Oct 02, 2004 21:47
The orginal plan was that mikki and I would meet josh and billy at the swimming pool after school and we all go off island. But of course it didnt work out like that. OUT OF THE BLUE my mom shows up at the school and is hysterical because mikkis mother tells my mom that im going out with some nineteen year old drop out, so she rushes me home and bans me from going to seattle. Meanwhile josh mikki and billy wait for me at the ferry, finally after a hysterical conversation i call them and tell them i can no longer go.. all felt bad i couldnt but diecided to go anyway. So i thought eh cant be so horrid so i poured myself a lil bowl of frosted flakes and watched so tv. But after a couple of hours i recieved a phone call from mikki stating that her parents wouldnt let her go to seattle either and she had to go home as well and wanted me to comeover without the boys and spend the night. So after doing many chores a pleading my mom said i could go. This morning we got up early did some chores ( I washed the shower) and sat around a bit. Then my dearest josh arrived which was rather nice and then billy and then hayes. But alas the day came to a close when i was forced to leave at 4 to go home and do chores. And still the days not done~! I just got back from one of the greatest movies ever danny deckchair. So in conclusion I think i wont lie for a while so that way i can get away with going to seatte with boys and spending more time with josh, i also believe i trully need more sleep or better yet less to do its hard to think while you brain is sleeping.. and lastly everyone who reads this if you do tell me you do cause it will make me happy? and also see danny deckchair and tell me what you think unless your one of my creepy exboyfriends who reads my livejournal entrys..oh god. :0