First Entry

May 05, 2013 01:37


So it is my second day being back home from college. i am documenting my progress. i am trying to make it four months without binging or purging. yesterday, my first night back, i had no trouble with not purging. Today was a little bit different. I started out eating a small amount. then I made up for it my getting a snack. i didn't really stay hydrated. so i ended up getting a headache. I decided to get a at pancheros with john or rachel. i told john in the car ride back home about my whole mike situation. i think i'm going to try to talk to him and see if we can still be friends. if not, oh well. hahaha.
so i believe i am a heteroromantic asexual. i'm not positive though.

Blah blah blah. i got home. i ate a granola bar and 8 (small) but still 8 fucking slices of bread with soy cheese. I was cold as fuck and needed something to warm me up. What i SHOULD have done was make myself a nice hot batch of tea, warm myself up and take some biotin pills possibly. i dont even know. It wasn't a binge but all those slices of bread were pretty freaking unnecessary. I managed to avoid the bread after eating the granola bar. but idk, i was just so cold.


at least i didn't purge though

binge, bulimic in recovery, recovery, asexual, purge, bulimia

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