For just_muse_me Prompt 14-4-2. Horror

Feb 23, 2009 20:24

There was a part of Giles that panicked every time the phone rang. He worried that this time it would be the phone call he dreaded. He would pause, look at the telephone, and every time he picked it up, he went through several emotions. Fear for Buffy. Worry that her mother would lash out, at either her daughter or at him, looking for someone to blame for her daughter’s situation once again. Worry about what situation was so bad that it could put a Slayer, with her healing ability and strength in hospital... or worse.

Self-loathing at the fact he couldn’t be there to help her, or else end up a liability.

Giles knew his relationship went beyond what was considered normal for a Watcher and his Slayer. Heck, he’d been fired as a result of it. But when all was said and done, it wasn’t something he was ashamed of. If he was being truly honest with himself, it was probably the single fact that gave his whole career as a Watcher meaning. It was all very well undertaking the duties, following a path that was set out for you before you were even born. It was another to be assigned to a Slayer, and watch her fight evil every single day. He knew intellectually he was supposed to keep a certain distance, keep things as the Teacher and the Pupil, but from the moment he met the young girl who was to be his charge it all changed.

He finally truly understood what it was like to be a Watcher in a way that most of the Council never could. Statistics and tradition be damned. He was dealing with a flesh and blood girl, with emotions, and full of life, who filled a place in his being that he never knew was missing.

And that was why any time he got news that Buffy was hurt, he was terrified. Terrified that one day she would finally be killed and this time there would be no way back for her.

Rupert Giles
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 342
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