nodded.

"Good." Matt tried to keep a straight face, but it was only a moment or two before he grinned again. "Told you."

Cloud tried to keep a frown on his face, but it kept threatening to turn into a smile. He lightly smacked Matt in the chest. "Shut up."

Matt snickered. "So? Come on, you have to tell me something about it!"

"I'm not fueling your fantasies, pervert."

"But my fantasies need more fuel!" Matt complained with a pout. "Come on! Can't you at least tell me where?"

"The first kiss happened on the couch," Cloud replied. Matt didn't need to know what happened on the couch didn't stop there.

"You mean the one you guys bought together?" Matt asked, his huge grin widening.

"Yes." Cloud blushed. He was pretty sure Matt didn't know he'd paid for half of it, which was possibly the one detail that was saving him from being completely embarrassed.

"Did you do anything else on it together?" Matt asked innocently.

Cloud didn't reply, which was probably more of an answer than if he'd said anything else.

"You did!" Matt let himself roll over onto his back with a giggle. "Oh man. All the possibilities going through my head right now. You should set me straight before I come up with even more perverted images."

"I'm not telling you," Cloud replied. "And don't bother pushing because I'm not going to break down and tell you." He tried to look annoyed, but was failing in his attempt.

Matt flopped over onto his stomach and gave Cloud a wounded look. "But I'm like your cupid! I deserve to know!"

"That's exactly why I'm not going to tell you. I can't do anything about you getting off on your own fantasies about us, but I'm not going to give you the real ones."

"But! But! The real ones are always better!"

"I don't care."

Matt gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Don't look at me like that," Cloud replied. It was hard to resist those eyes.

Matt ignored him.

Cloud covered his eyes with his hands. "Stop it."

Matt sniffled.

"I'm not giving you the details. End of story."

Pouting, Matt rolled over onto his back again and stared at the ceiling. "You're so cruel."

"I don't ask for details about your sex life."

"Well maybe you should, I could give you lots of pointers."

Cloud groaned and buried his face in a blanket.

Matt glanced over at him with a grin. "What? Curious?"

"Shut. Up."

"Oh, but just think," Matt mused as though Cloud hadn't said anything. "So many different positions...so many different places..."

"I don't want to think." Cloud could feel his face and neck growing hot, and was sure if he looked up Matt would be able to see it.

"I bet you do," Matt teased. "I bet you are already. Who tops?"

"We are not going to talk about this."

"Does that mean Leon does?"

"Don't make assumptions."

"Ooh, so you do?"

"I'm not answering either way, Matt."

"Evil," Matt muttered.

Cloud snorted.

"So what will you tell me? Anything?"

"You want to watch a movie?" Cloud tried to change the subject.

"Can it be a porno?"

"What?" Cloud asked. He knew what a porno was, but he'd never seen one before. However, the idea of watching one with Matt seemed like a horrible idea.

"What?" Matt echoed, looking at Cloud in feigned innocent confusion.

"Have you lost your mind?"

Matt grinned. "Maybe."

"I don't know why I bothered asking," Cloud said with a groan.

Chuckling, Matt rolled over onto his stomach and set his chin in his palm with a grin. "Well what would you like to watch, then?"

"I don't know... something that isn't going to get me all worked up would be good."

"All right, fine, I'll save that for the movie to watch just before you go back to Leon's."

If Cloud was at a computer right now, he'd have keysmashed. "You realize how long of a drive it is, don't you?"

Matt grinned. "Leon can thank me later."

"No, Matt."

Matt hummed innocently as he got up to find the remote.

Cloud eyed Matt warily. "You better be putting on something PG-13, or rated R due to excessive violence."

Matt only grinned.

"I don't trust that grin, Matt." Cloud said. He stared Matt down for a minute before adding, "You got anything to drink? I'm parched."

"Sure, what do you want?" Matt flipped the TV on and started scrolling through his movie lists.

"I'll take whatever." Cloud was more focused on the movie list, wanting to make sure Matt didn't pick out anything that sounded like it might be a porno.

