
Oct 04, 2004 22:31

Okay, First day of work. I don't know why I capitalized the F, but I'm too lazy to erase it.

Since I started at 7am, I set my alarm for 5am and I got out the front door about a quarter to 6. I decided to park my car at the CTA lot for $1.50 and take the orange line in because I got off of work at 3pm, the time I would otherwise leave for my 4:45 class. I saved quite a bit of time leaving from the CTA lot rather than walking the two blocks to my place and getting in my car there.

Work was good. It's very laid back. I'm basically working 30 days (29 now) because they had my job available as a temp. summer job, and the previous employee left like a month early. So, I'm finishing his job. I doubt I'll get another project (which is how I'd be able to stay employed at the Hotel Allegro), but at least I'll be able to re-tube my amp, get season 3 of Farscape on DVD, and something else.

I'm basically taking out the filter screen of A/C units along with the condensing tray and putting clean and empty ones in their place. Most of the work goes towards accessing the A/C unit because there's a white, furniture-like frame screwed around the unit to make it look more presentable. I did 9 rooms today, so it's all good.

Straight from work, I got in my car and headed to class. I only left about a half-hour later than usual, which still left plenty of time to arrive on time.

After work, I headed home because I got word that my XM Radio antenna (the RIGHT one) came in the mail, but at my parents' house. So I had to go there, I ate some chicken (not too bad if I do say so meself), and finally headed back to my place then.

I'm exhausted, but it's all good. Oh yeah, the coolest thing about where I work is we get like an hour for lunch and there's this cafeteria for the hotel staff in the worker's part of the hotel. The hallways look all concrete-y and labor-like, but the lunchroom is all decked out in a 1950's theme. It's nice with LP covers covering the one wall, the occasional guitar hanging from the ceiling, and typical chrome stools with turquoise vinyl seats. And the food! Basically, $5 is taken from our paychecks and in return, we get roasted chicken, homemade soup, rice, and sandwich stuff. Not bad!

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