_ Human _ After All

Jun 06, 2006 14:43

So I've been somewhat neglecting my blog offerings. Not that I ever devoted decent time to them anyway but I do feel that its time for an update.

Lets see... oh Detroit (for DEMF). Funtimes for the most part i'd say. I got a bit out of control on my part(IMO) but sometimes that's called for. Lots of interesting sights and the music was on point each day. Basically I had fun so the rest is just a series of details which i'd rather not get into,heh.

Might be moving soon. Not anywhere far though. Not sure If i'd want to anyways because as much as I dislike this area, I can only imagine how much i'd regret being in a place worse off (not to mention w/o friends and certain family members). Yeah, not everyone in my family are terrible towards me. Those are the ones I stay in contact with. The others haven't showed the need to make good with me regardless of my efforts but oh well.
Nothing time and Patience cant work through I suppose... Now there's a word ... "Patience" . I have tons of it but maybe for the wrong things and situations... and maybe at the wrong moments.
One thing that's for sure is I don't share the same Patience for myself but that's changing ever so slowly.

WANT ( P ) (wnt, wônt)
To desire greatly; wish for:

NEED ( P ) (nd)
A condition or situation in which something is required

Also realizing (more) the difference between things I want and things I need. Yes there is a difference and yes its actually quite important ... at least to me at this point in my life that is. I've been giving this more and more thought as of late....mmm

I hope to save enough up to go back to school in the fall... or maybe do some online classes but thats still up in the air. Knowing what needs to be done is one thing, executing is another (frustrating)thing altogether.

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