"Here." Matt handed him the remote and rose to go find something in the kitchen. "You can pick out whatever looks interesting while I go get us drinks. Want some drink drinks?"

"I said whatever," Cloud replied distractedly as he started flipping through the movie list.

Matt returned a few minutes later with an armful of hard liquor and some shot glasses, grinning. "Wanna play a drinking game?"

Cloud looked over at Matt in confusion. "I thought we were going to watch a movie."

"We are. We can play a drinking game while we do." He began setting everything down on the table.

Cloud handed the remote back to Matt. "Then you're going to have to pick out the movie."

"All right." Matt flopped down again and began quickly flipping through, eyes skimming the titles as they flashed by. "Any genre preference?"

"Comedy?" Cloud replied. He remembered how much he'd laughed the last time he was drunk with Matt and figured that something amusing might be the best way to deal with that side effect.

"Hmm, mk." Matt stopped on the R's at the first comedy he saw. "Rocky Horror Picture Show?"

"What's that?" Cloud asked.

"A hilarious comedy," Matt said with a grin. "I know a drinking game for it too."

"Okay." That explanation really hadn't answered his question, but Cloud figured he'd find out soon enough when the movie started.

Matt started it and settled back again to pour them each a drink. "You'll like it, don't worry. Everyone does."

"So, how will I know when to take a drink?"

Matt quickly dragged over a laptop and, a few clicks later, managed to find a page for it. "There." He set it next to the alcohol. "You don't know who these people are yet, but you will. And I'll announce it." He grinned.

Cloud's eyes widened as he looked at the list. "I thought I told you no porn."

Matt laughed. "It's not porn, it's a cult classic. Just watch, you'll see."

Cloud raised an eyebrow but decided to take Matt's word for it. "All right."

Matt settled down comfortably and watched for the first item on the list. When it came up he grinned and pointed it out to Cloud. "Ready?"

Cloud nodded and raised his glass, knocking the drink back in one gulp. He then wondered if maybe they weren't supposed to down the whole shot each time because there were several things on the list.

Matt did the same, and knelt to pour them each another afterward. "How good's your tolerance?"

Pausing to think a moment, Cloud responded, "I'm not a lightweight..."

"Good, 'cause you'll probably be drinking a lot." Matt grinned.

"If I get to my limit we can stop though, right?" Cloud asked, though he wasn't entirely sure he'd realize he was at his limit when he got there.

"Yeah, we can stop whenever," Matt reassured him. "I don't want you throwing up or anything. Or me, for that matter."

"Okay." Cloud seemed pleased with that and went back to watching the movie. It was really... bizarre and he wasn't sure what to make of it.

Matt continued to call out the shots, keeping an eye on Cloud's intake until he was drunk enough not to remember to.

Before the movie was even over, Cloud was slumped against Matt, slurring his speech a little as he made commentary on various things he found amusing about the movie.

Matt slipped an arm around the blond's shoulders, as much for Cloud's benefit as his own. He was finding Cloud's vocal impediment to be hilarious. "You're drunk."

Cloud laughed. "So... so're you."

Matt made a raspberry. "HARDLY."

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Cloud held up three, then five, then two then three again.

Matt stared, blinking. Then he poked Cloud in the nose. "A lot."

"Druuuuuunk," Cloud teased, scrunching his nose when Matt poked it.

"You're drunker."

"Pffffft. No I'm not."

"Say your ABCs backwards then, I dare you." Matt smirked.

Cloud stared at Matt and then started an attempt. "Z, Y, X, U, T, V, S, R, Q, P, O, M, N, L, K, J... J... er..."

Matt burst out laughing. "FAIL!"

"You try it then!"

"No, I'm not that drunk." Matt grinned smugly.

"Chicken," Cloud replied, giving Matt a light shove.

Matt caught his arm and pulled. "Am not. 'm just not as drunk, so I don't have to. DUH."

"Then prove it." Cloud wobbled as he tried to pull away from Matt's grip.

