Movin' on... down. And yet it's an upgrade.

Feb 25, 2008 08:09

Everything is moved out of the upstairs apartment. First of all,

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the move/cleaning!!!!

We had a ton of help, and it is sooooo much appreciated.

Here's how it went:
I couldn't start the move Thursday night because I couldn't get ahold of the landlady; she called at 9 pm and said that she would be finishing up the new apartment the next day, so I could start moving in when she was done.

On Friday, her husband was still painting the kitchen, as she finished up the trim and a few cleaning projects. Luckily, she was still fine with the Time Warner guy coming in to hook up the cable/internet, which went off smoothly; they finished up about 1 pm and we began the move. On Friday Danielle, Brandon, Brion, Stine, Missy, four of the nephews and my parents all helped out. Brandon and Brion were able to whiz through getting most of the larger furniture, my dad and I got most of the medium-level pieces, Danielle and Mom did a whirlwind job on the kitchen, and then we all went out to eat at Jerlando's (my treat, of course). Stine and Missy and co. showed up after that and we got all the clothes down, and also took apart the gigantic bed. We discovered that unoccupied nephews (and sometimes cousins) are not a good idea; then I stayed up wayyyyy too late yapping with Stine and putting things away. I got the computer hooked up and most of the clothes put away and then collapsed onto the couch to sleep.

Saturday still went well although I couldn't get ahold of the promised large-furniture assistants (plus my brother was in Buffalo). Between my parents, Aunt Lisa, Sara and myself, and especially thanks to a surprise appearance by my cousin Grayson, we were able to get everything but the two biggest pieces and the mattress downstairs. (Side note: I am soooo, so glad I bought a split box-spring!!!) My parents and Aunt Lisa did an absolutely amazing job cleaning the kitchen in the old apt-for which I am eternally grateful. More putting away into the semi-wee hours ensued, although I wasn't up as late as the night before.

On Sunday, I got up later, met my parents at Panera Bread for lunch, and then Mom and I went shopping for some specific items for the new apartment (blinds for the living room, cat litter, etc.), although many of the hunts were unsuccessful. Realizing we had no other alternatives, my parents, Brion and I decided we would try to move the headboard and dresser ourselves. Between the four of us, we managed it quite well. Everything having been moved, Brion and I worked on the evil task of cleaning the upstairs apartment, with a lot of help from Stine. The results: Oxi-Clean is my new best friend, especially where carpets are concerned; the old apartment has the second cleanest bleach cup (in the washing machine) ever (the first is in the new apartment); and all that is left is to spackle a few holes and clean the top of the kitchen cabinets where Bishop used to hang out. Somehow, between Brion and me, we managed to drum up the energy to hook up the entertainment center stuff. So many cables... ;_; but it all works! :D :D :D WE ARE MADE OF AWESOME.

I AM STILL SO SORE AND EXHAUSTED. Plus I am having allergy issues (itchy eyes) which kept me awake for a decent chunk of last night, until I rolled out of bed and put in some eye drops. It was ok though, because Bryon was also awake for no good reason around 4 am so we got to txt a bit. Heh. At least I got to sleep in my bed again last night!

I have absolutely no regrets about this move. I really, really like the new apartment and am having a great time changing up where everything is and weeding out and reorganizing. It's good for the soul, I tell you! Anyway, that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the week, I'm sure. :D

Thanks again, everyone!! I will have to have you all over for dinner. :D

apartment, moving

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