So yesterday, I didn't get a chance to do my daily report, because I found a job! Its a temporary contract, but for now its a full-time job.
For breakfast i had some granola in milk. Lunch was a cup of grilled skirt steak with tasty hummas dip for my crunchy veggies: carrots, broccoli, and sugar peas. For a snack I had a bit of fig ginger jam mixed in with yogurt and sprinkled a bit of granola on top. Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches on flax bread and miso soup with pork cuts. Throughout the day I had water and cups of tea.
Today's Review
- Energy Level: Low - I'm not sleeping too well. I think this is contributing to my low energy. I wonder if its the stress of the new job. I know i don't sleep well in muggy weather.
- Hunger Level: Normal - All signs are nominal.
- Waste Ratio Today: 2 wasted vs 5 used - Is that blue cheese? or Is that mozzerlla cheese gone bad? hmmmm don't wanna find out
- Quality Level: Normal - I had fun cooking with my hubby. Its nice to cooperate on dinner.
- Out/In Ratio Total: 1 out vs 11 in - No outside food today, just some home cooking!