005. Time flies so fast

Sep 11, 2010 16:06

I am feeling a bit reminiscent today and don't worry this isn't an emo post since I am a little bit elated this morning and I don't even know why.
It's been almost a year since I created this journal. When I actually look back into the reason why I created this in the first place, I can't help but laugh at how silly the reason was. But still, I created it and it will just be in a week before I get to celebrate my 1st year anniversary.

You may ask what the reason for this celebration is. Well, through this journal, I met so many amazing people, new friends, new "relatives" etc, there are also those who stole my icons without crediting back to me *coughs*, those people who are so generous in giving heartfelt comments to my fics, and those whose own identity they deem not to reveal, even to me.

When I come to look at it, all I actually did was to fall head over heels and be obsessed with a man named Sungmin. I didn't know it would get me a long way. XDDDDD

Soooo... since this last year has been fulfilling and I appreciated everyone for being a part of my cyber-life, I would make a godzilla KyuMin fic and post it on September 20, 2010. I am working on it now, so I won't have to cram for it when my anniversary draws near.

As a little favor though, can I request someone to make me an anniversary banner for my LJ?
I think the width of my contents box is 600 or 700 px, the height can prolly be until 250 - 300 px, I actually forgot. XD
And you can put anything in it, even non-Sungmin or non-Super Junior things, just if you're going to put anything KPop aside from SJ, please make sure I know the people in it, and I actually like them~ XDDDD
You can take a look at my journal for you to have a clue on what color of the banner suits best for it~ ^^

AND I WILL THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU MAKE ME ONE~ I know I can make myself one, but I just want another person making it for me... makes it more special... :P and maybe because i am a bit lazy as well XDDD And you can also make me KyuMin fluffies if you want to, or maybe Jungmo x Sungmin, or Sungmin x Heechul... I like reading fics... *hintinghinting*

kekekeke~ <3

Love yah all,
Mei~ <3

type: requests, type: pimping, type: personal, mei: a demanding bitch, type: fangirling

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