Matt wobbled too, so he released Cloud and caught himself on the floor. "How?"

Cloud looked deep in thought, biting down on his lip before his face lit up like he had an idea. His expression then faltered, "I don't know."

Matt snickered. "You don't know 'cause you're DRUNK."

"Whatever," Cloud replied before flopping backwards onto the nest and laughing.

Matt crawled over to him, grinning. "I win. You should never challenge me, you know. 'Cause I'll win."

"You win what?" Cloud asked, confused.

"EVERYTHING." Matt spread his arms wide, then lost his balance and toppled.

"You can't even stay upright," Cloud said, forgetting that he had just laid down.

"I can so," Matt claimed, raising his arm and pointing a finger at the ceiling. "I just don't want to."

Cloud followed Matt's finger with his eyes, trying to figure out what exactly he was trying to point out. "Why not?"

"Because it's hard."

"Because you're drunk."

Matt lifted his head and stuck his tongue out at Cloud. "Never."

"I'm so tired of arguing, can we talk about something else?"

"Mmm, okay." Matt pushed himself up to a sitting position, his head spinning with the movement. "Like what?

"I... I haven't figured that out," Cloud slurred.

"I know," Matt said slyly. "Let's talk about you."

"What about me?" Cloud asked, not picking up on Matt's tone.

"You and Leon." Matt tried wraggling his eyebrows and failed horribly.

"I already... I already told you everything that I told you."

"But I wanna know more."

"You don't need to know more, pervert."

"Why? Did you do pervert things?"

Cloud's face was already flushed from all the alcohol, but now the pink darkened. "S'none of your business."


"I'm not a pervert!"

"Then you wouldn't've done any pervert things you can't tell me about." Matt grinned smugly.

"They weren't perverted things, you're just a pervert for wanting to know about them!"

"Well I know I'm a pervert," Matt told him matter-of-factly. "So if that's outta the way, you should tell me now."

Cloud gaped up at Matt, his mouth flapping open and closed like a fish.

Matt grinned. "What?"

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"Because you guys are hot," Matt told him honestly. "Come on. COME ON. People've been pairing you two since before you were in a game together. It's not my fault!"

"Leon is very hot when he's..." Cloud let out a quiet groan as he thought back to Leon grinding against him on the couch. "Er... I mean... People have?"

"When he's what?" Matt asked eagerly. "Of course they have! Now tell me!"

"I don't think Leon would like me telling you about your sex life..." Cloud paused, "I mean, our sex life... not that we er... have one."

"Well you don't have to tell him," Matt reminded him. "But don't you wanna tell someone?"

"You're going to use it to get off if I tell you!"

"I will not!"

"You just said you wanted to know because it's hot. What's the point of something being hot if you're not going to get off on it?"

"I just like to know. Can't you watch a movie or something and think it's hot and not get off?"

"Don't use logic! You cheater!"

"I am not a cheater!" Matt insisted. "Logic is good! You're illogical!"

"You can't make me answer!"

"Yes I can!" Matt then proceeded to pounce on and tickle Cloud.

"S-stop it! That t-tickles," Cloud said, laughing and struggling to breathe.

Matt was relentless. "Talk!"

After several minutes of tickling, Cloud finally gave in. "O-okay. I'll tell you!"

Matt released him, though he was panting pretty hard himself. He grinned. "Yeah?"

"He was leaning over me on the couch, trying to figure out what it was I had talked about you with when I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him."

"Ooooooh," Matt said, enthralled. "Did you surprise him? What'd he do?"

"He was surprised but he kissed back and then he was in my lap and there was..." Cloud shuddered slightly. "There was rubbing and then he was nudging me to lay down and." He bit back a moan. "Then I was pinned beneath him and... oh god.. fuck.. Matt, it was so hot..."

Matt shivered, his stomach clenching. "He pinned you? I told you he liked you!"

Cloud shook his head. "No.. cause when we were done he got up and I fell asleep before he came back. And then when I woke up there was a note saying he'd gone to work. When he got back we had our fight and he said it was just 'heat of the moment and he didn't even like guys... so... I decided to prove to him that he did like guys."

