Feb 08, 2007 00:30


So can we assume Juliet is not an evil bitch? or is she just an evil bitch who really really wants to get off the island?

I was convinced she was going to turn against our Losties but now I don't know what to think.

AND THEY OFFED HER EX- HUSBAND WITH A BUS! ...i can't believe i didn't see that one coming actually... but JESUS these people are creepy as hell.

and WTF to the weird rave/brainwashing/clockwork orange thing going on with Karl.... I'm sure there will be crazies analyzing that one frame by frame!

AND Alex is Ben's daughter! So..that would mean that Rosseau and Ben were once lovers?? Does this deeply disturb anyone else? hehe. Maybe he's an adoptive father? I don't know...that whole thing there is kind of bizzare.

EEEK i am so glad this show is back!

and HOORAY to the star wars reference! :D

oh man i know i have more to say but these are just my thoughts right now.

lost, tv

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