Well, the second biggest factor in my emotional stress has mellowed out a bit (*ahem* let's just say that was the WORST time of the month I could have gotten that news?) and I'm feeling a bit less distraught. I'm sure if I stopped to really think about it I would still be upset, but I'm not fighting back tears multiple times a day now. Thank goodness.
Last night Bryon cooked dinner-brats with peppers and onions, plus home fries-and somehow convinced me to watch
Slither (mostly because Nathan Fillion is in it). As Bryon said, it's a horror movie, but it doesn't take itself very seriously. There were plenty of really gross parts during which I was covering my eyes and burrowing my head behind Bryon's arm, but overall it was okay and there were also some really funny parts (squid stickers!!). I would probably venture a peek at a Slither 2 if one ever came out.
I didn't know before watching this movie that Jenna Fischer was in it, or that James Gunn directed it. And yet, it made a lot of sense. A while ago I accidentally found Nathan Fillion's MySpace page,* which is a miracle in itself considering that I avoid MySpace as much as possible. He had both Jenna Fischer and James Gunn listed as friends, although sadly, had just made a statement about their recent divorce. I guess Slither must be how they met, or are they all in Slither because they already knew each other? ...Side note: Perhaps the most amusing thing about Nathan Fillion's MySpace page is the fact that he took a Firefly character quiz and ended up as Kaylee. XD
Anyway, it was a pretty calm evening. We found
Support Your Local Sheriff on TV, which is one of my favorite movies ever (and Mike hadn't seen it). I read for a little bit, and went to bed fairly early. I'm hoping for just as relaxing a night tonight.
* I'm purposely not linking his page from here, because it says right on the top of it not to advertise the page. I'm sure you're all smart enough to know how to find it if you really want to.