[Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilers here: Anderson is impressing me with both his intelligence and stupidity. You can't hypnotize someone by clunking them on the head! On the other hand, Anderson the rabid fanboy is a glorious sight. (Somewhat on the subject, interesting that Lestrade got to keep his job and Anderson is off the force because of guilt.)
Dramatic rescue of Sherlock, yes, but how and why is Mycroft infiltrating the Serbian Mafia or whatever? Doesn't he have, you know, work at Whitechapel? (Although, if all the members are as willing to abandon their torture in the middle of things as that one guy, maybe it wasn't that hard.)
Sherlock in the restaurant: glasses only work as a disguise with Clark Kent, and you are freakin' lucky that the scrip on those glasses didn't leave you feeling like a drunk. Also, your timing SUCKS ALL THE THINGS and you deserve to have that champagne bottle broken over your head.
The DVD seller was painfully obvious -- both in set-up and execution. Failed humor. Boo.
I do like Molly being part of the agency, and that Sherlock had self-doubts about his behavior. Too bad it seems one out of two is all we will have going forward. :(
John, I love you but I'm going to keep a running tally of all the times you get drugged/kidnapped. This is getting somewhat excessive -- although I ADORESherlock-and-Mary-to-the-rescue. And yes, I went a bit sick when I realized where John was. D: (But on reflection, it did seem a bit illogical. Enjoyable, oh yes, but if you really wanted him dead, why did you send the taunting texts? . . . Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yikes.)
Two words: Sherlock's. Parents. *jaw hit the floor*
That interaction on the train -- love it love it love! Touching, a touch funny, all around delightful. Except . . . John, nobody -- NOBODY -- would have blamed you had you attacked Sherlock (for a fourth time, I counted) on the train. Seriously. I would have!
General reactions basically spoiler-free: What IS it with men and excess hair in this episode? Sherlock, John, Anderson . . . yeesh.
John, if you keep protesting like that, you're only going to convince people further that you are gay. I get that you're annoyed but you sound like you're protesting too much. . . . Unless you are.
I like Mary! She's a good fit for John, and good for Baker Street agency overall. (Although she does come off a little fangirlish at times, I think it's clear she loves John for him.)
Very nice scene that combined tribute to both BLUE and GREEK -- very amusing and sweet.
Mrs. Hudson is a tough old broad, and I love her for it. :D
Anderson's Reaction to "How He Did It": I can't tell if that was Hanging a Lampshade, giving an F/U to the Nit Pickers, or both.
Oh, and "Use your mind palace!" is a thing now. You know you love it. ;)
OVERALL: This episode was much more character-driven, which I think was exactly what was needed for a "welcome back" episode. That said, the main mystery was really good too (maybe a bit slow to get going but then hooo!!!) and I really enjoyed it.