"Pfffffffffft," Matt snorted loudly. "Did you? How'd you do it?"

"I did. I was doing laundry before he got back, so all I had on was a pair of my boxers and one of his t-shirts. And I took off the shirt then got in his face and told him I wasn't a woman and grabbed him by the wrist and made him feel my chest. And he still tried to deny it, so I threw the shirt at him and told him to smell it then walked away toward the laundry room." Cloud bit down on his lip and tried to still his breathing so he could finish the story. He hadn't wanted to talk about it, but now that he was, he didn't want to stop because thinking about it again was really hot.

Matt laughed at the mental image. "Did he follow you?"

"I didn't think he was going to, so I slowed down and then he was pinning me to washer and kissing me and I'm probably forgetting things, but..." Cloud's thumb was sliding past his waistband and he was struggling to keep control of himself, but he was so turned on that the task of self-restraint was becoming more difficult.

Matt set a hand over Cloud's, aware even through his drunkenness that letting them do things together right now might mess up this thing with Leon. "Next time," he told the blond, eyes shining, "turn the washer on first."

"Why?" Cloud asked, his hand stilling under Matt's. It took a moment for it to sink in why Matt had done that, but once it did, he had the decency to pull his hand away and blush.

Matt just grinned. "Vibrations."

"Oh... nngh." Cloud shoved his hands underneath his back, taking an extra precaution from doing anything stupid.

"The dryer does it too," Matt informed him. "Plus it's warm."

The dryer... that reminded him and Cloud got back to the story. "His belts are a pain to get off," he started. "I don't know why he feels the need to wear so many of them."

"Because they look good," Matt reminded him, picturing them now. "And--AND. Restraints." He grinned.

Cloud ignored Matt's last comment because he wasn't entirely sure about the how or why of that and was too embarrassed to ask. "They do look good. I helped him strip down until he was just in his boxers like I was and we were kissing and rubbing against each other. I can't really remember when it was we lost the boxers, but I remember pinning him against the dryer and shoving my hand down his boxers to stroke him and he tried to do the same but I stopped him because I wouldn't have been able to stand if he did." Cloud kept shifting his weight, trying to get comfortable and avoid touching himself, the images so much more vivid in his head than how he was describing them.

"Woooooooow." Matt had to force himself not to do anything as well, the mental images turning him on. He nodded at Cloud to continue. "Did you do it right there?"

"No, we moved to the bedroom and it was all hands and mouths and bodies pressing against each other and then he came when I sucked on his earring." Cloud bit back another moan. "And then I came and we went to bed." He left out the bit about the other fight they had because that really wasn't Matt's business, and neither was the sex, really, but that was different. Sort of. Mostly. Different enough.

"Oh man," Matt breathed. "What else?"

"That's it. I had to leave before he woke up in the morning to take deliveries." Cloud glanced over at Matt and then past him to the bathroom. "I er... need to go. I'll be back in a minute... or ten." His expression conveyed that he was asking permission to go jerk off in the bathroom - he felt odd and rude about doing it otherwise.

Matt sighed and flopped down, disappointed. "All right, but only if you PROMISE you'll tell me more when you do more later." He pouted.

"Promise," Cloud said. Wobbling, he pulled himself to his feet and made the way to the bathroom, walking funny due to the alcohol and his erection.

Matt flopped down on his back, arms spread, and wished he could stop thinking about it for two seconds so that he could calm down. Christ, Cloud was lucky. And Leon too. He decided to tell the blond that as soon as he was done.

Cloud was too drunk to be quiet about it as he brought himself off, trying the various things Leon had used on him.

Matt could hear him, but he didn't say anything. Not even a week ago Cloud didn't even like Leon--or didn't think he did. This was progress. He just wished he could watch.

Once he was done, Cloud cleaned himself up then splashed some water on his face. He stood, leaning over the sink for several moments before returning to the nest where he sprawled out bonelessly next to Matt. He grunted quietly then turned his head to look over at Matt.

