May 13, 2010 21:46
I must say that it's amazing having free time. I haven't had free time since... *looks at calender* April first, when I started working on my debate project on the Thursday of spring break. Did three (almost) all nighters for 3 nights straight. Presented on the 7th (same day of the Sherman Oaks gathering.) Then I went crazy with fandom for the rest of the week. On Monday, April 12th we were assigned the research project. Started researching two days later and worked on it every day (except weekends) until the paper was due on the 26th. Then I worried about my presentation for a week and on the 2nd and 3rd I worked on and practiced my presentation. On the 4th I finally presented my research paper. I got an solid A, highest grade you can get on an assignment. Almost impossible to get unless your presentation is almost flawless.
You should have seen me the days after the presentation. My mind had snapped away from academics and I was in full-on cosplaying mode for AX. I was researching stuff for my cosplay in my TA class, made makeshift patterns on my lined paper in yearbook class, cut out the patterns and sewed them together on muslim when I got home, practiced makeup techniques at random...
but prom became more of a priority as of last weekend.
Turns out that after six flags I get a day off. Thank you conveniently placed CST testing and the fact that I don't have a 5th or 6th period =D !
Need to shorten the bangs on my wig. Was planning on doing it today but the wig needed to be washed to get the hairspray out. Still can't decide what to wear to six flags. I know I'm going to wear shorts at black converse but I can't decide which top to wear. I don't have a lot of girly tops (as in GIRLY) that are comfortable for roller coaster riding in the heat. Would be so much easier to make a decision if dresses weren't, you know, so open at the bottom.
Edit: I have a top now. Thank you Ross for carrying more styles of clothing than target.
Got the fabric for my ponyo cosplay 3 weeks ago, had to drive from my house to Porter Ranch to Thousand Oaks to the Fallbrook shopping center, and back to Porter Ranch to get the fabric. It also doubled as freeway practice with my mom. Before I start making it the underworks compression shirt needs to come in the mail, which I ordered 3 days ago. I used the sports bra ACE bandage method once for my Chihiro cosplay, Never Again. I had to throw out some good pictures because the bandages slipped. Knowing that this binding method requires no real skill to put on yet still works comfortably saves me annoyance and time in the morning of the convention.
Prom is 9 days from now.