No Time to Waste

Dec 07, 2008 17:51

Well, I am amazing. As in, not really. I have two exams on Monday, but I haven't studied at all because I have to finish my epic (yet frustrating) research paper by Monday. Kind of freaking out right now. Also, I am going to me moving out of the dorms this week, and I still have to get ahold of the Cadillac school to get registered for classes there so I can drop the ones here. Oh yeah, and my mom wants me to bring her boyfriend's daughter with me when I go back home so I can drop her off. Gee, I sure hope that she has class on Thursday so I can sit around and wait for her so I can LEAVE!

Did I mention that I am dirt poor from not working? Go, higher education! It's not like fancy dirt poor, either. I'm talking sandy dirt, the kind that people dig up and replace because it is completely useless. It sucks. It really really sucks.

Alright, I have a hall meeting to go to at 7, and I really should get to work on this paper. I just needed to rant a little bit.
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