Matt grinned at him. "Feel better?"

"Mhmmm." Cloud grinned back.

Matt's grin widened. "Pervert."

"How am I a pervert?" Cloud asked.

Matt lifted an eyebrow. "You just jacked off in my bathroom."


Matt grinned again. "Exactly!"

Cloud narrowed his eyes. "Did you listen?"

"How could I not?"

"I wasn't that loud."

"Yes you were."

"Well, you're a bigger pervert for listening."

"You were too loud!"

Cloud crossed his arms. "Whatever."

Matt poked him in the ribs.

"You better not start tickling me again. There aren't any more sex stories to tell you."

Matt sighed. "Will you make more?"

"That's a stupid question."

"Is it?"



"Because I'm not going to run away from a relationship with him."

"And if he tried to run away?"

"I think he might have already tried to," Cloud said quietly.

Matt looked at him. "What do you mean?"

The fights. The whole I'm not into guys. It was just the heat of the moment. You're not ready for a relationship this soon after Kadaj. Find someone real who can make you happy. thing." Cloud frowned. Not that he hadn't turned around and tried the same thing when Leon hadn't picked up on his unverbalized wishes after they'd finished the night before.

"Oh." Matt thought that over for a minute. "But he didn't actually leave, did he?"

"No, but that was because I didn't let him."

"Well good!" Matt reached his arm out and let it fall on Cloud's chest in a vaguely reassuring gesture. "Don't let him, even if he tries again. 'Cause he might. He's Leon."

That thought sobered Cloud some. He decided that maybe it was time to change the conversation. He was drawing a blank on what to change it to when he remembered their plans for the weekend. "Leon's going to add some sort of hovercraft mechanisms to Fenrir this weekend."

Matt perked up at that. "Really?"

Cloud nodded. "Yeah."

"That's so cool!"

"It is. He seemed almost excited about the idea."

"Really? Leon did? That's so cool! He must really like Fenrir."

"I think he does. He tried to say Fenrir was only all right after I let him drive. He changed his tune a little when I mentioned that if he'd thought more highly of Fenrir I might let him drive alone in the future."

Matt laughed. "See? I bet you just have to call him on it. See what else you can call him on!"

"He gets really grouchy when I call him on things."

"Because he knows you're right." Matt smirked.

"Why's that bug him so much?"

Matt shrugged. "Pride?"

"Oh." Cloud could understand that.

Matt grinned lazily. "You two are funny."

"I thought we were hot?"

"You're BOTH." He giggled.

"How are we funny?"

"'Cause you fight over stupid stuff."

Cloud crossed his arms and huffed. "I don't see how that's funny."

"It's hilarious," Matt assured him. "You're like two. Two. Um. Peacocks. They're supposed to be really prideful." He nodded sagely.

"Peacocks strut. I don't strut." Cloud paused.

Matt snorted. "I bet you do! Metaphorically."

"Whatever." Cloud sat up and grabbed the last shot that had been poured for him during their game and slammed it down.

Matt laughed at him. "It's cute. The pride thing. Mello has it too."

Cloud laughed, "So you've got a thing for guys with pride?"

"Pfffffffft." Matt flopped onto his back again. "Not really. But it's fun to poke at."

Cloud reached over and poked Matt in the stomach. "You're fun to poke at."

Matt poked him in the chest. "Am not. You are."

Cloud poked him again. "Nuh-uh."

Matt rolled onto his side and poked back. "Uh-huh."

"Nuuuuuh-uh," Cloud replied, yawning.

Matt saw his yawn and couldn't repress one of his own. "Stupid. You made me tired."

"I didn't make you anything." Cloud rolled onto his side, wrapping himself in blanket as he did so. "S'not my fault."

"S'all your fault," Matt countered, rolling onto his side to face him with a lazy glare. "ALL your fault."

Cloud made an indistinguishable sound before falling asleep.

Matt snorted at the blond's display before rolling onto his back and, a few minutes later, joining him.

rp log: matt

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