The season is calling, your pictures are falling down

Sep 30, 2009 13:41

 so i totally ate that garden burger too fast. belly ache hardcore. oh well, it was tasty.

OH boy Fedex.  i never knew delivering a phone could be such an ordeal. the only reason i have it now is because i drove to the headquarters place and picked it up myself... too bad i had to wait there for a good 35 minutes because the truck with my stuff was running late.  i guess giving them permission to leave it when we ordered the phone wasn't enough, neither was the official business documentation Mike has with UPS and Fedex to leave all packages in the garage unsigned... i guess if you really want a job done you have to do it yourself, even if other people are getting paid to do it. YAY I HAVE A REAL PHONE AGAIN!!! never again will i go without a full keyboard... call me high maintenance but seriously, it saves time and is easier - i'll never go back. lol.

my hair is growing all fucked up - like the top layer isn't growing at all and the underneath layers are growing faster than usual. i'm thinking i want to get it cut to even them out, so that it doesn't become totally awkward. there is already over an inch difference, not kool. i am gonna dye it after that probably. a reddish again but this one is a bit less dark red, more real red i guess... but i dunno how it's going to look over the color that i have now.

this post is so useless, i guess i sorta felt like i should post cause i haven't in a few days.

GOOD NEWS: my asthma is so much better - despite the few days i was all strung out on breathing stimulants and steroid pills to strengthen my lungs - i've felt so much better. i'm done with the steroid pills but still have to take the extra inhaler in addition to my allergy meds and regular inhaler and whatnot, but it's worth it. i have not been able to breathe this well in about a month.

i don't like how cold it's getting. i do not like it all. it's dark and gloomy and cold out today, and it's quite frankly a bummer. i want warm, sunny, happy days back. now plz kthnx

well in order to prevent myself from being totally overwhelmed this weekend i should get some work done. i have a 5 page paper due for intro to lit, and then a census observatory assignment for my cities and suburbs class. not to mention a quiz in that class in a week.

can't wait to go to Amherst and Northampton this weekend with Kevin to visit Logan, Quigley, and my lovely cousins. Gonna be a good time.


cold, athsma, schoolish work, northampton, cousins

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