Profile Meme (Unfinished)

Oct 09, 2010 18:58

[Character Name] Locke Lamora
[Canon] The Gentleman Bastard Sequence
[Point Taken from Canon] After the close of the first book, The Lies of Locke Lamora

[Age] 28
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual

[Eye Color] Bright grey.
[Hair Color] A medium shade of brown.
[Height] Not tall, but not short? I put him around 5'8", maybe 5'9". Very average. Also fairly slender, he's not a very big man.
[Other] Any other significant physical features, like missing an eye or something.
[Clothing] Locke will start off in commoners clothes. Oil-stained breaches and a relatively dirty, plain shirt. However, he'll probably find/steal something nicer sooner rather than later.


[Personality] Locke is a Gentleman Bastard, in every sense of the words. Locke can be sophisticated, and curteous- but more often than not, this is merely a face; a fraud to manipulate those around him. Locke has been schooled in many different languages, cultures and mannerisms so that he can act as whatever character is required of him. He can become anything from an arrogant prince to the most humble of beggars on command. It comes as no surprise then, that Locke has a taste for the theatrical, and the grand. He invests in costumes of every color and cut, alchemical powders and oils and dyes to change his hair, makeup to give scars, whatever the game calls for. When Locke sets his mind to creating a confidence game, they are incredibly elaborate. Locke considers them from every angle, wanting to make sure that the noose is slipped around his mark, and not his own neck. What this means, is that he is incredibly smart, imaginitive, and analytical. That isn't to say that he doesn't screw up, because he certainly does. But Locke's one greatest asset is his ability to think on his feet. He can make incredibly delicates snap decisions within a moment's notice, and when Locke sets his mind on something he wants, there is very little that can deter him from getting it.

Locke is also incredibly loyal. Almost overwhelmingly so. Even despite his extreme avarice, the one thing that Locke puts first and formost over this is the safety of his friends. They are the ones who he truly considers family, and he would and will do anything to protect them. At least, if they were there to protect, anyway. This explains the incredible lengths Locke will go to to seek revenge for any friends of his that have been wronged. Locke will stop at nothing to exact revenge against those who cross him and he believes deserve it, and has nearly killed himself in the process of taking it on more than one occasion. His determination for such things knows no bounds, and he will not allow any obstacle to stand in his way of this when it is required.

That said, Locke is not quick to trust. Growing up as an orphan in the Catchfire district is not something that has ever been lost on Locke, and so it takes a great deal of time and effort to gain the thief's true loyalties. He is always a little wary of strangers, attempting to gauge their motivations and methods, both so that he may learn how to manipulate them and get the most of what he wants out of them, and so he may gauge whether or not they could become a potential threat.

Locke is cunning, manipulative, and charismatic. He can charm his way through the most difficult and delicate of situations with his gilded tongue. He is very aware of the words he uses, and the effect they can have on a person, and so when it is needed he can be quite thoughtful in the way he phrases things. However, in closer company, he has been known to drop such facades and swear like a pirate, although he's never been quite as uncouth as the Sanzas.

He is also a very emotional person. He takes his failings to heart very seriously, and once the grave seriousness of a situation has been dealt with, it is not uncommon for him to sulk or mope in a moment of calm thereafter. He has a difficult time dealing with these moments on his own, and it is often through a sharp crack to the skull (verbally or physically) from Jean that has snapped him out of these moments of self-loathing and despair. Jean once described Locke as 'one third bad intentions, one third avarice, one eighth sawdust, and the rest, I'll give you, must be brains.'

The final characteristic of note in Locke is his stubborn streak. When he has made up his mind about something he is loath to let it go until he has seen it through to completion. He is also somewhat egotistical. He doesn't think he's completely infalliable, but he does have a slightly bloated amount of pride in his work. Although this will be suffering due to the events at the end of 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' it is something that he will begin to regain. Another worthwhile note is that Locke has never murdured indiscriminantly. He has always set out to achieve his goal of robbing as much money as possible out of someone without bloodshed. However, all bets are off should you happen to mess with his friends, as previously stated.

[Specialties/Abilities] Locke has no real abilities to speak of, other than his incredible wit and quick thinking. He isn't skilled with any particular weapons, but can speak several languages, and is an incredible actor. He can call upon many different types of accent, as well as conjur up haughtiness from nothing. With the right materials, not even his best friends would recognize him, so skilled is he at 'false-facing'. It is once noted that he is two very different characters before the same people in a matter of hours, on the same day, and nothing is ever even so much as suspected. Locke is also incredibly fast, and light on his feet. Two skills that no thief should ever be without. There are very few pockets Locke cannot charm, and he is very skilled at tricks requiring slight of hand. He can and will also cheat you at cards, and steal what he can from you should the fancy strike him. Also Locke's a pretty damn good cook.

[Affection] What type of affections are allow/disallowed and would your character do this to others?

[Fighting] Can other characters fight/injure/kill your character? You can also mention how well your character is at fighting and if he/she would invoke fights.

[Other Permissions] Can telepathic characters read your character's mind? How much can fourth wall breakers say? In other words, how intrusive can another character be toward yours? If there's anything you don't want a character to bring up or know about your character, just fill it in here.
Locke is as susceptible to magic and telepathic characters as any mortal without training against such things would be. However, don't expect him to take kindly to such invasions of his privacy, and he has no respect for sorcerers. He just doesn't like them, at all.

[Other Facts] Anything else can go here~

!permissions, *ooc

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