Aug 16, 2003 01:41
Today at work was an interesting people-watching day.
Anita, the front end manager, told Diane that she felt lethargic. Diane cocks her head and ask what "lethargic" means. Anita explains. Diane, in a mild state of non-chalant irritation, rhetorically asks why Anita didn't just say so, then.
Tawni, Anita's son's girlfriend, didn't do her carts. She shistes them off because she thinks she's too good to get sweaty. She pretends as if she just forgets them... everytime it's hot. So I had to do a double load, and it was horrible. I complained to Sofia, who said she'd send Tawni out. Tawni didn't come. After another complaint, Tawni finally comes out, with Sofia clearly pissed at her. Tawni is out there a total of four minutes with me when she goes back inside. Lame. To top it all off, I come in eventually, soaked in sweat, and hear Tawni telling a customer about how cruel her shift on carts was. What the fuck?!
I had to clean the bathrooms, and as I waited for some of the bakery/produce girls (Mexicans) to use the bathroom, one lady grabbed the broom and swept the women's bathroom for me, then initialed. I laughed and thanked her.
A flamboyantly gay kid came asking me about some certain shampoo while I was taking out the garbage. Then I find out he wants a certain dog shampoo. I go ask about it, and then it turns out he wants a certain flea treatment dog shampoo to be used on his cat. He said he liked to torture his cat with baths like that. I told him he should just stick a fire-cracker up the cat's ass. I think he was disturbed by that, but it was funny. Queer.
When I was in the back, this old black guy was working back there. He asked, "What's up, player?" I just said, "Not much." He laughs and is all stoked because I... acknowledged that I was a player. Then he starts asking me about shit, and I just say I'm sticking to my one girl. He goes on about how that's no life, and you have to have more experience. It was funny because he was raving about how he pictures me with the ladies... and everyone there thinks I'm a huge dork.
Now... as I finished diligently bagging an order, as it is in my assiduous nature to do, I moved to the next register to help, and it happened to be Amber. She's coming around, though, and grabs the bags herself, dramatically sighing as if the world has crushed her spirit, saying, "Ugh, you're always too late, anyway." BITCH! She coulda asked instead of keeping her head up her ass. Now I've heard that she was talking shit about me after I finished my shift. I hate that so much, I think, because I really do take an amount of pride in my work. I like to be a good worker. I expect that, regardless of whether it is acknowledged, the higher-ups will think well of me.
Tonight, Nikki and I went and got stoned in PB again. We played frisbee (we're getting better) barefoot in the sand, since there was a big flood light. It was tons of fun. Then we got coffee at Denny's, then a Fatburger (mmm!) and listened to music and talked and shit. It was fun.