CHALLENGE COMPLETE.... and some other stuff.

Oct 07, 2008 21:40

First, this just cracked me up: Conversation with a Snake, via cleolinda.

Second, I DID IT. I completed my Library Book Challenge! My books were due today, and they are all safely back at the library, with no overdue fines, and all have been read. Wheee! It was definitely interesting, but I don't think I'd do it again because I like being able to throw some other random books in that I just happen to feel like reading at that moment, without any pressure.

I have another slew of library books out already but not as many as before; and the next thing on my list is Dead Until Dark, which I borrowed from work because I want to read the book before I hunt down the episodes of True Blood.


I have a LOT to do. It's break week, so I don't have classes, but I am working later in the week and I'm trying to get a bunch of wedding planning stuff done too. I've already done some fun stuff; bridesmaid dress shopping with the girls again, dinner at Friendly's, visiting Kim in Binghamton on Sunday (shopping and IHOP, oh what a day...) and lunch with Danielle, Jesse and Tina today. I even exercised a bit (half an hour of DDR workout mode plus some pushups... I am sooooo sore).

Watched Heroes. I am completely not impressed with this season so far. BE MORE AWESOME, HEROES. Nearly done with Season 2 of How I Met Your Mother; still hilarious, mostly.

I'm just missing talking to Bryon at the moment-he said he might not be on for a few days.

Amazingly, I started a crochet project. I have not knit or crocheted anything since Bryon left. I'm not sure why; just haven't felt like it (whereas during the Iraq deployment, I learned to knit and knit solidly the whole time he was gone). I am making a scarf, striped longways in purple, medium blue, light blue and grey. It's coming along nicely.

Oh, I have also discovered Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale. This stuff is fabulous.

Annnnnyway, I'm off to read or crochet or something. If only I could figure out a way to do both...

daily life, books, crafty, challenge, tv

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