Title: Roommates
Pairings: Jaejoong/Yoochun, Changmin/Junsu, Past!Yunho/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17 Overall
Warnings: Smut, Coarse Language, Pervertedness
Genre: Drama, Romance, Smut, Little Bit Fluffiness,
Disclaimer: I wish I was their roommate, but alas, you don't always get what you want~
Summary: One of Yoochun's distant cousins from Korea is
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suddenly I feel really sad,
I wanted that yoominsu threesome so bad (LOL),
but oh my god yunho JUST PISS OFF,
the only good thing about him is his penile length *cough cough*,
and jaechun... gosh, they're meant to be,
if you keep them apart, you'll be meena the meanie,
I just hope jae loves chun back
if he doesn't... he'll get a smack! not really, I can't bear to harm such a pretty face XD
*is still running away from the adultophile!catchers*
two updates in one day? aaah this totally made me feel better <3 ^^ DUDE the son-in-law thing had me totally going "...omg why can't that just happen?" D: and chun walking in on su giving min head... LUCKY GUY XDDD lolol
or maybe even OT4 where jae would come*
his penile length is nothing to scoff at
but yea...maybe i wouldnt like him in this story if he was fat
jaechun are sooo meant to be together
but yea..i like teasing. it's for the better :)
jae's too pretty to smack eh!
he's going to cofess his love to chun one day :)
♥! run faster!!!
i wanna walk in on minsu action *pouts|* XDD
...actually... I'm kinda stuck in jail right now... :( I got tired and then they caught up with me and handcuffed me (not in the kinky way either T_T) so now I'm stuck here. DAMN my parents are gonna be pissed.
0w0 darling, why are you complaining? you got to see jae's cock piercing! XDDD
<333 beat ya ;D
i'll do the explaining to ur parents do not fear!!
:) ur right...that was totally worth living for *dreamy sigh*
<33333333333333333333333333333 beat that!
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