Fiction Post - Mai/Isis

Jan 12, 2005 18:48

Title: Remebered Visions
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing: Mai/Isis
Word Count: 523
Summary: Isis no longer has the Tauk, but she can still remember what she's seen. Post Series. Ficklet.

Remembered Visions.

Once, Isis Ishtar could see the future.

A woman lying in a hospital bed, once beautiful blonde hair now straggly and dull, once brilliant blue eyes now listless and empty, beauty queen looks gone and nothing left to cling to except the steady sound of her heart monitor.

Now, she cannot, but she still remembers.

The woman being wheeled over to look out of the window, to look at the picnic taking place on the lawn. The woman closes her eyes, because it reminds her too much of being in a glass pyramid in which she was once trapped and forced to watch others being joyful without her there.

Mai is aware of that, which is why she took a Jeep out to the excursion site, gleaming blonde hair tucked neatly under a safari cap placed at a jaunty angle, and a highly-fashionable pair of cargo shorts revealing her long legs. During Battle City, Isis had never looked her in the eyes and Mai wants to know why. She's on top of the world at the moment - winning duelling tournaments, a famous model and with a posible engagement to a certain loveable street punk in the wings. So, Mai does the obvious thing and asks Isis about it.

Not straight away of course - she jumps out of the Jeep before it's halted fully, and flashes Isis one of her best smiles, holding a bottle of champagne out in front of her as if it's a piece offering. A libation to a goddess she has never worshipped. Isis rises from the sand uncertainly, still clad in the same style of dress she wore during Battle City, and accepts it, leading Mai to her tent. The Egyptian knows that Mai is not here for a courtesy visit, and doesn't bother with any pretence of small talk.

There's a rickety wooden table with an oil lamp in the middle of the canvas tent, and Isis takes a seat on one side of it. Mai sits opposite of her, and before the woman can even try an ice-breaker, Isis speaks. "You wish to know what I see for your future."

Silence for a moment, then Mai nods, a little respect temporarily overshading the anxiety that she had tried to conceal with brashness. "Yes."

Isis doesn't hesitate as she begins to speak. She doesn't pay any heed to how the other woman pales as Isis speaks, or how slender hands are pressed tightly together as if in prayer, Mai seeming to want nothing more than to stop the tale that is being recited. Isis ignores that, and continues to tell of the bone-wasting disease that will strike Mai, the cancer that will eat away at her looks and health and youth, the pain and the humiliation and of course, the conclusion.

Doctors flurry around the bed, and the monitor is out of control. Chest heaving for breath, pain wracks the woman's frame and her back arches off the bed as she writhes in convulsions. Violet eyes are wide open, seeking desperately for someone to end the pain, anyone to help her but nobody can -

Mai's lips are on hers, and the future clouds over.


type: femmeslash, fandom: yuugiou, yuugiou: isis, yuugiou: mai

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