_ The Moment I Said It _

Jul 02, 2006 01:12

Not sure why im doing this ... maybe im bored.
But I have these unfinished books to read *said aloud* so that is not the case.

oh yeah ... my car is dead.... Thats it... and im stuck here online with a blank expression and a rumble in my tummy. Suffice to say I'm well physically, mentally im fustrated to the point of wanting to break things or maybe even stare at the celing for a few hours.

lets, lets, see, see, just what the *ZAP* is going on! /tempinsanity or /fallsdownstairs

FunFact: my middle name is Jean-Sebastien ,fun huh? *growl

FunFact that you already know: I act jovial as to not want to destroy ppl/places/things heh

A Bit of Q + A and such ...

"Hey Nelson, how do you feel about Nation closing?"
Gutted. Buuuuut, then again relieved. Nation really has been at a bit of a standstill and it being a club/venue that other such places pretty much measure up to it'll be interesting to see how surrounding places of nightime venturing will benifit from it. As much as I dont want to admit, it really is time for a change. Having been a patron/ravemachine for quite sometime (yay fake ID), and comming back from California to VA, it wasent just a place to go to for me. It was basically a place to start new.

""Start new" as in get back into the music sceane?"
HA! no. I could say I just jumped into this lifestyle when I hit 21 BUT that is seriously not the case. *deep breath* Cant really pinpoint when I started liking this stuff we all call EDM but I know i've alway had a crazy varied music pallette. As a child I remember listening to stuff like Kool & the gang,gloria gainer,and Abba, to Depeche Mode,New Order, to Billy Idol,Talking Heads and all the way to kraftwork.

"Kraftwork"? how old were you again?
10ish, basically end of 80's - early 90's...pishh i've been into all kindas of music though seemingly all my life.

Well basically I got into a few of the bands/artists myself alone but my cousins would give and leave me tapes/mixtapes of stuff they liked and heard (in NYC at the time) and I was influenced heh. Towards the end of the 80-early 90's , already being into breakbeat and hip hop and general disco,one of my cousins skewed off and introduced me to something we like to call THAT MUTHA FUCKING HOUSE MUSIC!!! err sorry I mean House. Now maybe it was acid house, or techno of sorts but I was too young to care I just knew I had to have more.

"your confusing you know that?"
Yeah anyway sorry about that lil delve into the past. But yeah getting back to topic, even though I had gone to Nation before I had moved to cali (98 if i recall correctly) I had to somewhat put the whole raver/night-time enthusiest stuff on hold for a bit. California (well where I was) was difficult to get acustomed to. I took up sports (football , track & field) and would go to a massive here and there. When I came back to Virginia in 2001 thats when ...

"Yeah why did you move back?"
Ummmm mainly... because my family needed my help with my grandmother and grandfather(he was going through alzimer's) and to kinda/sorta mend things with my father. We'd never really been that close as my parents divorced when I was 3 or maybe even 2 not sure and never got to see him more then the weekends and a few holidays.

"Are you glad you came back"
Yes... and no. I'f I had stayed in CA I believe I would've finished college and moved elsewhere in the state. I moved to VA and getting back on track has been difficult. Be it family issues to financial issues. Basically my grandfather passed away at the start of 2005 and the family kinda had a bit of a falling out with the inheritence and how it was going to be divided. Now this issue was present a little ways before his passing as they could see his heath was diclining.

"sorry to hear about that"
Meh dont be. It is what it is.

"How did you handle the situation?"
Basically from an outsider view. I kept away from confrontations between all of them and just helped my grandmother as much as I could with my grandfather when I wasent working and did what I could for the rest of the family, including my mother.

"your mother."
Yeah. She had been living with my aunt untill her alcoholism grew too much for them to handle. She desided to move out and live with a friend. Now my mother has quite a bit of history regarding mental instability and when you factor in that she refused to take her meds and went back to drinking , situations arose. It wasent long till her "friend" kicked her out and she was on the streets. Nobody from my family (mothers side) felt they help her and to a degree thats true. But that left me to figure out something to do.

"Like what? Find her a place to stay and stuff?"
Exactly. Basically I supported her for about 6 months or so till she up and disappeared. Calling my aunt every so often to ask for money.

"Hmm.Now what?"
Well to my knowledge she's been staying with friends somewhere in Arlington. As much as I've tried, I realize that the saying "you cant help someone that doesnt want to be helped" ... proves true in my case. So now I have a bit of debt to pay off due to the expensies paid for her (apartment/food/etc) and also for me... it just kinda got a bit too much.

"So whats going on now with you?"
ummmm bit of a standstill of sorts. Working to pay off debts and just live... well now I gotta pay for repairs on my car and work towards getting a place I can call my own. Its hard dealing with the fact that I cant be as self sufficant as I want to be. Its also hard dealing with theses realities from day to day.

"Yeah sometimes you need to escape ..."
And this is where my mini-confessional/life story-thingy comes full circle. Escape.... and even during difficult times when I returned to VA I found an escape... Music... and a central part where I can escape to... Nation, was a big part of keeping my sanity at the end of every week. Meeting new people, enjoying the music that I fucking love, and forgeting about the events that drag me down for a few hours. Sure there were other places but I haddent been to many places when I was in HS (due to being underage heh) but theres Something about returning to a (somewhat) Familier place when I moved back comferted me. And it wasent just Buzz. I'd also frequent Alchemy/Alias , concerts/shows as well. Nation being gone is probibly for the better overall.... but Im still going to miss the hell out of that place. Way too many memories to even begin to list... as well as the people I've met and friends I've made. As cheesy as it sounds it really was a special place and will be missed.

"Yes it will be."
Yeah but someone told me in reference to Nation being a church?

Yeah, Its not the building thats the church , its the people. Sure its a place to gather but without people and the energy/vibe they bring you have just another building.

"I get'cha"
So the next place will be different, but change is good sometimes.

"On so many levels?"
. . . Exactly . . .
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