Mar 05, 2006 21:59
Now make sense of this for me.. cuz I seriously do not get it. My mom always loads up the dishwasher. Completely full, right? But then just lets it sit there. Doesn't put soap in. Doesn't start it. Nothing. Just lets dirty dishes sit in the dishwasher. Like they're going to somehow magically come out clean? I always end up putting the soap in and starting it but... why? Why not take the extra two seconds to put the soap in and start it? What's the point?
Meh - anyways - I'm thinking of developing some snacks. I love sweet snacks. It's the only type of "cooking" I will do. I've made M&M tortilla's before and a few other random concoctions that basically will give you cavities in about 5 minutes but you'll surely enjoy that time in between.
I want to make more. Right now I'm eating Reese's Puffs and popcorn (my favorite combination is sweet and salty). Lee just told me I'm gross but it tastes really good.. like chocolate-covered popcorn almost.
Anyways - what's your favorite indulgent dessert?
And now - the recipe for M&M tortillas -- a Stacy Malone original.
What You Need:
A tortilla shell
Peanut butter
Brown Sugar
M&M's (whichever kind you prefer - I chose peanut and peanut butter)
Chocolate sauce
A knife
Lay tortilla shell flat on surface. Spread peanut butter liberally. Sprinkle sugar, brown sugar, and cinnamon over peanut butter. Use knife to spread and mix. Toss a handful of M&M's onto the tortilla shell (or place them in patterns with even numbers - like I do). Squirt a little chocolate sauce on top. Roll it up and put on a plate. You can also squirt a little bit of chocolate sauce over the rolled up tortilla shell, and around the plate for decoration - but this is only optional.
Do not give to people with a severe sweet tooth, or hyperactive children. May result in injury. lol.