I added several friends from Facebook lately so I figured an intro type post might be good.
I'm Ariana. I'll be 42 (and understand life, the universe, and everything) in August. I come from Los Angeles but for the last 4 years since I split up with my husband I live in Idaho. I've got two kiddos, William, 12 who has Asperger's, and James, 9 who is at some undefined place on the autistic spectrum (his diagnosis is PDD-NOS). Because of their special needs I'm homeschooling them or technically schooling them at home through a public charter school (
K12). Both boys are excessively bright, their neurological problems aren't intellectual, they are primarily social with sensory problems, and a few miscellaneous things. Raising and educating my kids pretty much takes all of my time. It's really really tough to get a babysitter for them so I'm with the kids 24/7/365. Their dad comes up to visit once or twice a year and then I go out and have two margaritas with my sister and cousin. That's the extent of my non-kid excitement. I'm sure it's boring to a lot of people but 99% of the time I'm happy with what I'm doing. I'm doing my best so these kids have the best chance of being independent, relatively happy adults. I'm totally thankful that their dad (Tony) pays us enough child support that I'm able to stay home with them. It's not like we're living in luxury but we aren't going hungry and we have a roof over our heads so it's good. Tony and I mostly agree on parenting matters and we get along fairly well.
Back in the day I was SOOO into helping other mamas who wanted to breastfeed. I don't do much of that anymore but when someone I know has an issue I do what I can. Mostly I've shifted the same researching and knowledge gathering instinct to other areas. I still have a fairly high distrust of doctors. So any medical issues I learn all I can about them myself. Thankfully, we're all mostly healthy.
My journal has always been 98% public. I'm really easy going with friending. If anyone decides they don't want to friend me back or they want to unfriend me I won't be upset. If I've friended you and you wish me to unfriend you, just let me know. If you want to add me for a bit and then take off when you realize how boring I am that's fine. ;-)